National Democrats Resist Reforms

Two more are coming right behind him. Possibly three. All young.You will lose the Supreme Court for at least a generation.

Who is You?"

Those attempting to turn the United States into Venezuela, i.e. Democrats and their Leftist ilk.

I'm Independent.

Shrug. So am I.

Both parties are as corrupt as hell

All political parties are corrupt, but some parties are more corrupt than others.

Right now however, the greatest threat is trump

I strongly disagree.

and the democrats cannot or will not stop him.

They cannot. They are impotent to do so, because conditions are improving, and Democrat-driven media are arterial bleeding credibility.
What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall. They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.
I'm going to say this once. Despite the electoral college BS, trump was legally and fairly elected. His base, however misguided as they are, allowed trump to usurp the republican party and start their methodical destruction of all rights, laws and social programs that are not in line with evangelical beliefs. However diabolical I think it is, I have to begrudgingly admire the planning and blitzkrieg execution of what they said all along, they would do.

As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

What do you want them to do when the maj of congress in both houses are Pubs, and the Pubs will not play with Dems. Better for them to concentrate on 2018 election.
Evidently I don't use your same dictionary.
Definition of COMPACT

Get a better one than this......
I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists? Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets??? Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."
While I appreciate your apolgentics, I reject them all. The democrats are all hunkered down doing NOTHING...hoping trump self-destructs soon. In the meantime, people are losing their health care, their civil rights and all they see is a do-nothing democratic party. Disorganized, seeming aloof to the concern of its regular people, the democrats project an image of utter cluelessness They don't need better leadership, they have none now. What they need first, is a leader, and that's NOT Hillary.
Seems older white (some are younger) males really feel threatened by everyone, esp blacks , I notice it from this message forum. Wonder why, they seem scared of everyone that is not a white person.

Must be their snowflake egos.
Anti-white racism will be brought down.

Whether you like it or not.
Oh Really? So tell us, who did the US Communist Party support the last election? Who about the two elections before that?

Do you REALLY want to go down that route, Ray baby????......LOL

David Duke loved Donald Trump's news conference comments
Aug 15, 2017 - White supremacist Richard Spencer was also pleased with Trump's comments.
Which party did the black and brown supremacists support again?
I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists? Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets??? Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."
While I appreciate your apolgentics, I reject them all. The democrats are all hunkered down doing NOTHING...hoping trump self-destructs soon. In the meantime, people are losing their health care, their civil rights and all they see is a do-nothing democratic party. Disorganized, seeming aloof to the concern of its regular people, the democrats project an image of utter cluelessness They don't need better leadership, they have none now. What they need first, is a leader, and that's NOT Hillary.

So what civil rights did anybody lose???
I mostly (not all) agree with you......But here are a couple of other pints to ponder..First, what does it really say about a party (the GOP) who is so easily usurped by White Nationalists......Tea Partiers......and now, Trump Cultists? Does that mean that the core of the GOP has no real back bone or tenets??? Second, the DNC (as weak minded as it is) is trying to NOT interfere with Trump's slow and methodical destruction of the GOP. Paraphrasing napoleon, "one does not interfere with one's enemy when that enemy is on a suicidal mission."But, I agree that the DNC needs better leadership and a STRONG message to American workers .....They need what I call, "A Compact with America's Middle Class."
While I appreciate your apolgentics, I reject them all. The democrats are all hunkered down doing NOTHING...hoping trump self-destructs soon. In the meantime, people are losing their health care, their civil rights and all they see is a do-nothing democratic party. Disorganized, seeming aloof to the concern of its regular people, the democrats project an image of utter cluelessness They don't need better leadership, they have none now. What they need first, is a leader, and that's NOT Hillary.
Democrats are nothing but a glorified hate group that is propped up by Mexico to destroy the country.

Actually go to a left wing site’s comment section and look at what they are saying.
What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall. They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.
I'm going to say this once. Despite the electoral college BS, trump was legally and fairly elected. His base, however misguided as they are, allowed trump to usurp the republican party and start their methodical destruction of all rights, laws and social programs that are not in line with evangelical beliefs. However diabolical I think it is, I have to begrudgingly admire the planning and blitzkrieg execution of what they said all along, they would do.

As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

We have third and fourth parties. They just get what's left over from those who feel like you.

You think they aren't there because they are virtually ignored, but they are there.

Generally, our elections are not about getting somebody we want in, our elections are about keeping who we don't like out. So if you were pissed off at the Democrats and voted third party, you helped usher in Trump. Same thing goes for disgruntled Republicans who hated Trump. You either vote for him or you're helping Hillary.

And what Evangelical belief is it that says government should take money to support those who are lazy or cannot support themselves? I come from a Catholic family, went to a Catholic school, and I only recall Jesus asking others to freely give of themselves. I don't recall any Christian belief that government should force people to give them money for charity. After all, forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Theft is one of God's top ten no-no's.
Seems older white (some are younger) males really feel threatened by everyone, esp blacks , I notice it from this message forum. Wonder why, they seem scared of everyone that is not a white person.

Must be their snowflake egos.

Wondering ? Look around. Non whites are a plague. Our vocation is avoidance. No worries , you stay right there. We'll relocate. We are. DO NOT FOLLOW US. WE LOSE WITH JEWS.

Good where are you going?
What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall. They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.
I'm going to say this once. Despite the electoral college BS, trump was legally and fairly elected. His base, however misguided as they are, allowed trump to usurp the republican party and start their methodical destruction of all rights, laws and social programs that are not in line with evangelical beliefs. However diabolical I think it is, I have to begrudgingly admire the planning and blitzkrieg execution of what they said all along, they would do.

As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

We have third and fourth parties. They just get what's left over from those who feel like you.

You think they aren't there because they are virtually ignored, but they are there.

Generally, our elections are not about getting somebody we want in, our elections are about keeping who we don't like out. So if you were pissed off at the Democrats and voted third party, you helped usher in Trump. Same thing goes for disgruntled Republicans who hated Trump. You either vote for him or you're helping Hillary.

And what Evangelical belief is it that says government should take money to support those who are lazy or cannot support themselves? I come from a Catholic family, went to a Catholic school, and I only recall Jesus asking others to freely give of themselves. I don't recall any Christian belief that government should force people to give them money for charity. After all, forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Theft is one of God's top ten no-no's.

Could careless about Evan beliefs. So lets see you want a tax free society. I suggest since that is what you want, lets get rid of cops, firemen and the military, sound good? No more corp welfare. No more taxes, since we have no say over what our taxes go to, I do not want to put trillions into the military or pay congressmen and their aids salaries either. Lets just burn the WH down and call it good, everyone fend for themselves.

How does that sound?
What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall. They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.
I'm going to say this once. Despite the electoral college BS, trump was legally and fairly elected. His base, however misguided as they are, allowed trump to usurp the republican party and start their methodical destruction of all rights, laws and social programs that are not in line with evangelical beliefs. However diabolical I think it is, I have to begrudgingly admire the planning and blitzkrieg execution of what they said all along, they would do.

As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

We have third and fourth parties. They just get what's left over from those who feel like you.

You think they aren't there because they are virtually ignored, but they are there.

Generally, our elections are not about getting somebody we want in, our elections are about keeping who we don't like out. So if you were pissed off at the Democrats and voted third party, you helped usher in Trump. Same thing goes for disgruntled Republicans who hated Trump. You either vote for him or you're helping Hillary.

And what Evangelical belief is it that says government should take money to support those who are lazy or cannot support themselves? I come from a Catholic family, went to a Catholic school, and I only recall Jesus asking others to freely give of themselves. I don't recall any Christian belief that government should force people to give them money for charity. After all, forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Theft is one of God's top ten no-no's.

Could careless about Evan beliefs. So lets see you want a tax free society. I suggest since that is what you want, lets get rid of cops, and firemen and the military, sound good? No more corp welfare. No more taxes, since we have no say so over what our taxes go to, I do not want to put trillions into the military or pay congressmen and their aids salaries either. Lets just burn the WH down and call it good, everyone fend for themselves.

How does that sound?

It sounds like a ridiculous response. Who said a tax-free society? I said nothing of the sort. However I do object to government taking money I work for to give to others because they don't want to work. Our founders didn't create a federal government to be a charity. They created a federal government to govern. Everything our federal government is supposed to do (like military protection of the country) is outlined in the US Constitution.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
What can they do? They are very much a minority in Congress and slightly a minority in the Senate. This is the way our government works. They voted against just about anything the Republicans had to offer. They even threatened a government shutdown if Trump went ahead building the wall. They refuse to work with Republicans so they are doing everything they can to work against them.
I'm going to say this once. Despite the electoral college BS, trump was legally and fairly elected. His base, however misguided as they are, allowed trump to usurp the republican party and start their methodical destruction of all rights, laws and social programs that are not in line with evangelical beliefs. However diabolical I think it is, I have to begrudgingly admire the planning and blitzkrieg execution of what they said all along, they would do.

As low as his poll ratings are, trump is steamrolling and no one is stopping him. The democrats, whom one might think have a vested interest in stopping him, have been useless. It appears they have put all their eggs in a single basket, the Mueller investigation. They should be out, drumming up popular support, they are holed up in their offices. Hillary is a big problem yet they still cling to her.

Time for a third party.

We have third and fourth parties. They just get what's left over from those who feel like you.

You think they aren't there because they are virtually ignored, but they are there.

Generally, our elections are not about getting somebody we want in, our elections are about keeping who we don't like out. So if you were pissed off at the Democrats and voted third party, you helped usher in Trump. Same thing goes for disgruntled Republicans who hated Trump. You either vote for him or you're helping Hillary.

And what Evangelical belief is it that says government should take money to support those who are lazy or cannot support themselves? I come from a Catholic family, went to a Catholic school, and I only recall Jesus asking others to freely give of themselves. I don't recall any Christian belief that government should force people to give them money for charity. After all, forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Theft is one of God's top ten no-no's.

Could careless about Evan beliefs. So lets see you want a tax free society. I suggest since that is what you want, lets get rid of cops, and firemen and the military, sound good? No more corp welfare. No more taxes, since we have no say so over what our taxes go to, I do not want to put trillions into the military or pay congressmen and their aids salaries either. Lets just burn the WH down and call it good, everyone fend for themselves.

How does that sound?

It sounds like a ridiculous response. Who said a tax-free society? I said nothing of the sort. However I do object to government taking money I work for to give to others because they don't want to work. Our founders didn't create a federal government to be a charity. They created a federal government to govern. Everything our federal government is supposed to do (like military protection of the country) is outlined in the US Constitution.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

What are taxes for anyway. Personally I don't care anymore, if the rich don't have to pay , then the poor shouldn't either. Lets all get guns and protect our own. Screw the FEDERAL GOVERMENT. You want to be greedy, we can all be greedy.

Not even an infrastructure plan, nothing but the wealthy get a huge tax break. I read a lot of it, and a lot of it just costs the working poor more in taxes after a few years but the wealthy just keep getting wealthy.

The Pubs and Trump are going to bankrupt the USA and turn it into a police society with rotting and polluted bridges, roads and water. I am not going to pay for that. I am also not going to fund his dam wall.
No one mentioned a tax free society. No culture should be forced into subsidizing a counterculture.

I did, just now. You guys want one, or you want only tax dollars to go to what you want them to.

What should tax dollars go to?? Come on, what should we pay taxes for?
Every race is responsible to it's own. White tax dollars should not be given to non whites. At home and abroad.
White tax dollars should not be given to non whites. At home and abroad.

Glad you decided to come out of the closet....(and DO use some of thoe white dollars to get your sheet and hood dry cleaned.....)
Every race is responsible to it's own. White tax dollars should not be given to non whites. At home and abroad.

Man you are in trouble there, lots of lazy whites.

Now what should out tax dollars go to and for.

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