National Democrats Resist Reforms

Is that why? Then who did the smart American citizens vote for?
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
You have absolutely no evidence for that. Absolutely obvious that he cost Hillary the election. Absolutely no actual evidence that Hillary was corrupt or any anything else, super dupe. Give us a call when any of that b******* gets anywhere near a court or even respectable media.

Hillary never made it to court because she was part of the cabal that Comey participated in. She mishandled classified information, stored it on her personal sever which she purchased for the ability to erase evidence (which she did) and some of that material was found on her aids laptop; the same laptop that her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet. Yes, that laptop that the FBI destroyed immediately for some strange reason.
Is that why? Then who did the smart American citizens vote for?
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
Nonsense. They were doing their job. Our government spies on all calls overseas. Do you want our fbi to stop wiretapping international calls?
That's the NSA's job.
Funny how democrats still call themselves "progressives" when they are the most regressive political movement in modern history.
When they say "progressive" the mean progress towards fascism with the goal of destroying the USA.
Yes tax cuts on the non rich, paid parental leave Healthcare daycare and rebuilding infrastructure are really fascist, brainwashed functional moron.
What are taxes for anyway. Personally I don't care anymore, if the rich don't have to pay , then the poor shouldn't either.

When did the poor ever pay anything? Almost half of the people in our country pay no income tax at all, while the top 10% pay over 70% of all collected income taxes. Poor people don't pay--poor people take.

The Pubs and Trump are going to bankrupt the USA and turn it into a police society with rotting and polluted bridges, roads and water.

This from a person who supported a President that doubled our national debt?

I am not going to pay for that. I am also not going to fund his dam wall.

You'll fund whatever the government tells you you're going to fund just like we had to.
Yeah, poor people are living the dream. Obama doubled the debt by paying for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded
medicare benefit, a bankster bailout, and second repug great depression.
As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..

First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists?

Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets???

Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."

But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."

I like to ponder pints! :beer:

The DNC has nothing to offer American workers. Nothing.
You have absolutely no evidence for that. Absolutely obvious that he cost Hillary the election. Absolutely no actual evidence that Hillary was corrupt or any anything else, super dupe. Give us a call when any of that b******* gets anywhere near a court or even respectable media.

Trump and his cult followers well know that there is quite a storm about to hit them in the next few months......and the "best" way to ready their cult, is to deride the source(s) with the prospect of what they love to call "fake news."
Is that why? Then who did the smart American citizens vote for?
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
Nonsense. They were doing their job. Our government spies on all calls overseas. Do you want our fbi to stop wiretapping international calls?

For crying out loud, they used phony information to get a FISA warrant to wiretap their political opposition. They presented to the court the information from the dossier (that Hillary and the Democrats paid for) as credible evidence that something illegal was going on.

Now we have this information of the FBI dude who was texting how much he wanted to see Trump go down in flames with his slutty mistress. Plus they just came out with memos of what Comey had edited in his report of the Hillary investigation.
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
You have absolutely no evidence for that. Absolutely obvious that he cost Hillary the election. Absolutely no actual evidence that Hillary was corrupt or any anything else, super dupe. Give us a call when any of that b******* gets anywhere near a court or even respectable media.

Hillary never made it to court because she was part of the cabal that Comey participated in. She mishandled classified information, stored it on her personal sever which she purchased for the ability to erase evidence (which she did) and some of that material was found on her aids laptop; the same laptop that her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet. Yes, that laptop that the FBI destroyed immediately for some strange reason.
She did nothing illegal or even against the rules and it appears that her server was the only one that wasn't hacked by the Russians. You believe in an amazing amount of total b******* propaganda, Super Dupe. No evidence for her drinking problem or anything else, just Fox Rush babbling.

The new USA under Trump.
Wow, they want to outlaw the confederate flag and they come up with an image that is so freaking offensive that it defies description. The kicker is that the ignorant under-educated libs don't recognize the significance of the Nazi swastika nor do they respect the history of the Stars and Stripes.
The DNC has nothing to offer American workers. Nothing.

1) Democrats Fought for Social Security (F.D.R.)
2) Democrats Fought for Medicare (L.B.J.)
3) Democrats Fought for Medicaid (L.B.J.)
4) Democrats Fought for Welfare Benefits (F.D.R.)
5) Democrats Fought for Civil Rights (L.B.J.)
6) Democrats Fought for Unemployment Insurance (F.D.R.)
7) Democrats Fought for National Labor Relations Board (F.D.R.)
8) Democrats Fought for 8 Hour Work Day-5 Day Work Week- Work Place Breaks & Overtime Pay (F.D.R.)
9) Democrats Fought for Workers Compensation (Woodrow Wilson)
10) Democrats Fought for Americans with Disability Act (101st Democratic Congress - over G.H.W. Bush veto)
11) Democrats Fought for Holiday Pay(F.D.R.)
12) Democrats Fought for Medical Leave Act (Bill Clinton)
13) Democrats Fought for Prevention of Child Labor (F.D.R.)
14) Democrats Fought for Minimum Wage Act (F.D.R.)
15) Democrats Fought for Work Place Safety (OSHA) *** (Nixon)
16) Democrats Fought for Affirmative Action as it relates to Racial Discrimination (J.F.K)
17) Democrats Fought for Women's Rights (L.B.J)
18) Democrats Fought for Tax Fairness (Platform Issue)
19) Democrats Fought for Veterans Pay & Benefits (F.D.R.)
20) Democrats Fought for Consumer Protection / Consumer Bill of Rights (J.F.K.)
21) Democrats Fought for Gun Law's / Background Checks to prevent felons from getting Weapons (L.B.J) (B.Clinton)
22) Democrats Fought for Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights (Barack Obama)
23) Democrats Fought for Funding Our Schools (L.B.J.)
24) Democrats Fought for Grants for low income people to attend college (L.B.J.)
25) Democrats Fought for Environmental Regulations - Clean Water Act / Clean Air Act (Dems Override Nixon Veto)
26) Democrats Fought for Financial Regulations keeping Wall Street Wizards Accountable (Dodd/Frank - Obama)
27) Democrats Fought for Affordable Health Care for Everyone (Obama Care)
28) Democrats Fought for Hate Crime Legislation (Matthew Shepard) (Barack Obama)
29) Democrats Fought for Children's Health Legislation for 11 Million Children without Health Care (Barack Obama)
30) Democrats Fought for Voting Rights Act (L.B.J)
31) Democrats Fought for National Voter Registration (Bill Clinton)
32) Democrats Fought for Largest Deficit Cutting Plan in History (Bill Clinton)
33) Democrats Fought for Clayton Anti-Trust Act (Woodrow Wilson)
34) Democrats Fought for Securities & Exchange Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
35) Democrats Fought for National School Lunch Program (Harry Truman)
Funny how democrats still call themselves "progressives" when they are the most regressive political movement in modern history.
When they say "progressive" the mean progress towards fascism with the goal of destroying the USA.
Yes tax cuts on the non rich, paid parental leave Healthcare daycare and rebuilding infrastructure are really fascist, brainwashed functional moron.
'Still refusing to face why Donald Trump and the Republicans won in 2016, the national Democratic Party rebuffs proposals from progressives to make the party more democratic and less corporate-dominated, writes Norman Solomon'. - Source

I voted for Obama in 2008. By the end off 2009, I stopped supportig the democrats. To me, they are no different than the republicans. Both have become parties devoted to war and complete loyalty to the banks and corporations. Since this last presidential election, they are still butt hurt over Hillary's loss and in the process, have become completely useless in stopping the trump train.

Here's one case in point; GOP senator who grilled Trump judicial nominee: ‘I don’t wanna see him suffer’. Mind you, this was a republican politician (not democrat) who brought this trump nominee to the public's attention.

If people want to stop trump, don't depend on the democrats for anything but rhetoric. They have become impotent, disorganized and still hung up on Hillary.

Why the hell did you vote for the party of slavery?
So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
You have absolutely no evidence for that. Absolutely obvious that he cost Hillary the election. Absolutely no actual evidence that Hillary was corrupt or any anything else, super dupe. Give us a call when any of that b******* gets anywhere near a court or even respectable media.

Hillary never made it to court because she was part of the cabal that Comey participated in. She mishandled classified information, stored it on her personal sever which she purchased for the ability to erase evidence (which she did) and some of that material was found on her aids laptop; the same laptop that her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet. Yes, that laptop that the FBI destroyed immediately for some strange reason.
She did nothing illegal or even against the rules and it appears that her server was the only one that wasn't hacked by the Russians. You believe in an amazing amount of total b******* propaganda, Super Dupe. No evidence for her drinking problem or anything else, just Fox Rush babbling.

Great. Now find me one doctor that would recommend that an elderly patient with pneumonia that collapsed in public be rushed to her daughters apartment where there is plenty of coffee, and then go back out in public a few hours later and kiss children.

There's one of your kind born every minute.
As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..

First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists?

Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets???

Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."

But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."

I like to ponder pints! :beer:

The DNC has nothing to offer American workers. Nothing.
Just actual tax cuts daycare paid parental leave Health Care infrastructure jobs and repair, good schools. Of course on your hate bulshit character assassination propaganda machine you never hear about policy, brainwashed functional moron- all to save your precious greedy idiot Mega Rich from paying more like their fair share. Try some real news and read something.
Last edited:

The new USA under Trump.
Wow, they want to outlaw the confederate flag and they come up with an image that is so freaking offensive that it defies description. The kicker is that the ignorant under-educated libs don't recognize the significance of the Nazi swastika nor do they respect the history of the Stars and Stripes.

There is nothing more common than stupidity.
As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..

First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists?

Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets???

Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."

But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."

I like to ponder pints! :beer:

The DNC has nothing to offer American workers. Nothing.
Just actual tax cuts daycare paid parental leave Health Care infrastructure jobs and repair, good schools. Of course on your hate bulshit character assassination propaganda machine you never hear about policy, brainwashed functional moron- how to save your precious Mega Rich from paying more like their fair share. Try some real news and read something.

You mean HuffPo, huh? :badgrin:
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
You have absolutely no evidence for that. Absolutely obvious that he cost Hillary the election. Absolutely no actual evidence that Hillary was corrupt or any anything else, super dupe. Give us a call when any of that b******* gets anywhere near a court or even respectable media.

Hillary never made it to court because she was part of the cabal that Comey participated in. She mishandled classified information, stored it on her personal sever which she purchased for the ability to erase evidence (which she did) and some of that material was found on her aids laptop; the same laptop that her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet. Yes, that laptop that the FBI destroyed immediately for some strange reason.
She did nothing illegal or even against the rules and it appears that her server was the only one that wasn't hacked by the Russians. You believe in an amazing amount of total b******* propaganda, Super Dupe. No evidence for her drinking problem or anything else, just Fox Rush babbling.

Great. Now find me one doctor that would recommend that an elderly patient with pneumonia that collapsed in public be rushed to her daughters apartment where there is plenty of coffee, and then go back out in public a few hours later and kiss children.

There's one of your kind born every minute.
Pneumonia my ass... But you certainly have memorized all the b******* perfectly, Super Dupe.
As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..

First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists?

Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets???

Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."

But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."

I like to ponder pints! :beer:

The DNC has nothing to offer American workers. Nothing.
Just actual tax cuts daycare paid parental leave Health Care infrastructure jobs and repair, good schools. Of course on your hate bulshit character assassination propaganda machine you never hear about policy, brainwashed functional moron- how to save your precious Mega Rich from paying more like their fair share. Try some real news and read something.

You mean HuffPo, huh? :badgrin:
How about any newspaper? Maybe you should try the huffpo it is highly respected. The only thing that isn't respected is where you get your news.
What are taxes for anyway. Personally I don't care anymore, if the rich don't have to pay , then the poor shouldn't either.

When did the poor ever pay anything? Almost half of the people in our country pay no income tax at all, while the top 10% pay over 70% of all collected income taxes. Poor people don't pay--poor people take.

The Pubs and Trump are going to bankrupt the USA and turn it into a police society with rotting and polluted bridges, roads and water.

This from a person who supported a President that doubled our national debt?

I am not going to pay for that. I am also not going to fund his dam wall.

You'll fund whatever the government tells you you're going to fund just like we had to.
Yeah, poor people are living the dream. Obama doubled the debt by paying for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded
medicare benefit, a bankster bailout, and second repug great depression.

Yeah, Obama's own bailout. Can't chance losing any of those union workers you know.......

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?
And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
You have absolutely no evidence for that. Absolutely obvious that he cost Hillary the election. Absolutely no actual evidence that Hillary was corrupt or any anything else, super dupe. Give us a call when any of that b******* gets anywhere near a court or even respectable media.

Hillary never made it to court because she was part of the cabal that Comey participated in. She mishandled classified information, stored it on her personal sever which she purchased for the ability to erase evidence (which she did) and some of that material was found on her aids laptop; the same laptop that her husband used to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet. Yes, that laptop that the FBI destroyed immediately for some strange reason.
She did nothing illegal or even against the rules and it appears that her server was the only one that wasn't hacked by the Russians. You believe in an amazing amount of total b******* propaganda, Super Dupe. No evidence for her drinking problem or anything else, just Fox Rush babbling.

Great. Now find me one doctor that would recommend that an elderly patient with pneumonia that collapsed in public be rushed to her daughters apartment where there is plenty of coffee, and then go back out in public a few hours later and kiss children.

There's one of your kind born every minute.
Pneumonia my ass... But you certainly have memorized all the b******* perfectly, Super Dupe.

Bad news sparky, that was Hillary that supposedly had pneumonia...not your ass.

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