National Democrats Resist Reforms

Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their impotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.
the male white ego is fragile. You have to walk on eggshells around them or they have a fit.

In fairness, my dear, I'm an older, white male who has REFUSED to join the Trump CULT...........As a former New Yorker, the Trump stench has been obvious for decades for those of us who had to put up with the crooked charlatan's antics....... .LOL

Sorry, some men do not have fragile egos, and by your posts you are a self confident male. Seems most on here are not , save a few. Yes I have been aware of Trump and his crooked charlatan ways since the early 90's and none of it is good.
...As of right now you're carrying Trumps water by attacking democrats.

They abandoned White Straight Christian Middle America, and arrogantly presumed they could win without that vastly overwhelming pool of American voters.


Oh dear, another little Snowflake, the white straight male Christian ego is so under attack. What is so
fragile as the white male ego. Nothing!!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Voting against people that don't have your interest in mind is not being fragile. Isn't it the Democrats who tell us all the time that white people vote against their own interest when they support Republicans?
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their impotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

So how soon you forget, as the tide turns.
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their impotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

The GOP refused to work with them, there is now a great huge divide among them. Wait till we gain control of just one congress.
However the Commies and Democrats have so much more in common. The Commies are anti-gun, anti-religion, crying about minorities all the time, against capitalism and wealth other than the government. They are almost identical in every way.

take that up (the above "commie comments") with Trump and his entourage LOVE affair with Russian oligarchs and FSB's Putin.......LOLi

Why should Trump address anything that the Democrats brainwashed you into believing?
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their impotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

The GOP refused to work with them, there is now a great huge divide among them. Wait till we gain control of just one congress.

We are in power now. We don't have to work with them--they have to work with us.
...As of right now you're carrying Trumps water by attacking democrats.

They abandoned White Straight Christian Middle America, and arrogantly presumed they could win without that vastly overwhelming pool of American voters.


Oh dear, another little Snowflake, the white straight male Christian ego is so under attack. What is so
fragile as the white male ego. Nothing!!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Voting against people that don't have your interest in mind is not being fragile. Isn't it the Democrats who tell us all the time that white people vote against their own interest when they support Republicans?

You are obsessed with white people, I know many voters who do vote against their best interest and they signed up for the ACA , is that what you mean, and Trump voters who are on Medicaid.
Isn't it the Democrats who tell us all the time that white people vote against their own interest when they support Republicans?

Gee, I don't know.....In these recent months, why don't we ask coal miners and workers at Carrier in Indiana how THEY feel about having voted for a republican charlatan???.......Deal, Ray-baby?
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their impotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

The GOP refused to work with them, there is now a great huge divide among them. Wait till we gain control of just one congress.

We are in power now. We don't have to work with them--they have to work with us.

Over 100 amendments the Pubs put on the ACA. Just wait. I want the Dem party to get tough as rocks and why is Trump not treated the same as the Pubs treated B. Clinton. Double standard.
Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.

Who is You?" I'm Independent. Both parties are as corrupt as hell. Right now however, the greatest threat is trump and the democrats cannot or will not stop him. The people, outside of the obvious partisan party zealots, are going to have to address this on their own.
Isn't it the Democrats who tell us all the time that white people vote against their own interest when they support Republicans?

Gee, I don't know.....In these recent months, why don't we ask coal miners and workers at Carrier in Indiana how THEY feel about having voted for a republican charlatan???.......Deal, Ray-baby?

Some lost jobs at Carrier but the company decided to leave most of them alone. What's your problem with that? Left to Obama, he would have taxed every job right out of the country.
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their impotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

The GOP refused to work with them, there is now a great huge divide among them. Wait till we gain control of just one congress.

We are in power now. We don't have to work with them--they have to work with us.

Over 100 amendments the Pubs put on the ACA. Just wait. I want the Dem party to get tough as rocks and why is Trump not treated the same as the Pubs treated B. Clinton. Double standard.

What are you talking about? Clinton and the Republicans got along just fine. In fact, most presidential administrations were able to work with opponents in Congress up to Obama. Don't you remember? "Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat?" Or how about "I have a pen and I have a cell phone?"

...As of right now you're carrying Trumps water by attacking democrats.

They abandoned White Straight Christian Middle America, and arrogantly presumed they could win without that vastly overwhelming pool of American voters.


Oh dear, another little Snowflake, the white straight male Christian ego is so under attack. What is so
fragile as the white male ego. Nothing!!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Voting against people that don't have your interest in mind is not being fragile. Isn't it the Democrats who tell us all the time that white people vote against their own interest when they support Republicans?

You are obsessed with white people, I know many voters who do vote against their best interest and they signed up for the ACA , is that what you mean, and Trump voters who are on Medicaid.

You probably won't find many people on Medicaid that vote Republican. As for the ACA, it was a commie plot to have employers drop medical coverage so people would be forced to depend on the government. It had nothing to do with everybody being covered, it had to do with creating more government dependents.

Republicans that are on the ACA? Don't you know how ridiculous that sounds? What choice did they have when the big-eared freak created fines if you don't participate in the ACA?

That would kind of be like a new Mayor taking over, and he insists everybody paint their house green. If you don't paint your house green, they will break out all your windows. Then a year or so later, the media interviews the Mayor and he says "See how everybody liked my idea of green houses???"
What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall. They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.
I'm going to say this once. Despite the electoral college BS, trump was legally and fairly elected. His base, however misguided as they are, allowed trump to usurp the republican party and start their methodical destruction of all rights, laws and social programs that are not in line with evangelical beliefs. However diabolical I think it is, I have to begrudgingly admire the planning and blitzkrieg execution of what they said all along, they would do.

As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.
As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..

First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists?

Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets???

Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."

But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."
As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..

First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists?

Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets???

Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."

But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."

They need a "Compact"? But what if some want a sub-compact.

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