National Geographic on 9/11

Okay, The Government: Do they mean Congress, (538 members). The Executive Branch (lord only knows how many members), the Pentagon Commanders (5-3,000 commanders or so if you want to extrapalate it out)? NYC Government (Guliani...Kerik)?

The words "the government" are not very specific at all. Find a poll that puts a cross-section of Americans laying the blame at the feet of a few people and you may have something. Until then, you have a bunch of people blaming "them"; and you can't indict "them", you can't incarcerate "them", and you can't do jack shit against "them". Someday you'll learn the difference between chickensalad and chickenshit. What you're peddling isn't chickensalad loser.

So now that you can't hide behind the "competency" bullshit you want to ignore the poll because you don't like the term the "government?"'re so fucking sad.

In truth neither one is mentioned but "they' is more weighty than competency. They are not ruled in or ruled out.

Find a poll of a good cross-section of Americans that is specific and you'll have something. Currently, your poll is about as important and about as useful by the way as those who ask if Elvis is still alive.

Speaking of ignore, what about this:

I've asked like 4 times if you think the phone calls happened since now you're saying that the May family isn't lying about their daughter giving them a call and reporting AA77 as being hijacked.

You won't answer. So are you "so fucking sad" too because you're too afraid to answer? Earlier you were indicating that you were doubtful they took place. But now you are saying that the May family isn't lying about getting the phone call. So which is it today?

First you tried to ignore the poll by falsely claiming it was talking about competency. When that is proven wrong you then try to ignore it on the basis you don't like the word "government." Just another example of your dishonesty. If the word "government" rendered the poll invalid then it was not valid to claim they were talking about competency. So wiggle and jive some more you dumb dishonest bitch.

For the last time.....there is no record of any phone call from flight 77 to the Mays nor the DOJ. Go ahead and lie again and say I've never answered you ****.
what the skinny little Mexican snorkeler ?-
proof you are a racist as well as a moronic troofer

You are the dumbass. Want evidence? You keep trying to dismiss the poll to avoid admitting you fucked up. Pay. Attention. You. Useless. Bitch. It doesn't matter if the poll is legit or not. Why? You accused creativedreams of lying for saying NG said 1/3 of Americans suspect an inside job. It has been repeatedly proven NG in fact did say that and they cited that poll. It doesn't matter if you like the poll or not. Creativedreams did not lie as you accused. Now do your usual routine of ignoring the facts because you have no self respect so you have nothing to lose by lying yourself. Bitch.
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It looks like National Geographic put together a show that is just so good that it has to be accepted.

I am sending my letter to congress to adopt this show into the official 911 commission report as an appendix.

Who will support that?
Is this thread over?

It looks like National Geographic put together a show that is just so good that it has to be accepted.

I am sending my letter to congress to adopt this show into the official 911 commission report as an appendix.

Who will support that?

Just hope they don't quiz you on the CR or you'll look mighty silly requesting an addition to a document you are ignorant about.
Is this thread over?

It looks like National Geographic put together a show that is just so good that it has to be accepted.

I am sending my letter to congress to adopt this show into the official 911 commission report as an appendix.

Who will support that?

Just hope they don't quiz you on the CR or you'll look mighty silly requesting an addition to a document you are ignorant about.

So you create abbreviations?
You really don't see ignorance in that action?
So far my silliness hasn't come close to matching the silliness from the troofer side, and that's saying a lot!
Is this thread over?

It looks like National Geographic put together a show that is just so good that it has to be accepted.

I am sending my letter to congress to adopt this show into the official 911 commission report as an appendix.

Who will support that?

Just hope they don't quiz you on the CR or you'll look mighty silly requesting an addition to a document you are ignorant about.

So you create abbreviations?
You really don't see ignorance in that action?
So far my silliness hasn't come close to matching the silliness from the troofer side, and that's saying a lot!

Creating abbreviations is ignorant? Holy shit balls. Now I see why you generally stay in the safe zone of sarcasm.
Is this thread over?

It looks like National Geographic put together a show that is just so good that it has to be accepted.

I am sending my letter to congress to adopt this show into the official 911 commission report as an appendix.

Who will support that?


(You got my vote)
Just hope they don't quiz you on the CR or you'll look mighty silly requesting an addition to a document you are ignorant about.

So you create abbreviations?
You really don't see ignorance in that action?
So far my silliness hasn't come close to matching the silliness from the troofer side, and that's saying a lot!

Creating abbreviations is ignorant? Holy shit balls. Now I see why you generally stay in the safe zone of sarcasm.

no clownlite, making abbreviations without explanations doesn't help you at all.

the above sentaence abbrevated;
which makes more sense?
wait, I am asking clownlite about sense, holy shit i fell right into that one.....:lol::lol::lol:

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