Nation of Islam Professor: Jewish Weed Is Turning Black Men Gay

It's actually public schools, and it's not just black men/boys.
I went to public school and I love women. But I guess it's better to go to a private all boys school according to you.
I went to public school and I love women. But I guess it's better to go to a private all boys school according to you.

You were promoted through public schools, Klan boi - you didn't actually go to any classes.

I mean, lernen an shit be gowing white.

Further, you were in school 50 years ago. Further still, your fantasies about all boys schools reveals your real desires....
You were promoted through public schools, Klan boi - you didn't actually go to any classes.

I mean, lernen an shit be gowing white.

Further, you were in school 50 years ago. Further still, your fantasies about all boys schools reveals your real desires....
Everything you said was untrue.

Stay delusional.
I didn't make this up. :laughing0301:

"Those rascally Jews are at it again! If they aren’t trying to control the media, they are busy turning black men gay.

According to professor Wesley Muhammad of San Francisco State University (SFSU), genius Jews are “effeminizing” pot to turn black men gay, and there is only one man and one group who can keep all the black lads from becoming light in the loafers.

“It is Jewish genius that has helped to weaponize the weed so that it may effeminize the black male of America. And be clear, it is Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam that is standing in between the total demasculinization of the black man in America,” Muhammad boldly and unscientifically declared. "

Nation of Islam Professor: Jewish Weed Is Making Black Men Gay

Ari Hoffman
Nov 1

Nation of Islam Official Wesley Muhammad: "Jewish Genius" Responsible for Homosexuality, Transgenderism among Blacks, "Weaponization" of Marijuana to "Feminize" Black Men #MEMRI
Nation of Islam Official Wesley Muhammad: "Jewish Genius" Responsible for Homosexuality, Transgen...
Nation of Islam official Dr. Wesley Muhammad, a scholarly aid to NOI leader Louis Farrakhan, spoke at the 2019 Saviours'...

San Francisco State University Prof Says Jewish Pot is Making Black Men Gay – CA News Forum

Nation of Islam isn't Islam. Farrakhan invented his own religion.
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Because of the cyanide or the syphilis? The latter came to Europe from sex with indians and faggots are almost single-handedly keeping it alive today in the U.S.
You really are in the dark. Syphilis was rampant all over the world before Christopher Columbus was born.
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That's just what he gets for partying with Rahm Emanuel
Effeminate black pot and cracking smoking male---------perfect model.
Nation of Islam isn't Islam. Farrakhan invented his own religion.

Farrakhan didn't found Nation of Islam, Hezbollah Hannah.

Wallace Ford, who dubbed himself "Elijah Muhamad" did. It would seem a Shi'ite like you who is a fanatic would have particular hatred for NoI - they are apostates and preach a false Islam.

Yet you spend 100% of your time attacking Jews, Whites, and America,

Funny dat - maybe Islam and your god Muhammad or his little demon Allah, aren't really the motivation for your bigotry after all...
I went to public school and I love women. But I guess it's better to go to a private all boys school according to you.

You went (occasionally) to public schools 50 years ago.

You went (occasionally) to public schools 50 years ago.

White boy, I went to school and got better grades than your ignorant racist ass.
Farrakhan didn't invent it. A man named Elijah Muhammad did.

Very true. And a little recognized fact is that the NOI has done MORE to encourage recirculating black capital within black communities, and had a belief system of black self reliance and independence and have created more employment opportunities in black communities than any government program in the history of this country.

Had MLK united with them as opposed buying into this "I Have A Dream" illusion, they could have made a HUGE economic difference in predominantly black communities that would have had a long lasting positive impact.

They didn't "march", nor "sing" nor join hands to push an unrealistic integration joke.

They believed in the business of black citizens creating their OWN independence, and their OWN wealth as opposed to waiting for anyone else to do it for them.

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