Nation of Islam Professor: Jewish Weed Is Turning Black Men Gay

That's your opinion. And I honestly don't care what you "wish."

I was strictly pointing out that they promote self reliance and independence.

That being said, I cannot find any recorded history of anyone in the NOI bombing any synagogues or killing jews like the KKK has done.

Can you?
He called Jews termites and spews venom against whites. When blacks such as yourself are tolerant of disgusting bigots - as long as they’re black - you lose all standing to criticize any whites of racism.

The hypocrisy is blinding.
And? I was speaking solely about their economic belief system and how implementing it would have been far more beneficial to the black population of this country than marching and begging for acceptance from a then hostile majority.
And Farrakhan is a hateful racist
Farrakhan is a disgusting racist and bigot. Yet the same black posters who complain about racism against blacks are quite tolerant of it when it goes against whites and Jews.
Yes. Propaganda parrots.
And Farrakhan is a hateful racist

Yes. Propaganda parrots.
Yes. They want the entire country focused on the awful white racists - and yet are willing to overlook the most heinous racism when it comes from a black.

You should have been around a few summers ago when a black DC councilman blamed the “greedy Jews” for a snowstorm. It’s an idiocy that he heard from Farrakhan, whom the antisemitic councilman admires. When there were calls from the Jewish community for an apology, the councilman’s supporters organized a rally in support of him, and invited a key Farrakhan henchman as the speaker.

His constituents re-elected him, despite his blatant Jew-hate, and at the same time complain how whites are racist and action needs to be taken to offset it.
Yes. They want the entire country focused on the awful white racists - and yet are willing to overlook the most heinous racism when it comes from a black.

You should have been around a few summers ago when a black DC councilman blamed the “greedy Jews” for a snowstorm. It’s an idiocy that he heard from Farrakhan, whom the antisemitic councilman admires. When there were calls from the Jewish community for an apology, the councilman’s supporters organized a rally in support of him, and invited a key Farrakhan henchman as the speaker.

His constituents re-elected him, despite his blatant Jew-hate, and at the same time complain how whites are racist and action needs to be taken to offset it.
Yep. It's sick.
You really are in the dark. Syphilis was rampant all over the world before Christopher Columbus was born
what does christopher columbus have to do with the FACT that syphilis developed
in the Americas? (before the two continents were called "the americas"
He called Jews termites and spews venom against whites. When blacks such as yourself are tolerant of disgusting bigots - as long as they’re black - you lose all standing to criticize any whites of racism.

The hypocrisy is blinding.
Point out where I have voiced any support for antisemitism.

I merely stated that their economic belief system of self reliance and independence, would have been a far better model for economic improvement in predominantly black communties during the civil rights movement than marching, praying and being mauled by German Shepards, and sprayed with water hoses for demonstrating peacefully, which I witnessed happen to my own parents first hand.

Outside of that, if you are attempting to interpret what I stated as voicing complete support for other aspects of their beliefs system you are a flat out liar.

You in your "triggered" state of mind are so reactionary and hypersensitive that you are incapable of comprehending what was actually said.

That aside, I have no time, and no patience or effort to waste on attempting to convince someone like you of anything who goes off the deep end at the very sight of "too many" window posters of black people in a local mall.

And by the way, I visited a local mall in my area today to take my grandaughter shopping.

And when I was there I took a few pictures just to see if what you claim exist is happening, in an effort to "exclude" white people.

I have a lot more, but you should get the point unless your blind.

I saw just ONE picture out of many of Shaquille O'Neil in JC Penny's in the big and tall men's section. Everyone else in literally EVERY poster was white.

And It didn't bother me one bit.


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That's your opinion. And I honestly don't care what you "wish."

I was strictly pointing out that they promote self reliance and independence.

That being said, I cannot find any recorded history of anyone in the NOI bombing any synagogues or killing jews like the KKK has done.

Can you?
Look at mess katsteve. Here we have a racist Jew whining about somebody black being anti semitic. Is the woman crazy?
The leader of the organization is a racist and antisemite. That negates anything else about them.

How would you feel if people were talking about the benefits of the KKK, and how they’ve helped whites in their community? Thw fact that it is a racist organization means nothing else offsets it.

I wish the KKK and the NOI would disappear off the Earth.
You are a racist jew. So shut the fuck up about anti semitism.
And Farrakhan is a hateful racist

Yes. Propaganda parrots.
Look at mess katsteve. Here we have a racist Jew whining about somebody black being anti semitic. Is the woman crazy?

Crazy indeed. I honestly don't have a F*** to give about what she thinks. I didn't defend Farakhan, nor did I even mention him.

The proof is in the numbers as to what the NOI accomplished in bringing jobs, a purpose and opportunities to predominantly black communities.

Farrakhan did not even personally author their plan for economic improvement.

It was a collective, whole organization effort, that required the work and participation of literally thousands, and it came during a time when those same people would have been doing jobs like shining shoes, cleaning up shit, and sitting in the back of the bus, had they not been given a purpose as well as an opportunity.

I know what I stated, and if she wants to read more into it than was actually said, so what?
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Thanks for admitting my post was legit. If you move to a black country the rest of you issues are solved. Funny how none of you do that.
You post is not legit. And since you are from Europe and don't go back, shut the hell up.

Crazy indeed. I honestly don't have a F*** to give about what she thinks.

I know what I said, and if she wants to read more into it, than was actually said, so what?
Yeah. I'm beginning to believe most of these guys are mentally handicapped.
I didn't make this up. :laughing0301:

"Those rascally Jews are at it again! If they aren’t trying to control the media, they are busy turning black men gay.

According to professor Wesley Muhammad of San Francisco State University (SFSU), genius Jews are “effeminizing” pot to turn black men gay, and there is only one man and one group who can keep all the black lads from becoming light in the loafers.

“It is Jewish genius that has helped to weaponize the weed so that it may effeminize the black male of America. And be clear, it is Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam that is standing in between the total demasculinization of the black man in America,” Muhammad boldly and unscientifically declared. "

Nation of Islam Professor: Jewish Weed Is Making Black Men Gay

Ari Hoffman
Nov 1

Nation of Islam Official Wesley Muhammad: "Jewish Genius" Responsible for Homosexuality, Transgenderism among Blacks, "Weaponization" of Marijuana to "Feminize" Black Men #MEMRI
Nation of Islam Official Wesley Muhammad: "Jewish Genius" Responsible for Homosexuality, Transgen...
Nation of Islam official Dr. Wesley Muhammad, a scholarly aid to NOI leader Louis Farrakhan, spoke at the 2019 Saviours'...

San Francisco State University Prof Says Jewish Pot is Making Black Men Gay – CA News Forum

This is being reported as anti Semitism

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