National Abortion Ban Possible if Roe v. Wade Overturned: Mitch McConnell


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said a national abortion ban could be "possible" if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
In an interview with USA Today published on Saturday…McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday that a national ban on the procedure would be "possible" if the court overturns the case.’

Again, Republicans aren’t going to stop with just overturning Roe.
‘Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said a national abortion ban could be "possible" if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
In an interview with USA Today published on Saturday…McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday that a national ban on the procedure would be "possible" if the court overturns the case.’

Again, Republicans aren’t going to stop with just overturning Roe.

Which is why I despise both parties who doesn't do the right thing.

Compromise is the only path all else is already a failure.

Fuck You McConnell!
‘Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said a national abortion ban could be "possible" if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
In an interview with USA Today published on Saturday…McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday that a national ban on the procedure would be "possible" if the court overturns the case.’

Again, Republicans aren’t going to stop with just overturning Roe.
I think if a person wants to be a Republican and remain in office....he or she might want to think again about banning abortion completely....because that won't stop abortions any more than banning guns will end gun-violence.
Extremism in any form is bad for this country.
‘Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said a national abortion ban could be "possible" if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
In an interview with USA Today published on Saturday…McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday that a national ban on the procedure would be "possible" if the court overturns the case.’

Again, Republicans aren’t going to stop with just overturning Roe.

The leak illustrated something else – that democracy and the rule of law are for the Republicans jim-dandy as long as they affirm and maintain the natural order of things, with white Christian men on top.

When democracy and the rule of law threaten to undermine those hierarchies of power, as Roe does more than anything else, then democracy and the rule of law are no longer desirable, no longer tolerable. What do you do when law and order turn against you? You turn against law and order. You take on a criminal attitude.

That’s what five Republican justices have already done. You lie to get power. Then you use that power to upend law and order.

As Jamie Raskin put it, in a different but related context:

“We’ve got a class of people who think they’re above and beyond the rule of law. It’s a really dangerous thing for a democracy to have a class of people that feels so entitled by their power, their wealth and their connections that they can just defy the rule of law like this.”

The Republicans, by necessity, are now the pro-crime party.
Not exactly surprised by this.

Why allow abortion to be a states issue when there is an opportunity for the “pro-life” party to make it federal…
‘Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said a national abortion ban could be "possible" if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
In an interview with USA Today published on Saturday…McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday that a national ban on the procedure would be "possible" if the court overturns the case.’

Again, Republicans aren’t going to stop with just overturning Roe.
If the Court Says it is a State to State issue then I can not see how the hell McConnell can consider it possible!

If even attempted it should be struck down by the USSC and if not then I will agree the GOP has gone too far!
The only thing this draft rulings says is that RvW was bad law and there will be no more Federal Constitutional protection for abortion.

After that it is like any other law and up to the states and locals.
Again, Republicans aren’t going to stop with just overturning Roe.
What part of his statement about keeping the filibuster for ALL SITUATIONS, missed your attention? Why the fear mongering? Even if the Republicans in both houses of the Congress were uniform in their desire to criminalize all abortion (they never have been), they still could not get such a bill signed into law, even by a Republican president. IF a Repub-controlled House passed such a bill and it went to a Repub-controlled Senate, that Senate would have to provide S I X T Y VOTES to put it on a Republican president's desk. IOW, it simply isn't going to happen.

That said, imagine the consequences of your party getting its way on killing the filibuster. In that situation, as soon as ONE PARTY controls house and Senate by a single vote, such legislation COULD BE PASSED AND SIGNED.
What part of his statement about keeping the filibuster for ALL SITUATIONS, missed your attention? Why the fear mongering? Even if the Republicans in both houses of the Congress were uniform in their desire to criminalize all abortion (they never have been), they still could not get such a bill signed into law, even by a Republican president. IF a Repub-controlled House passed such a bill and it went to a Repub-controlled Senate, that Senate would have to provide S I X T Y VOTES to put it on a Republican president's desk. IOW, it simply isn't going to happen.

That said, imagine the consequences of your party getting its way on killing the filibuster. In that situation, as soon as ONE PARTY controls house and Senate by a single vote, such legislation COULD BE PASSED AND SIGNED.

I hadn't really considered this before. This is going to be a great argument for the Democrats to not overturn the filibuster rule.
From the link:

However, the Senate minority leader shot down the idea of overturning the filibuster to pass the law.

"No carve out of the filibuster—period," he told USA Today. "For any subject."

‘Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said a national abortion ban could be "possible" if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
In an interview with USA Today published on Saturday…McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday that a national ban on the procedure would be "possible" if the court overturns the case.’

Again, Republicans aren’t going to stop with just overturning Roe.
They won't stop with Roe.
I thought that the argument has been that the right thing to do was return it to the states?
I am not aware of any enumerated powers of the Constitution that would authorize the feds to pass any laws on the matter.

Most likely he was just pandering to the base to agitate them to vote or something. I bet he is counting on the Democrats to filibuster and block it from passing.

If the Republicans did pass a federal ban against abortion, Justice Alito might write a majority opinion striking it down.
We are so passed any kind of blanket ban on abortion in any state... that won't happen... if it does happen in one or two states its because the people of that state vote for it... Democracy...right libs?....
The dems are going crazy trying to make this a political winner but its not and never will be... too many women are pro life.... and most people think limits on when an abortion can be done.... 3rd trimester abortions poll very low in America....
We are so passed any kind of blanket ban on abortion in any state... that won't happen... if it does happen in one or two states its because the people of that state vote for it... Democracy...right libs?....
The dems are going crazy trying to make this a political winner but its not and never will be... too many women are pro life.... and most people think limits on when an abortion can be done.... 3rd trimester abortions poll very low in America....

Around 93% of all abortions are in the first 13 weeks (end of first trimester)


"Weeks of Gestation and Method Type​

Among the 43 areas that reported gestational age at the time of abortion for 2019, 79.3% of abortions were performed at ≤9 weeks’ gestation, and nearly all (92.7%) were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation (Table 10). Fewer abortions were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation (6.2%) or at ≥21 weeks’ gestation (<1.0%). Among the 34 reporting areas that provided data every year on gestational age for 2010–2019, the percentage of abortions performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation changed negligibly, from 91.9% to 92.0% (Table 11). However, within this gestational age range, a shift occurred toward earlier gestational ages, with the percentage of abortions performed at ≤6 weeks’ gestation increasing 8% and the percentage of abortions performed at 7–9 weeks’ and 10–13 weeks’ gestation decreasing 0.5% and 14%, respectively."



This can be the main basis for the obvious compromise.
I want a return of power to the states. The Fed needs to lose most of its power. While I think late term abortion is Barbarism, I dont want to tell New York how to live.

However, they are going batshit crazy thinking they should tell us how to live.

Overturning Roe changes Nothing in their states.

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