National Democrats Resist Reforms

Yep.What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week..

I dislike trump but the democratic party his been less than useless in even slowing down the trump steamroller. As I see it, before we can address the concerns you listed, this inhuman trump has to be stopped and the democrats are doing nothing. Time for a third party.
What's the matter, are you pissed off about getting a tax break?
If that one time or once a year $300 tax break leads to me losing $300 a month in social security yes I object
Nobody's taking away your Social Security, jackass.
Yea right
Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people. Take money out of politics.

I already know you republicans believe corporations should run the government

Just like you believe trail lawyers, union thugs and environmental kooks should run the government.
In Michigan we have full time state legislatures. We’re trying to get part time and save a ton of money but politicians love their jobs and pay

Each side is influenced by people. You have yours and we have ours. But don't make it out to be like Democrats are as pure as the wind driven snow. How much more money did Hillary have for her campaign than Trump? At least we disclose who gives the Republicans money......not put on some sideshow that one of ours is getting 500K for a speech when it's as clear as day it's nothing more than buying influence.
Yes, well it's hard deciphering between Democrats and those who mostly take Democrat positions, so excuse me.Your topic is titled NATIONAL DEMOCRATS RESIST REFORMS. Bring up Deplorables is merely pointing out that yes, the Democrats need reform, just not the type of reform you are suggesting.

Reforms? They could start by getting off their uimpotent asses and do something.....anything, to stop the out-of-control maniacal trump.

What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall.

They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.

Sound very familiar? Like the 8 previous years but in reverse. Bet you were fine with that!

Okay, so would you like about how many times the Republicans gave into Democrats compared to the other way around?
Now they want to officially be recognized as the white hating party.

Are whites stupid enough to stand by as the dems are about to butt rape them? I have my doubts, altruism only goes so far.
but stupidity knows no bounds as the Ds demonstrate daily.
We have trump because the American citizen is dumb.

Is that why? Then who did the smart American citizens vote for?
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Sure would have been nice to appoint a liberal judge instead of gorsucks.

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people. Take money out of politics.

I already know you republicans believe corporations should run the government

Just like you believe trail lawyers, union thugs and environmental kooks should run the government.
I would rather have someone in government looking out for my interests than someone looking out for the uber rich. Of course, both parties are there for the uber rich. It does seem that with the dems, a few more crumbs come my way.
Funny how democrats still call themselves "progressives" when they are the most regressive political movement in modern history. Let them promote H'wood sexual abuse and economic stagnation, it will cost them more than the majority in congress and the presidency. The democrat party will cease to exist as a viable political party by the time President Trump's first term is up.
We have trump because the American citizen is dumb.

Is that why? Then who did the smart American citizens vote for?
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win
Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.

You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.
I know!!! Argh!! The corporations run the country now

Merely for the sake of argument, who would YOU have run the country?
We the people. Take money out of politics.

I already know you republicans believe corporations should run the government

Just like you believe trail lawyers, union thugs and environmental kooks should run the government.
I would rather have someone in government looking out for my interests than someone looking out for the uber rich. Of course, both parties are there for the uber rich. It does seem that with the dems, a few more crumbs come my way.
My gramma said it best. At least the democrats give a dog a bone
Funny how democrats still call themselves "progressives" when they are the most regressive political movement in modern history. Let them promote H'wood sexual abuse and economic stagnation, it will cost them more than the majority in congress and the presidency. The democrat party will cease to exist as a viable political party by the time President Trump's first term is up.
How soon you try to forget Alabama and the implications
What are taxes for anyway. Personally I don't care anymore, if the rich don't have to pay , then the poor shouldn't either.

When did the poor ever pay anything? Almost half of the people in our country pay no income tax at all, while the top 10% pay over 70% of all collected income taxes. Poor people don't pay--poor people take.

The Pubs and Trump are going to bankrupt the USA and turn it into a police society with rotting and polluted bridges, roads and water.

This from a person who supported a President that doubled our national debt?

I am not going to pay for that. I am also not going to fund his dam wall.

You'll fund whatever the government tells you you're going to fund just like we had to.
Of course we do. When one of ours drifts off into some sexual perversions, don't you on the left hold us to higher standards because we claim to be on the side of religion and family values?

One major difference (well, maybe two)

There are sexual pervert on both sides of the aisle.....and that is bad because they're using their "power" of position to be perverts........HOWEVER, the two right wingers' much more pronounced sins are these:

1. Being perverts while spewing holier than thou bullshit and family values to get elected in the first place....and

2. Being perverts with children.....
We have trump because the American citizen is dumb.

Is that why? Then who did the smart American citizens vote for?
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
And republicans seem to hate Hillary for taking money from wallstreet but don’t mind that their candidates do it. They hold democrats up to a higher standard

Of course we do. When one of ours drifts off into some sexual perversions, don't you on the left hold us to higher standards because we claim to be on the side of religion and family values?
. Hillary gave speeches to Wall Street and did absolutely nothing for the money, while your GOP Heroes are totally bought off by big money and the rich. Brainwashed functional morons you are...
We have trump because the American citizen is dumb.

Is that why? Then who did the smart American citizens vote for?
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
You have absolutely no evidence for that. Absolutely obvious that he cost Hillary the election. Absolutely no actual evidence that Hillary was corrupt or any anything else, super dupe. Give us a call when any of that b******* gets anywhere near a court or even respectable media.
Of course we do. When one of ours drifts off into some sexual perversions, don't you on the left hold us to higher standards because we claim to be on the side of religion and family values?

One major difference (well, maybe two)

There are sexual pervert on both sides of the aisle.....and that is bad because they're using their "power" of position to be perverts........HOWEVER, the two right wingers' much more pronounced sins are these:

1. Being perverts while spewing holier than thou bullshit and family values to get elected in the first place....and

2. Being perverts with children.....

When one of ours gets caught doing anything perverted, they are shunned by the GOP.

And you are correct (which was my point all along) that because Republicans hold morality, religion and family as our platform, we are held to higher standards, just like you are held to higher standards when you accuse the Republicans getting money from the wealthy while Democrats do the same even though they are so critical of the Republicans doing it.
Yep.What's frustrating is that we could completely change the behaviors by changing the system under which they have to operate. For example, term limits, publicly funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change DC overnight.But no, that's too complicated. We're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging this week..

I dislike trump but the democratic party his been less than useless in even slowing down the trump steamroller. As I see it, before we can address the concerns you listed, this inhuman trump has to be stopped and the democrats are doing nothing. Time for a third party.
What's the matter, are you pissed off about getting a tax break?
Unless you live in a blue state or Iowa or God knows where...
We have trump because the American citizen is dumb.

Is that why? Then who did the smart American citizens vote for?
Hillary and democrats.

Three voters

The rich

Stupid middle class deplorable


So the smart people voted for a shady candidate that was under FBI investigation while running for the presidency? A woman who has an alcohol problem and couldn't even attend a 911 ceremony without having to get hauled away because she was too bombed?

Boy those dumb voters elected a successful businessman/ entertainer who never had so much as an outstanding traffic ticket.
Wait! According to trump the fbi wanted Hillary to win

And we're finding out now Trump wasn't too far off base. Comey corrupted the FBI.
Nonsense. They were doing their job. Our government spies on all calls overseas. Do you want our fbi to stop wiretapping international calls?

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