Nation Day of Mourning if hillary steals the election

That should be a day of celebration. Celebration of how intelligence overruled the ignorant hillbillies and house negroes.
Haven't you heard the news from Wilileaks? Hilary cheated on her IQ test too.
Are you a mooslim?
yeah trump is not losing because him and his supporters are insane disgusting racist neo nazi peices of shit who say stuff like this all the time... its because it was "stolen" fucking crybabies

The system is rigged, dumb ass...have you even bothered to read the released e-mails by Wikileaks? The GOP and the Dems are on the same fucking team. You are one of the reasons that this country is swirling the don't read, you have no understanding of this fiat currency/debt slavery system and the impending are among the "moron millions". Your lack of understanding of what we are facing and heading towards is going to bite you on the ass in many ways. Please take a selfie of you sitting on the curb waiting for your beloved "gubermint" to come to your rescue. They do not care about you or your were nothing but a resource with declining value. Your belief that "gubermint" serves you is going to be shattered. There is a part of me that is going to laugh at stupid fucks like you when the shit hits the fan....spare me a thought.


How long have you been saying the SHTF was going to happen any day now. How long do you think you will continue saying it?

Hey, dumb fuck...I have never made a prediction concerning a specific date or that it will be tomorrow, next month, etc, etc...but the economy is going to tank in a big time way because that is what always happens to debt based fiat currencies. USA.INC has been on borrowed time since 2008 and it's going to be an epic fail. I believe that there will be a false flag or a war that will be used to give it cover. You can bet that your beloved "gubermint" has their asses covered 8 ways to Sunday with their C.O.G program. They are not worried about their serfs but they have deep underground, palatial manors to scurry to when the SHTF......and I doubt you have one of those golden tickets.

Of course. That's the way conspiracy theories work. Things are always so dire that they are going to happen any minute, but then, again it could be decades in the future. Keep your crazy claims open ended. That way it doesn't rub against reality hard enough to rub off the crazy.

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