National Co-Chair of the Women’s March Linda Sarsour Says Trump Will Turn Back the Clock 300 Years

Who was in charge of appointing "co-chairs" of the march? My guess is that it was the guy who pumped the most money into the protest , George Soros. Were the denuded majority of marchers even aware that the "co-chair" of the march was a Muslem radical? Do the denuded women who marched under the banner of "abortion rights" understand that they would be stoned to death if they attempted to terminate their pregnancy under the Sharia law envisioned by the co-chair of the "woman's rights march"?
Who was in charge of appointing "co-chairs" of the march? My guess is that it was the guy who pumped the most money into the protest , George Soros. Were the denuded majority of marchers even aware that the "co-chair" of the march was a Muslem radical? Do the denuded women who marched under the banner of "abortion rights" understand that they would be stoned to death if they attempted to terminate their pregnancy under the Sharia law envisioned by the co-chair of the "woman's rights march"?
What does Sharia Law have to do with any of this, Einstein? Not to mention that you know absolutely nothing about Sharia Law, big shot
Yikes! The Democratic Party is imploding. The inmates are running the asylum. I suspect many rational common sense Democrats will be Republicans very soon. They're seeing things getting weirder & weirder. Time to go.
Yep, Democrats are working very hard on Trumps 2020 reelection already.

Yeah, it's a loony mess. Trump should win much easier next time around.
He has the unions solidly on his side. In 2020, democrats will only have New York if Cali secedes.
If she were any dumber and more racist she could run for DNC chair.

They already have a candidate ...

'Cause they found out Maxine can't read.
Yikes! The Democratic Party is imploding. The inmates are running the asylum. I suspect many rational common sense Democrats will be Republicans very soon. They're seeing things getting weirder & weirder. Time to go.
Yep, Democrats are working very hard on Trumps 2020 reelection already.

Yeah, it's a loony mess. Trump should win much easier next time around.
He didn't even win this time around
Oh yes he did!
The march, as well attended as it was, accomplished absolutely nothing. It was a meaningless exercise in spending George Soros' money.

Unfortunately, since this was so pointless, each issue suffered.
3 million irrelevant women? Its sure pissed the hell out of Donald. The word is that he was screaming in anger.
The word is he was screaming at anger? Who told you that, Dan Rather?
Its on all the news sites, try reading
3 million irrelevant women? Its sure pissed the hell out of Donald. The word is that he was screaming in anger.
The word is he was screaming at anger? Who told you that, Dan Rather?
President Donald Trump became “visibly enraged” over the weekend when he saw that the Women’s March dwarfed the size of his inauguration crowd, The Washington Post reported.

White House sources told the Post that Trump’s celebratory mood turned to “flashes of anger” less than 24 hours after he took office.

“Trump turned on the television to see a jarring juxtaposition — massive demonstrations around the globe protesting his day-old presidency and footage of the sparser crowd at his inauguration, with large patches of white empty space on the Mall,” the paper reported. “As his press secretary, Sean Spicer, was still unpacking boxes in his spacious new West Wing office, Trump grew increasingly and visibly enraged.”

Ignoring the advice of his advisers, Trump demanded Spicer deliver his now-infamous statement to the White House press corps, falsely insisting that no inauguration in history had been witnessed by more people.
The Washington Post is fake news now. They are anti-White and Anti-Trump. They're credibility is non-existent. They're still pissed Trump kicked their unethical reporters out on the campaign trail.
The Washington post and anonymous sources. Uh huh.

The day after the election, President Trump was already working, taking apart what obama did.
The day after the election, the day before the election, yesterday, today and tomorrow, trump will be lying about everything like the low life piece of garbage he is

as will the democrats
3 million irrelevant women? Its sure pissed the hell out of Donald. The word is that he was screaming in anger.
The word is he was screaming at anger? Who told you that, Dan Rather?
Its on all the news sites, try reading
3 million irrelevant women? Its sure pissed the hell out of Donald. The word is that he was screaming in anger.
The word is he was screaming at anger? Who told you that, Dan Rather?
President Donald Trump became “visibly enraged” over the weekend when he saw that the Women’s March dwarfed the size of his inauguration crowd, The Washington Post reported.

White House sources told the Post that Trump’s celebratory mood turned to “flashes of anger” less than 24 hours after he took office.

“Trump turned on the television to see a jarring juxtaposition — massive demonstrations around the globe protesting his day-old presidency and footage of the sparser crowd at his inauguration, with large patches of white empty space on the Mall,” the paper reported. “As his press secretary, Sean Spicer, was still unpacking boxes in his spacious new West Wing office, Trump grew increasingly and visibly enraged.”

Ignoring the advice of his advisers, Trump demanded Spicer deliver his now-infamous statement to the White House press corps, falsely insisting that no inauguration in history had been witnessed by more people.
The Washington Post is fake news now. They are anti-White and Anti-Trump. They're credibility is non-existent. They're still pissed Trump kicked their unethical reporters out on the campaign trail.
Everything will be fake news to your kind
Please provide proof you're not computer generated.
Yeah, she should show us her tits. Bumbleben I mean. Not Shariah Shirley.
3 million irrelevant women? Its sure pissed the hell out of Donald. The word is that he was screaming in anger.
The word is he was screaming at anger? Who told you that, Dan Rather?
Its on all the news sites, try reading
3 million irrelevant women? Its sure pissed the hell out of Donald. The word is that he was screaming in anger.
The word is he was screaming at anger? Who told you that, Dan Rather?
President Donald Trump became “visibly enraged” over the weekend when he saw that the Women’s March dwarfed the size of his inauguration crowd, The Washington Post reported.

White House sources told the Post that Trump’s celebratory mood turned to “flashes of anger” less than 24 hours after he took office.

“Trump turned on the television to see a jarring juxtaposition — massive demonstrations around the globe protesting his day-old presidency and footage of the sparser crowd at his inauguration, with large patches of white empty space on the Mall,” the paper reported. “As his press secretary, Sean Spicer, was still unpacking boxes in his spacious new West Wing office, Trump grew increasingly and visibly enraged.”

Ignoring the advice of his advisers, Trump demanded Spicer deliver his now-infamous statement to the White House press corps, falsely insisting that no inauguration in history had been witnessed by more people.
The Washington Post is fake news now. They are anti-White and Anti-Trump. They're credibility is non-existent. They're still pissed Trump kicked their unethical reporters out on the campaign trail.
The Washington post and anonymous sources. Uh huh.

The day after the election, President Trump was already working, taking apart what obama did.
The day after the election, the day before the election, yesterday, today and tomorrow, trump will be lying about everything like the low life piece of garbage he is

You saying that Obama was a low life piece of garbage?
The march, as well attended as it was, accomplished absolutely nothing. It was a meaningless exercise in spending George Soros' money.

Unfortunately, since this was so pointless, each issue suffered.
Oh come on. Women dressed as vaginas chanting they want dignity must have accomplished something.
It looks like Trump has single-handedly dismantled the Democratic Party. My God, the inmates are running the asylum at this point. Bizarre stuff. :cuckoo:
I am a woman, and could care less. Let them make fools of themselves all they want. And do remember there are 157 million women in the US, 3.52 billion in the world. That march was just a drop in the hat.
She also openly advocates for sharia law in the United States, which says a woman's worth is half that of a man. Islam never left the middle ages so I guess going back 300 years is not too bad.

The lefts definition of feminism.
She should be on Trump's list for the Muslim deportations.
Its gotta really piss you off at the worldwide size of the woman march. It dwarfed the size of Trumps inauguration
And a good portion of them weren't even women but instead self loathing men the seahags lead around by the weenie. :)
The march, as well attended as it was, accomplished absolutely nothing. It was a meaningless exercise in spending George Soros' money.

Unfortunately, since this was so pointless, each issue suffered.
Oh come on. Women dressed as vaginas chanting they want dignity must have accomplished something.
Bet you this time next year they will still be paying tax on their tampons.
The march, as well attended as it was, accomplished absolutely nothing. It was a meaningless exercise in spending George Soros' money.

Unfortunately, since this was so pointless, each issue suffered.

What happens when they have something to legitimately protest? It will fall on deaf ears. Like the boy that cry wolf. That's the problem with Libs.
The march, as well attended as it was, accomplished absolutely nothing. It was a meaningless exercise in spending George Soros' money.

Unfortunately, since this was so pointless, each issue suffered.
Oh come on. Women dressed as vaginas chanting they want dignity must have accomplished something.
Bet you this time next year they will still be paying tax on their tampons.

I thought they don't use them. Ashley Judd said she had stains on her sheets and jeans and what not. I'm a man and don't know what it's like to have a period, but I am married and have never noticed blood on my wife's jeans or the bed sheets.
She also openly advocates for sharia law in the United States, which says a woman's worth is half that of a man. Islam never left the middle ages so I guess going back 300 years is not too bad.

The lefts definition of feminism.
She should be on Trump's list for the Muslim deportations.
Its gotta really piss you off at the worldwide size of the woman march. It dwarfed the size of Trumps inauguration
Yes, it was much bigger then Hillary inauguration.
What a pathetic human being Trump is to get upset over the size of a demonstration.
Funny, I have not heard Trump even comment on the subject, let alone be upset. If he did say something me thinks it was just to piss off the left. Everyone has to have a hobby.
She also openly advocates for sharia law in the United States, which says a woman's worth is half that of a man. Islam never left the middle ages so I guess going back 300 years is not too bad.

The lefts definition of feminism.
She should be on Trump's list for the Muslim deportations.
Its gotta really piss you off at the worldwide size of the woman march. It dwarfed the size of Trumps inauguration
Yes, it was much bigger then Hillary inauguration.
What a pathetic human being Trump is to get upset over the size of a demonstration.
Funny, I have not heard Trump even comment on the subject, let alone be upset. If he did say something me thinks it was just to piss off the left. Everyone has to have a hobby.
Its been in all the media outlets, and I posted his reaction earlier. Get your head out of the sand
I haven't heard that raging feminists existed 300 years ago. Why is she still complaining?

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