National Democrats Resist Reforms

I thought the topic was Democrats not reforming to win elections. If they want to do anything, quit being the anti-white party. Quit calling half the voters in this country things like Deplorables.
I think you have a reading problem. Not only did I never mention anything about deplorable, I explained in my opening statement, I'm neither democrat or republican. That would basically mean I'm independent. Try not assuming. Glad I could clear this up for you.

Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.

Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

:lol: What is wrong is your ego melting snowflake.
...As of right now you're carrying Trumps water by attacking democrats.
Democrats deserve to be attacked.

They abandoned White Straight Christian Middle America, and arrogantly presumed they could win without that vastly overwhelming pool of American voters.

They got bitch-slapped for it on November 8, 2016.

They stood alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen.

They stood alongside Muslims rather than their own fellow countrymen.

They doubled-down on Stupid and appointed a Hispanic for DNC Chair and a Muslim for DNC VIce-Chair immediately after getting their asses kicked.

They stood alongside the degenerate filth of the Gay Mafia rather than Decent Folk.

They spent eight years making a train-wreck of American foreign policy.

They fielded a truly $hitty candidate who was also saddled with weighty political baggage.

And on and on and on...

The Democrats do, indeed, deserve to be attacked.

Until they finally get the message, get their heads out of their asses, kiss-and-make-up with Mainstream America, and then - and only then - get back in the game.
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`Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations.`

What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.

But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week.

A balanced budget amendment is.needed for.sure. I would need to look into the other 2 things you brought up. Thank you sir.

That is coming in step 2, raising the deficit and in return they need to cut spending via all social programs, deep deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Chip, Hud, VA bennies (yes will need ) , the new motto, "if you can't work, die in the street".
However the Commies and Democrats have so much more in common. The Commies are anti-gun, anti-religion, crying about minorities all the time, against capitalism and wealth other than the government. They are almost identical in every way.

take that up (the above "commie comments") with Trump and his entourage LOVE affair with Russian oligarchs and FSB's Putin.......LOLi
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.
However the Commies and Democrats have so much more in common. The Commies are anti-gun, anti-religion, crying about minorities all the time, against capitalism and wealth other than the government. They are almost identical in every way.

take that up (the above "commie comments") with Trump and his entourage LOVE affair with Russian oligarchs and FSB's Putin.......LOLi

The political language used by Democrats and the CPUSA is identical.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
...As of right now you're carrying Trumps water by attacking democrats.

They abandoned White Straight Christian Middle America, and arrogantly presumed they could win without that vastly overwhelming pool of American voters.


Oh dear, another little Snowflake, the white straight male Christian ego is so under attack. What is so
fragile as the white male ego. Nothing!!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now
I thought the topic was Democrats not reforming to win elections. If they want to do anything, quit being the anti-white party. Quit calling half the voters in this country things like Deplorables.
I think you have a reading problem. Not only did I never mention anything about deplorable, I explained in my opening statement, I'm neither democrat or republican. That would basically mean I'm independent. Try not assuming. Glad I could clear this up for you.

the male white ego is fragile. You have to talk kindly to them or they are just like babies.
the male white ego is fragile. You have to walk on eggshells around them or they have a fit.

In fairness, my dear, I'm an older, white male who has REFUSED to join the Trump CULT...........As a former New Yorker, the Trump stench has been obvious for decades for those of us who had to put up with the crooked charlatan's antics....... .LOL
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
Todays republicans have become liberterians, while democrats support at least most of what we want.

Well, that may be, my friend.......But elected republicans calling themselves "libertarians" is just bullshit, since they'd readily kill off their own grandmothers to maintain the position in congress.....A true libertarian would push for term limits or downright quit congress after their term expires.

I call most of today's "republicans" Trump cultists...riding the orange wave until it becomes obvious that Trump is a handicap.

Today's republicans aren't republicans at all, they are an offshoot of Jim Jones cult.
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their impotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

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