National Day of Prayer

If our nation was founded as a Christian nation does not Christian specifically refer to Christ, Jesus Christ? So I assume there are many references to Jesus in the original documents. At least a single reference to Jesus in the founding document perhaps? One? Anywhere?
Names for the Judea-Christian God found in the Declaration of Independence:


Supreme Judge

divine Providence

But that's just the Declaration of Independence. In the context of societies built largely on the social and political theories of Puritanism and Covenant theology, first in New England, then in the middle colonies, then in the southern colonies, the principles of our early Christian society are the principles referred to in the DoI.
Creator was code for: Jesus
Supreme Judge was code for: Jesus
divine Providence was code for, you guessed it: Jesus
And Christian "principles" was how our government was shaped? Don't read much, do you?
If you read much (do you?), you can see for yourself that Abraham called God the Supreme Judge. It's a term common in Rabbinic literature. And divine Providence is also a name for Him common in Jewish thought and also in Christian theology, including Calvinism (covenant theology).

And do you think government is not based in principle? Governments just appear out of the sky?

Seriously, read some.
Wow, I feel so overwhelmed. Are you two drinking from the same fountain? Does it say, 'non potable'? That means, "Don't drink." ;)
Good one. A counter worthy of your caliber.
Your buddy confirmed that Jesus is not mentioned once and you are arguing for this nation being founded by the Jews. Either way it's two for me and zero each for you two. Best of five?
I believe you are speaking of the Farmers Almanac and that time has come and gone. I've never used one. As for you, Agit8r. How do you not know that tonight when you go to sleep you won't wake up? If you don't wake up you'll have to go to one of two places. Heaven or hell. So where shall you be if you don't wake up in the morning? Heaven or hell? If it is hell don't you think you need to get that matter settled at once? I do not see how you could go to sleep tonight not knowing whether or not this is the night you'll land in hell. Hell has no exits. It is for all eternity and it is hot! You need to think about this seriously and quit playing games.
You sure of where you are going to end up, Jeremiah? More than one person has found themselves clutching the right book at the wrong door.

I'm certain I'm born again and that I live for the LORD and know of His promises towards me and His goodness. I believe I shall see my Savior face to face when I leave this earth and I look forward to that day. How about you?
You kind of ran away from this conversation on another thread. Let's see if I can keep your focus a little longer this time.

So if you are born again you can not sin? If you do sin are you no longer born again?

You have no joy and no peace, Capstone. You are not happy and you know it.

You haven't the foggiest idea as to the peace of mind that arises from true honesty. With yourself. You couldn't, because you're so hopelessly dependent on the false promises of your fundamentalist stupidity, that you've forgone every ounce of intellectual honesty that ever so much as hinted at shaking your faith in those lies.

There is great joy in my life, Jeri, simply by virtue of the knowledge that I've done right by my children in keeping their minds free from the shackles of the sort of indoctrination that bound me up as a child...and that continues to bind you today.
No God fearing Christian ever supported Hitler!

Do not use foul language on this thread, Ravi. Show some respect - this is the National day of Prayer.
God knows your bullshit and isn't afraid to label it.

Personal attacks are against USMB rules. Read the rules, Ravi. Address the OP or find another thread.
I'm not God. Calling your lies bullshit isn't a personal attack. You obviously are a tool of Satan and cannot help your lies.
"If ever America needed prayer it is right now! We should be having a 24 hour / 7 day a week National Day of Prayer. Our Nation is in great peril! "

Ignorant, hyperbolic superstition and nonsense.

It's this sort of religious arrogance and extremism that poses a threat to the American people.
Today is May 7th, 2015 - The National Day of Prayer. If ever America needed prayer it is right now! We should be having a 24 hour / 7 day a week National Day of Prayer. Our Nation is in great peril!

This is from the National Day of Prayer Organization Website:

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Instead of appealing to help from on high, couldn't we put our brains together to figure out the solutions to the messes we created?

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