Nation of Islam Professor: Jewish Weed Is Turning Black Men Gay

Your post is evidence of your psychosis. You are practicing racism, then whine because there are blacks who won't tolerate it. This ain't 1922 son, and BLM is nowhere close to the klan.
Pig shit vs Dog shit
do you IMAGINE that you made a point---SURADIE??-----at no point did I cite the
"COLUMBUS" theory----I CORRECTLY stated
that the bacterium itself originated in the
Americas-----it is a fact-----I do not do idiot
LIBELS. ----LOL---are you functioning on one synapse and a spirochete AGAIN?
do you IMAGINE that you made a point---SURADIE??-----at no point did I cite the
"COLUMBUS" theory----I CORRECTLY stated
that the bacterium itself originated in the
Americas-----it is a fact-----I do not do idiot
LIBELS. ----LOL---are you functioning on one synapse and a spirochete AGAIN?
oh gee----another cut and paste from Suradie on "information" well known since before she
was born
Point out where I have voiced any support for antisemitism.

I merely stated that their economic belief system of self reliance and independence, would have been a far better model for economic improvement in predominantly black communties during the civil rights movement than marching, praying and being mauled by German Shepards, and sprayed with water hoses for demonstrating peacefully, which I witnessed happen to my own parents first hand.

Outside of that, if you are attempting to interpret what I stated as voicing complete support for other aspects of their beliefs system you are a flat out liar.

You in your "triggered" state of mind are so reactionary and hypersensitive that you are incapable of comprehending what was actually said.

That aside, I have no time, and no patience or effort to waste on attempting to convince someone like you of anything who goes off the deep end at the very sight of "too many" window posters of black people in a local mall.

And by the way, I visited a local mall in my area today to take my grandaughter shopping.

And when I was there I took a few pictures just to see if what you claim exist is happening, in an effort to "exclude" white people.

I have a lot more, but you should get the point unless your blind.

I saw just ONE picture out of many of Shaquille O'Neil in JC Penny's in the big and tall men's section. Everyone else in literally EVERY poster was white.

And It didn't bother me one bit.
1) You have misstated my issue with the posters, as have other leftists in denial. It is the intentional decision to exclude whites from roles - be it a row of 20 posters in a row where everyone is black, to TurboTax using examples of three happy customers where every one of them is black, to 75% of commercials either a black or biracial couple, to a commercial by Disney featuring six couples and families and all of them either black or biracial, etc., etc., (basically it’s the “woke” companies overcompensating) all the way up to the U.S. President proudly announcing thst no whites will be even considered for the SCOTUS pick, or having black mayor say she will not give interviews to any whites, or….somewhat related….calling a white teen “a white suoremacist” and saying the jury was wrong to, in some many words, aquit the whitey while saying nothing about the racist who mowed down and murdered six whites in cold blood.

The bias toward blacks and against whites these days is astounding, and pointing it out doesn’t make one a racist. In fact, it shows how opposed one is to making decisions based on race. To the contrary, people who defend the pro-black, anti-white bias - or are in denial of it - are the racists.

2) I never said you support antisemitism, just as I don’t support racism. What I noted is that while people like you are appalled by racists - worse, you’re so triggered that you see and call people racist who are not - you are willing to tolerate or overlook the most notorious antisemite alive today because you like what he says in other ways. That is one of the major hypocrisies of the Democrat Party: they have made racism their number one issue in the country, even altering Curriculums to teach children how whites are racist and blacks are oppressed victims, but they are stunningly tolerant of Jew-hate.

And now, I don’t have any more time to waste on a leftist who falsely accuses people of racism while overlooking antisemites and anti-white racists like Farrakhan.
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You post is not legit. And since you are from Europe and don't go back, shut the hell up.
Not from Europe dumb phuck. You are the black nationalist who wants black only hoods, schools, stores, currency etc. That already exists, multiple African countries so put your money where your mouth is.
1) You have misstated my issue with the posters, as have other leftists in denial. It is the intentional decision to exclude whites from roles - be it a row of 20 posters in a row where everyone is black, to TurboTax using examples of three happy customers where every one of them is black, to 75% of commercials either a black or biracial couple, to a commercial by Disney featuring six couples and families and all of them either black or biracial, etc., etc., (basically it’s the “woke” companies overcompensating) all the way up to the U.S. President proudly announcing thst no whites will be even considered for the SCOTUS pick, or having black mayor say she will not give interviews to any whites, or….somewhat related….calling a white teen “a white suoremacist” and saying the jury was wrong to, in some many words, aquit the whitey while saying nothing about the racist who mowed down and murdered six whites in cold blood.

The bias toward blacks and against whites these days is astounding, and pointing it out doesn’t make one a racist. In fact, it shows how opposed one is to making decisions based on race. To the contrary, people who defend the pro-black, anti-white bias - or are in denial of it - are the racists.

2) I never said you support antisemitism, just as I don’t support racism. What I noted is that while people like you are appalled by racists - worse, you’re so triggered that you see and call people racist who are not - you are willing to tolerate or overlook the most notorious antisemite alive today because you like what he says in other ways. That is one of the major hypocrisies of the Democrat Party: they have made racism their number one issue in the country, even altering Curriculums to teach children how whites are racist and blacks are oppressed victims, but they are stunningly tolerant of Jew-ha

And now, I don’t have any more time to waste on a leftist who falsely accuses people of racism while overlooking antisemites and anti-white racists like Farrakhan.

You need to take your medication, and point out ONE time that I have personally ever called you a racist.

Frankly, I make a concerted effort to NOT read a single word that you post, and was not even directly talking to you in this thread.

I know nothing about you,(thankfully) other than you've stated that you are Jewish and supposedly worked in school admissions where you witnessed a never ending wave of "undeserving" black students that were placed at the front of the line to be admitted over other students that deserved to be there more. I never have delved into your claim, and have no intention of doing so.

However I DO recall reading fairly recently that the overall percentage of blacks who get admitted to and are in Ivy league schools is approximately 10%, while "legacy" admissions account for over 35% of admissions in Ivy league colleges, with 70% of that group being white students. Those numbers do not tell a story of blatant preferential treatment for the "undeserving" black students that are displacing white students at the alarming rate that you allege.

And furthermore, point out EXACTLY where I PERSONALLY even mentioned or endorsed Farakhan.

Farakhan did not even even originate the NOI's economic plan that I was referring to.

That started back in the 60's, during the MLK era, and I simply stated that had they united on COMMON ground, that this approach would have been far more effective for black community progress than "praying, marching, singing, wishing, hoping, and joining hands" with those who hated them at the time, and if you are truly too terminally thickheaded to see that, go get a frontal lobotomy.

And no, I did not "misstate" what you said about the posters that appeared to make you hysterical.

Apparently you tend to post your diatribes and then have no recollection of how utterly shrill and unhinged that you come across as.
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Not from Europe dumb phuck. You are the black nationalist who wants black only hoods, schools, stores, currency etc. That already exists, multiple African countries so put your money where your mouth is.
Does the black nationalist who wants black only hoods, schools, etc., still want whites’ taxpayer dollars (since the country is mostly whites, and taxes are paid by mostly whites, that’s where the tax money comes from) to provide subsidized housing, pay for the schools and teachers, provide the Medicaid and food stamps, etc.?

Or is he advocating for “black-only islands” where blacks don’t have to interact with whites, and where these segregated environments will be self-supporting from blacks’ tax money? If so….good luck.
You're a pathological liar.
Your response when I complained about the NOI’s disgusting antisemitism and your tolerance of it was that ”well, they haven’t killed any Jews.” The obvious underlying message is that as long as they haven’t killed Jews, then tolerance of their antisemitism is defensible.

But since you reverted the typical leftist response when they are caught saying something wrong is “you’re a liar,” we are done here. The fact that you can’t see your own hypocrisy is also typical of Democrats.
I’ve heard that Richard Spencer’s group has done some nice things for the white community. So, they might be bigots and racists, but let’s tolerate that and praise him for the good he’s done for whites.
No he did not. And I really don't care about the religious aspects of their views.

That has absolutely zero to do with the economic belief system of their organization.

You are really full of shit - seriously.

Robert Poole started the Nation of Islam. The problem was the fool knew literally nothing about Islam. He just knew he hated whites. He named himself "Elijah Muhammad" and began his crusade of hatred.

His mentor, Wallace Fard started the stolen valor bullshit that continues to this day, where blacks make absurd claims to inventing things and taking credit for the advances of others. Blacks invented the printing press, space travel, all sorts of moronic lies.

Poole amassed great wealth, as cult leaders do. He built an empire on cheap, virtually slave labor from his followers.
What they say that is not crazy is that blacks should control the economic, social, political and education factors in black communities.
As do other races in this country. Here in California, I once had a satellite office in an area called Hacienda Heights that allowed me to not have to drive all the way to the San Fernando Valley to go to the main office.

The area is predominantly Asian, and every aspect of the area reflects Asian ownership. The schools, the businesses and the local politics.
Your response when I complained about the NOI’s disgusting antisemitism and your tolerance of it was that ”well, they haven’t killed any Jews.” The obvious underlying message is that as long as they haven’t killed Jews, then tolerance of their antisemitism is defensible.

But since you reverted the typical leftist response when they are caught saying something wrong is “you’re a liar,” we are done here. The fact that you can’t see your own hypocrisy is also typical of Democrats.

You're an unhinged political zealot, that makes no sense whatsover. I clearly stated:

"I've never heard of the NOI bombing any synagogues or killing any jews, but the KKK has"

Then I asked, "if you had"

This has nothing to do with being left or right, as I have equal contempt for BOTH sides of the political aisle in this country.

You compared the NOI to the KKK in terms of their treatment of jews.

I do not, and never have defended any form of antisemitism.

And you cannot illustrate where I have.

However, there is a distinct difference in expressing distasteful views, and murdering those that one expresses those views about.

As an example, let's point out the obvious.

We already know for a fact that there are a plethora of individuals right here in this very forum who regard black and brown people as less than human(who of course, you would never call out because of your own blatant hypocrisy) and some here even despise those who share your faith.

Would you be more concerned about the one that SAYS they dislike your race or religion?
Or would you be more concerned about the one who is part of a group that has MURDERED those that look like you or share the same faith as you do?

You have a rather interesting and twisted way of interpreting both as being the same.

That is not defending either, it is merely pointing out the obvious.

It's astonishing that you cannot understand that.
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You are really full of shit - seriously.

Robert Poole started the Nation of Islam. The problem was the fool knew literally nothing about Islam. He just knew he hated whites. He named himself "Elijah Muhammad" and began his crusade of hatred.

His mentor, Wallace Fard started the stolen valor bullshit that continues to this day, where blacks make absurd claims to inventing things and taking credit for the advances of others. Blacks invented the printing press, space travel, all sorts of moronic lies.

Poole amassed great wealth, as cult leaders do. He built an empire on cheap, virtually slave labor from his followers.

And you have some obvious reading comprehension issues that require some remedial the elementary school level.

I did not ever bring up the origin of the NOI

I made a very brief statement about ONE ASPECT of them, and that was their economic belief system.

And the point was simply that had MLK incorporated some of those ideas into the civil rights movement that he led, the impact on independence and self reliance within black communities would have been positive

That IS NOT equivalent to endorsing the ENTIRE belief system of their organization.

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