National Democrats Resist Reforms

Deno makes good points. Why waste time with the multicult cesspool? Time to self segregate. Give them sancuary cites ' get em off our back.

The new USA under Trump.

Perhaps you would be more comfortable living in Apelanta , Memfrica , or deadbone? The choice is yours, the multiculti hell hole of your preference. A New America is being made White again. "Progressives" will be more than welcome to regress to multicult cesspools. Race mix until a new frankenrace is created. LOL.

The new USA under Trump.

Perhaps you would be more comfortable living in Apelanta , Memfrica , or deadbone? The choice is yours, the multiculti hell hole of your preference. A New America is being made White again. "Progressives" will be more than welcome to regress to multicult cesspools. Race mix until a new frankenrace is created. LOL.

I'm staying right where I am and going to help take our country back from the Trump and Cons.
You might be half black and don't even know it. No one is a purebred.
Perhaps you would be more comfortable living in Apelanta , Memfrica , or deadbone? The choice is yours, the multiculti hell hole of your preference. A New America is being made White again. "Progressives" will be more than welcome to regress to multicult cesspools. Race mix until a new frankenrace is created. LOL.

Right wing you.....are always calling for OTHERS to leave....
Fuck NO !!!!

Why leave the potentials of this great country in the hand of right wing nitwits???
Its NOT YOUR country, moron......
Seems older white (some are younger) males really feel threatened by everyone, esp blacks , I notice it from this message forum. Wonder why, they seem scared of everyone that is not a white person.

Must be their snowflake egos.
Seems older white (some are younger) males really feel threatened by everyone, esp blacks , I notice it from this message forum. Wonder why, they seem scared of everyone that is not a white person.

Must be their snowflake egos.

Wondering ? Look around. Non whites are a plague. Our vocation is avoidance. No worries , you stay right there. We'll relocate. We are. DO NOT FOLLOW US. WE LOSE WITH JEWS.

The new USA under Trump.

Perhaps you would be more comfortable living in Apelanta , Memfrica , or deadbone? The choice is yours, the multiculti hell hole of your preference. A New America is being made White again. "Progressives" will be more than welcome to regress to multicult cesspools. Race mix until a new frankenrace is created. LOL.

I'm staying right where I am and going to help take our country back from the Trump and Cons.
You might be half black and don't even know it. No one is a purebred.

Cohens not cons.
Wondering ? Look around. Non whites are a plague. Our vocation is avoidance. No worries , you stay right there. We'll relocate. We are. DO NOT FOLLOW US. WE LOSE WITH JEWS.

Take that white sheet you surely must be wearing.....and go back to bed....Your racism stinks.......
I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

They are doing whatever they can to stop Trump including using their Commie judges to stop him from carrying out his agenda.

Elections have consequences as they say.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

No, they are not really hung-up on Hillary, it's just a dog and pony show.

For many years Democrats have been telling their constituents that conservatism is on it's way out and Socialism on it's way in. The Republican party is nothing more than a bunch of rich old white people dying off quickly.

So when they lose elections, they must convince their sheep that they were not wrong. Republicans really didn't win anything, they just somehow cheated the Democrats.

Trump--Russian collusion.
Bush second election: Diebold machines.
Bush first election: The Supreme Court selected Bush.

As for other races, they bring up Voter-ID, Gerrymandering, purging voter rolls and so on.

If the Democrats ever told the truth to their voters, and that conservatism is alive and well, those people just might not come out and vote. So the trick is to convince them they never lost a presidential election and that the Republicans are nothing more than professional cheaters.
Oh Really? So tell us, who did the US Communist Party support the last election? Who about the two elections before that?

Do you REALLY want to go down that route, Ray baby????......LOL

David Duke loved Donald Trump's news conference comments
Aug 15, 2017 - White supremacist Richard Spencer was also pleased with Trump's comments.

And why would that be? That's right, because Trump is tough on illegal immigration.

However the Commies and Democrats have so much more in common. The Commies are anti-gun, anti-religion, crying about minorities all the time, against capitalism and wealth other than the government. They are almost identical in every way.
Deno makes good points. Why waste time with the multicult cesspool? Time to self segregate. Give them sancuary cites ' get em off our back.

He makes no point. Just the same old republican babble they all spew. While none of this has a damn thing to do with the topic (once again proving some peoples attention span dysfunction) it warms my heart to see that at least the rudimentary reading skills haven't been forgotten.
Deno makes good points. Why waste time with the multicult cesspool? Time to self segregate. Give them sancuary cites ' get em off our back.

He makes no point. Just the same old republican babble they all spew. While none of this has a damn thing to do with the topic (once again proving some peoples attention span dysfunction) it warms my heart to see that at least the rudimentary reading skills haven't been forgotten.

I thought the topic was Democrats not reforming to win elections. If they want to do anything, quit being the anti-white party. Quit calling half the voters in this country things like Deplorables.
Democrats give you 90% of what you want. I support a strong military and probably wouldn't be too happy if the democrats did turn against that.

Democrats are very different from republicans...Todays republicans have become liberterians, while democrats support at least most of what we want.

Funding for education
Science investment
Safetynet for the poor, old and disabled
Regulations protecting our air, water and food just to name a few important elements.

90% of what I want? I don't hink so. Maybe 90% of what I don't want, and what this Government was never intended to do, but Democrats have given us almost nothing I want.
`Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations.`

What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.

But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week.

A balanced budget amendment is.needed for.sure. I would need to look into the other 2 things you brought up. Thank you sir.
I thought the topic was Democrats not reforming to win elections. If they want to do anything, quit being the anti-white party. Quit calling half the voters in this country things like Deplorables.
I think you have a reading problem. Not only did I never mention anything about deplorable, I explained in my opening statement, I'm neither democrat or republican. That would basically mean I'm independent. Try not assuming. Glad I could clear this up for you.
The best response would be a tax moratoreum by European Americans. Yes , a total WEXIT. Once a successful fiscal purge has been completed ; European Americans can once again culturally advance.
I thought the topic was Democrats not reforming to win elections. If they want to do anything, quit being the anti-white party. Quit calling half the voters in this country things like Deplorables.
I think you have a reading problem. Not only did I never mention anything about deplorable, I explained in my opening statement, I'm neither democrat or republican. That would basically mean I'm independent. Try not assuming. Glad I could clear this up for you.

Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.

Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.
Well, you don't live in reality...

Democrats give you 90% of what you want. I support a strong military and probably wouldn't be too happy if the democrats did turn against that.

Democrats are very different from republicans...Todays republicans have become liberterians, while democrats support at least most of what we want.

Funding for education
Science investment
Safetynet for the poor, old and disabled
Regulations protecting our air, water and food
just to name a few important elements

If you think they're the same because both parties depend on rich mans dollars then your view of what they stand for is very much lacking. Me, I'll keep voting democrat as I value the above and realize that the rich are part of our system. That isn't going to change in the short term...Voting third party or not voting at all is just asking for the party that believes in only 10% of what you do(republicans) winning. That my friend is losing.
You support men in girls locker rooms. Oh and education? Lol, our kids need safe spaces if an opinion is different then theirs. Being a Democrat is a mental illness.

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