National Day of Prayer

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Today is May 7th, 2015 - The National Day of Prayer. If ever America needed prayer it is right now! We should be having a 24 hour / 7 day a week National Day of Prayer. Our Nation is in great peril!

This is from the National Day of Prayer Organization Website:

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National Day of Prayer May 7 - News - The Destin Log

he 2015 Honorary Chairman, wrote a special prayer to be simultaneously read throughout the nation at noon (EDT). This recitation will create a huge wave of prayer, flowing from one coast to the other, illustrating the unity of God’s people and acknowledging His dominion over the circumstances facing us.

Heavenly Father,

We come to You in the Name that is above every name — Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Our hearts cry out to You.

Knowing that You are a prayer-answering, faithful God — the One we trust in times like these — we ask that You renew our spirits, revive our churches, and heal our land.

We repent of our sins and ask for Your grace and power to save us. Hear our cry, oh God, and pour out Your Spirit upon us that we may walk in obedience to Your Word.

We are desperate for Your tender mercies. We are broken and humbled before You.

Forgive us, and in the power of Your great love, lift us up to live in Your righteousness.

We pray for our beloved nation. May we repent and return to You and be a light to the nations. And we pray for our leaders and ask that You give them wisdom and faith to follow You.

Preserve and protect us, for You are our refuge and only hope.

Deliver us from all fears except to fear You, and may we courageously stand in the Truth that sets us free.

We pray with expectant faith and grateful hearts.

In Jesus’ name, our Savior.
I believe this is the Scripture for Mr. Obama and a warning to America.

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Psalm 9:17

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There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916

Hitler was a faithful Catholic. He was not a Christian. He believed he was doing the will of the Vatican and said he had not done anything that hadn't already been the doctrine of the Roman Catholics for hundreds of years! (605 years of the Inquistions, torture, murder, hunting down of Jews and Protestants, a history full of the same actions he took) See WWI and WWII the hidden Cause thread on History forum. Thanks for reading.
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916
No doubt Jeri would have been cheering him on.

Wrong. I'm not a Catholic, Ravi. The Vatican cheered him on and the Catholics of Europe who were more faithful to the Vatican and their pope than they were to the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that exposed Catholicism as a Doctrine of demons. Some Catholics rejected the atrocities and so they were sent to the concentration camps for their rebellion against the Vatican and their plan to wipe out the Jews. (and Protestants next...)
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916

Hitler was a faithful Catholic. He was not a Christian. He believed he was doing the will of the Vatican and said he had not done anything that hadn't already been the doctrine of the Roman Catholics for hundreds of years! (605 years of the Inquistions, torture, murder, hunting down of Jews and Protestants, a history full of the same actions he took) See WWI and WWII the hidden Cause thread on History forum. Thanks for reading.

His precise religious beliefs are uncertain. What IS known is that he was a shameless demagogue who played the God-card to win public favor, and that it blinded many to the atrocities he committed. Like with Bush, but on a larger scale.
Today is May 7th, 2015 - The National Day of Prayer. If ever America needed prayer it is right now! We should be having a 24 hour / 7 day a week National Day of Prayer. Our Nation is in great peril!

This is from the National Day of Prayer Organization Website:

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Wouldn't that be a 24 hour / 7 day a week National Week of Prayer?
Today is May 7th, 2015 - The National Day of Prayer. If ever America needed prayer it is right now! We should be having a 24 hour / 7 day a week National Day of Prayer. Our Nation is in great peril!

This is from the National Day of Prayer Organization Website:

Domain Default page

Wouldn't that be a 24 hour / 7 day a week National Week of Prayer?

Thank you - or we could call it the National Year of Prayer. How about that?
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916
No doubt Jeri would have been cheering him on.

Wrong. I'm not a Catholic, Ravi. The Vatican cheered him on and the Catholics of Europe who were more faithful to the Vatican and their pope than they were to the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that exposed Catholicism as a Doctrine of demons. Some Catholics rejected the atrocities and so they were sent to the concentration camps for their rebellion against the Vatican and their plan to wipe out the Jews. (and Protestants next...)

That isn't historically accurate. He supported churches that supported Nazi policies, and marginalized those that did not.
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916

Hitler was a faithful Catholic. He was not a Christian. He believed he was doing the will of the Vatican and said he had not done anything that hadn't already been the doctrine of the Roman Catholics for hundreds of years! (605 years of the Inquistions, torture, murder, hunting down of Jews and Protestants, a history full of the same actions he took) See WWI and WWII the hidden Cause thread on History forum. Thanks for reading.

His precise religious beliefs are uncertain. What IS known is that he was a shameless demagogue who played the God-card to win public favor, and that it blinded many to the atrocities he committed. Like with Bush, but on a larger scale.

Actually that is not true. He was emphatic in his faithfulness to the Roman Vatican and made clear that he was following the very blueprint of the Jesuits. He called Himmler - a Jesuit Father - His own Ignatius Loyola! Hitler was an extremely, extremely devout Catholic as was his own mother, Ait8r. Don't believe it? Read this thread from beginning to finish and learn the truth about Hitler and how the Vatican chose him for their Inquisition which was otherwise known as the Holocaust.

Begin here with Page 1. Thanks for reading!

WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916
No doubt Jeri would have been cheering him on.

Wrong. I'm not a Catholic, Ravi. The Vatican cheered him on and the Catholics of Europe who were more faithful to the Vatican and their pope than they were to the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that exposed Catholicism as a Doctrine of demons. Some Catholics rejected the atrocities and so they were sent to the concentration camps for their rebellion against the Vatican and their plan to wipe out the Jews. (and Protestants next...)

That isn't historically accurate. He supported churches that supported Nazi policies, and marginalized those that did not.

The Nazis were Jesuits, Catholic Priests, and other faithful Catholics dressed in Nazi SS Uniforms. You don't know the true history of who the Nazis were, do you?
Read about it here:
WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916
No doubt Jeri would have been cheering him on.

Wrong. I'm not a Catholic, Ravi. The Vatican cheered him on and the Catholics of Europe who were more faithful to the Vatican and their pope than they were to the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that exposed Catholicism as a Doctrine of demons. Some Catholics rejected the atrocities and so they were sent to the concentration camps for their rebellion against the Vatican and their plan to wipe out the Jews. (and Protestants next...)

That isn't historically accurate. He supported churches that supported Nazi policies, and marginalized those that did not.

Exactly. The Catholic Church had signed Concordats with Hitlers Regime. The faithful Catholics were considered those who supported Nazi policies. If you didn't you were sent to the concentration camps. They had to purge the "unfaithful" from among them - Vatican orders. See the link on the history of WWII:

WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Make sure to read all of it, Agiti8r. And share what you learn with others!
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916
No doubt Jeri would have been cheering him on.

Wrong. I'm not a Catholic, Ravi. The Vatican cheered him on and the Catholics of Europe who were more faithful to the Vatican and their pope than they were to the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that exposed Catholicism as a Doctrine of demons. Some Catholics rejected the atrocities and so they were sent to the concentration camps for their rebellion against the Vatican and their plan to wipe out the Jews. (and Protestants next...)

That isn't historically accurate. He supported churches that supported Nazi policies, and marginalized those that did not.

The Nazis were Jesuits, Catholic Priests, and other faithful Catholics dressed in Nazi SS Uniforms. You don't know the true history of who the Nazis were, do you?
Read about it here:
WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no evidence to support that claim. It is in fact easily debunked:

Protestant Reich Church - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916
No doubt Jeri would have been cheering him on.

Wrong. I'm not a Catholic, Ravi. The Vatican cheered him on and the Catholics of Europe who were more faithful to the Vatican and their pope than they were to the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that exposed Catholicism as a Doctrine of demons. Some Catholics rejected the atrocities and so they were sent to the concentration camps for their rebellion against the Vatican and their plan to wipe out the Jews. (and Protestants next...)

That isn't historically accurate. He supported churches that supported Nazi policies, and marginalized those that did not.
Yep. And while only a few conservative Catholics supported him, the vast majority of Evangelicals supported him. Even the small portion of Evangelicals that did not support him were okay with his treatment of the Jews.

Jeri gets all her information from the false god Jack Chick.
There is no need for politicians to make religious proclamations. It has never done anyone any good.

View attachment 40916
No doubt Jeri would have been cheering him on.

Wrong. I'm not a Catholic, Ravi. The Vatican cheered him on and the Catholics of Europe who were more faithful to the Vatican and their pope than they were to the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that exposed Catholicism as a Doctrine of demons. Some Catholics rejected the atrocities and so they were sent to the concentration camps for their rebellion against the Vatican and their plan to wipe out the Jews. (and Protestants next...)

That isn't historically accurate. He supported churches that supported Nazi policies, and marginalized those that did not.

The Nazis were Jesuits, Catholic Priests, and other faithful Catholics dressed in Nazi SS Uniforms. You don't know the true history of who the Nazis were, do you?
Read about it here:
WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is no evidence to support that claim. It is in fact easily debunked:

Protestant Reich Church - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Wrong again. The Jesuits were ordered by the Black Pope to infiltrate the Protestant Churches in order to later destroy them by using their own Catholic infiltrators to reveal the secret hiding places that the Protestants such as Corrie ten Boom provided for the Jews. This was done before the Vatican unleashed Hitler on the Jews. It was done to destroy the reputation of the Protestants in the eyes of the Jews and to cause the Jews to never again trust the Protestants. See WWI & WWII the hidden cause for exactly how they did it. Alberto Rivera an ex-Jesuit told the story of how they planned it out exactly that way.
WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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