Nate Silver: Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!

Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

A lot of people want to say that Sanders (D) and Trump (R) are alike in respect to their parties. Nate Silver disagrees and he lists 10 specific reasons why.

You will find those reasons listed at the article.

I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

No doubt, we are talking about two very different men who are being compared to each other based on the perception that they are from the "outside". Only, Sanders is not from the outside.

It is no doubt interesting to watch.

Feel free to read the entire link, which I have deliberately not quoted at all, pick one or more of the ten points, and discuss, hopefully, like adults.

The two completely different campaign styles need to be analyzed in more depth IMO.

Sanders is off on the far left but he is running a campaign on the issues alone and gaining support because he is talking about the problems ordinary voters are having and what needs to be done to solve them. Furthermore he is deliberately refraining from any negativity.

T-Rump really only has two messages. (a) That he is the greatest and everything will be amazing when he is president, and (b) everyone else is a loser in one aspect or another. As far as policies go T-Rump hasn't come up with anything even remotely viable. It is all just feel-good rhetoric that falls apart when you analyze it in any depth.

Silver is right that the other key difference is how each of them relates to their respective parties. Bernie aligns 90+% with the Dems. T-Rump aligns with T-Rump and just coincidently happens to have a few positions that agree with the GOP, more or less.

So comparing them is a waste of time because one is a serious politician and the other is a self aggrandizing huckster.
Bernie one foot in the grave Sanders is happy to be compared in any way with Trump, whether it's realistic or not. You guys are in real trouble. LOL
I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

Interesting but I don't think they can be compared at all

This one says it all

10. Trump is a much greater threat to his party establishment.

Bernie is part of the system and Trump is... Trump!


Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

A lot of people want to say that Sanders (D) and Trump (R) are alike in respect to their parties. Nate Silver disagrees and he lists 10 specific reasons why.

You will find those reasons listed at the article.

I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

No doubt, we are talking about two very different men who are being compared to each other based on the perception that they are from the "outside". Only, Sanders is not from the outside.

It is no doubt interesting to watch.

Feel free to read the entire link, which I have deliberately not quoted at all, pick one or more of the ten points, and discuss, hopefully, like adults.

Sanders seems like a decrepit clown out of touch with young voters, particularly young minority voters.

Bullshit irrelevant article. Of course there are differences. Any retard could see that, and Stats proves it. IT is the similarities that are interesting.
1. Trump is “winning” (for now), and Sanders isn’t.
that's a useless point and I hope is was added to just get to 10
2. Sanders is campaigning on substantive policy positions, and Trump is largely campaigning on the force of his personality
That's true for Trump, but bern is running a bribery campaign.
4. Trump is getting considerably more media attention
leftist only have themselves to blame
6. Sanders holds policy positions of a typical liberal Democrat; Trump’s are all over the place
Sanders is a socialist, his is not a liberal or a (D). Trumps making shit up as he goes along
9. Trump is running against a field of 16 candidates; Sanders is running against one overwhelming front-runner.
well yea, when someone gets booed for saying all lives matter, he's done. and the leftist press will never give time to anyone else
10. Trump is a much greater threat to his party establishment
bern is just honest about where the dnc is heading, socialism, pure socialism that destroys every country it touches. Trump just won't play ball unless it makes him look good
Bullshit irrelevant article. Of course there are differences. Any retard could see that, and Stats proves it. IT is the similarities that are interesting.

However, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, very few real similarities. That's the point. Adults understand this. Now, go play with your Tonka toys. Oh, and L'shana Tova tikatevu, fake Jew.
Bullshit irrelevant article. Of course there are differences. Any retard could see that, and Stats proves it. IT is the similarities that are interesting.

However, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, very few real similarities. That's the point. Adults understand this. Now, go play with your Tonka toys. Oh, and L'shana Tova tikatevu, fake Jew.
There are plenty of similarities, oh follower of Adolph Hitler y'sh. And those are the interesting parts. The general dissatisfaction with the status quo, the increasing radicalization of the electorate to both left and right, and others. Both Trump and Sanders have relatives who are Jewish.
Bullshit irrelevant article. Of course there are differences. Any retard could see that, and Stats proves it. IT is the similarities that are interesting.

However, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, very few real similarities. That's the point. Adults understand this. Now, go play with your Tonka toys. Oh, and L'shana Tova tikatevu, fake Jew.
There are plenty of similarities, oh follower of Adolph Hitler y'sh. And those are the interesting parts. The general dissatisfaction with the status quo, the increasing radicalization of the electorate to both left and right, and others. Both Trump and Sanders have relatives who are Jewish.

Uhm, no, there aren't, little puppy dog. This is EXACTLY why Nate Silver goes through a list of 10 details that are often misconstrued to say that Sanders and Trump are very similar to each other, when in reality, they are not.
Sanders is a parasitic leech who has attached himself to the taxpayers for 40 years. He's a 73 year old failure who has no original ideas, no money, and no chance. He's a bum.

Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

A lot of people want to say that Sanders (D) and Trump (R) are alike in respect to their parties. Nate Silver disagrees and he lists 10 specific reasons why.

You will find those reasons listed at the article.

I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

No doubt, we are talking about two very different men who are being compared to each other based on the perception that they are from the "outside". Only, Sanders is not from the outside.

It is no doubt interesting to watch.

Feel free to read the entire link, which I have deliberately not quoted at all, pick one or more of the ten points, and discuss, hopefully, like adults.


Why not? Both are bat shit crazy.

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