National Democrats Resist Reforms

Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their uimpotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

Sound very familiar? Like the 8 previous years but in reverse. Bet you were fine with that!
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people. Take money out of politics.

I already know you republicans believe corporations should run the government
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their uimpotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

Sound very familiar? Like the 8 previous years but in reverse. Bet you were fine with that!

Not the same. Democrats oppose Republicans because Republicans are for the most part still American.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people.

Indeed, and we do. Hence, Trump is president.
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their uimpotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

Sound very familiar? Like the 8 previous years but in reverse. Bet you were fine with that!

Not the same. Democrats oppose Republicans because Republicans are for the most part still American.

Just more bull crap from a total partisan RWNJ! Carry on your doing your job.
Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people.

Indeed, and we do. Hence, Trump is president.
You think we the people are being represented in Washington? Ha. It’s a shell game. Look over here I’m kicking illegals out but meanwhile the gap between the rich and everyone else just got wider.

I’m more worried about the conservative Supreme Court. This country is now corporate controlled. The rich won not you and me.

I hope I’m wrong but I’m not
Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people.

Indeed, and we do. Hence, Trump is president.
We have trump because the American citizen is dumb. But eventually they wise up. Then they get dumb again. Carter smart Reagan dumb bush dumb Clinton smart bush 2 dumb obama smart trump back to dumb again.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

You are probably one of those fools who believes the Democrats are corporatists because Hillary gave a couple of speeches to them while on the other hand the Republicans will do anything that the rich and giant corporations want. You are an idiot.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

You are probably one of those fools who believes the Democrats are corporatists because Hillary gave a couple of speeches to them while on the other hand the Republicans will do anything that the rich and giant corporations want. You are an idiot.
It’s true the democrats also cater too much to special interest but how can you ask them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs.

And republicans seem to hate Hillary for taking money from wallstreet but don’t mind that their candidates do it. They hold democrats up to a higher standard
And republicans seem to hate Hillary for taking money from wallstreet but don’t mind that their candidates do it. They hold democrats up to a higher standard

Of course we do. When one of ours drifts off into some sexual perversions, don't you on the left hold us to higher standards because we claim to be on the side of religion and family values?
Yep.What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week..

I dislike trump but the democratic party his been less than useless in even slowing down the trump steamroller. As I see it, before we can address the concerns you listed, this inhuman trump has to be stopped and the democrats are doing nothing. Time for a third party.
What's the matter, are you pissed off about getting a tax break?
Well, you don't live in reality...

Democrats give you 90% of what you want. I support a strong military and probably wouldn't be too happy if the democrats did turn against that.

Democrats are very different from republicans...Todays republicans have become liberterians, while democrats support at least most of what we want.

Funding for education
Science investment
Safetynet for the poor, old and disabled
Regulations protecting our air, water and food
just to name a few important elements

If you think they're the same because both parties depend on rich mans dollars then your view of what they stand for is very much lacking. Me, I'll keep voting democrat as I value the above and realize that the rich are part of our system. That isn't going to change in the short term...Voting third party or not voting at all is just asking for the party that believes in only 10% of what you do(republicans) winning. That my friend is losing.
I wish the dems would focus on those things. IMHO, too much emphasis is being put on things like BLM, occupy, LGBTQ kinds of SJW issues. I can get behind infrastructure investment, education, jobs, safety net, etc. I can't get behind rioters burning down businesses, cops getting shot, and pervs in the ladies room. Dems need to get back to things that really matter, not this peripheral shit.
Yep.What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week..

I dislike trump but the democratic party his been less than useless in even slowing down the trump steamroller. As I see it, before we can address the concerns you listed, this inhuman trump has to be stopped and the democrats are doing nothing. Time for a third party.
What's the matter, are you pissed off about getting a tax break?
If that one time or once a year $300 tax break leads to me losing $300 a month in social security yes I object
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people. Take money out of politics.

I already know you republicans believe corporations should run the government

Just like you believe trail lawyers, union thugs and environmental kooks should run the government.
Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people. Take money out of politics.

I already know you republicans believe corporations should run the government

Just like you believe trail lawyers, union thugs and environmental kooks should run the government.
I’d love campaign finance reform. What ever happened to that?
Yep.What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week..

I dislike trump but the democratic party his been less than useless in even slowing down the trump steamroller. As I see it, before we can address the concerns you listed, this inhuman trump has to be stopped and the democrats are doing nothing. Time for a third party.
What's the matter, are you pissed off about getting a tax break?
If that one time or once a year $300 tax break leads to me losing $300 a month in social security yes I object
Nobody's taking away your Social Security, jackass.
Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people. Take money out of politics.

I already know you republicans believe corporations should run the government

Just like you believe trail lawyers, union thugs and environmental kooks should run the government.
In Michigan we have full time state legislatures. We’re trying to get part time and save a ton of money but politicians love their jobs and pay

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