National Geographic on 9/11

see, more proof you lack reading comprehension skills

the title(written by either the reporter of the editor) was not substantiated in the actual poll
the poll question lumped SEVERAL options into one
so, you can NOT conclude that the people that responded ALL believed it was an inside job
only dishonest troofer fuckers like you do shit like that

Your stupidity is stupendous!


Do you get what that means? I doubt it. Pay attention you dumbass:

From the FIRST paragraph:

"More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll."

It really is hard to tell if you are truly that fucking dumb or if you prefer being seen as that dumb to avoid apologizing to creativedreams. On that ONE QUESTION 36% responded in the affirmative. They asked other questions such as a missile on the Pentagon and if explosives were used on the towers:

"Sixteen percent said it's "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that "the collapse of the twin towers in New York was aided by explosives secretly planted in the two buildings."

Twelve percent suspect the Pentagon was struck by a military cruise missile in 2001 rather than by an airliner captured by terrorists."

They did not "lump" those together you idiot and you can't add percentages. I'm guessing you read this part:

"Thirty-six percent of respondents overall said it is "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that federal officials either participated in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon or took no action to stop them "because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East."

...and from that your stupid ass tried to claim they "lumped" them altogether. They did not lump them together. Learn how to read and be man enough to apologize when you falsely accuse someone of lying.
god damn you are too fucking stupid

Thank you for ignoring the facts again.
Let's, liability, fizz, and candycorn all claimed part of the response to the poll was about competency and not an inside job. Once again, you accused creativedreams of lying for saying that NG said 1/3 suspect an inside job. Even after the poll was linked you refused to man up and admit you were wrong, but you want to preach about reading comprehension? The entire poll was nothing but conspiracy questions:

"Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy"

I also question any poll where "they" are involved. Mention specifics and your numbers nosedive.

More of your dishonesty. The "they" is referencing the government. Once again, the poll asked questions based on 5 conspiracies all involving the government. Do you retract your deflection about "competency" or are you going to shock us and be honest and admit the poll asked all conspiracy questions?

Okay, The Government: Do they mean Congress, (538 members). The Executive Branch (lord only knows how many members), the Pentagon Commanders (5-3,000 commanders or so if you want to extrapalate it out)? NYC Government (Guliani...Kerik)?

The words "the government" are not very specific at all. Find a poll that puts a cross-section of Americans laying the blame at the feet of a few people and you may have something. Until then, you have a bunch of people blaming "them"; and you can't indict "them", you can't incarcerate "them", and you can't do jack shit against "them". Someday you'll learn the difference between chickensalad and chickenshit. What you're peddling isn't chickensalad loser.
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Your stupidity is stupendous!


Do you get what that means? I doubt it. Pay attention you dumbass:

From the FIRST paragraph:

"More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll."

It really is hard to tell if you are truly that fucking dumb or if you prefer being seen as that dumb to avoid apologizing to creativedreams. On that ONE QUESTION 36% responded in the affirmative. They asked other questions such as a missile on the Pentagon and if explosives were used on the towers:

"Sixteen percent said it's "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that "the collapse of the twin towers in New York was aided by explosives secretly planted in the two buildings."

Twelve percent suspect the Pentagon was struck by a military cruise missile in 2001 rather than by an airliner captured by terrorists."

They did not "lump" those together you idiot and you can't add percentages. I'm guessing you read this part:

"Thirty-six percent of respondents overall said it is "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that federal officials either participated in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon or took no action to stop them "because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East."

...and from that your stupid ass tried to claim they "lumped" them altogether. They did not lump them together. Learn how to read and be man enough to apologize when you falsely accuse someone of lying.
god damn you are too fucking stupid

Thank you for ignoring the facts again.
how can i ignore what wasn't there?
"They laughed at Noah right up until the time it started raining too."
Terall, USMB 2/6/2010

and we continue to laugh at the Heaven's Gate idiots when their prophecy didnt come true and they committed suicide.

fucking morons. :cuckoo:
I also question any poll where "they" are involved. Mention specifics and your numbers nosedive.

More of your dishonesty. The "they" is referencing the government. Once again, the poll asked questions based on 5 conspiracies all involving the government. Do you retract your deflection about "competency" or are you going to shock us and be honest and admit the poll asked all conspiracy questions?

Okay, The Government: Do they mean Congress, (538 members). The Executive Branch (lord only knows how many members), the Pentagon Commanders (5-3,000 commanders or so if you want to extrapalate it out)? NYC Government (Guliani...Kerik)?

The words "the government" are not very specific at all. Find a poll that puts a cross-section of Americans laying the blame at the feet of a few people and you may have something. Until then, you have a bunch of people blaming "them"; and you can't indict "them", you can't incarcerate "them", and you can't do jack shit against "them". Someday you'll learn the difference between chickensalad and chickenshit. What you're peddling isn't chickensalad loser.

So now that you can't hide behind the "competency" bullshit you want to ignore the poll because you don't like the term the "government?"'re so fucking sad.
More of your dishonesty. The "they" is referencing the government. Once again, the poll asked questions based on 5 conspiracies all involving the government. Do you retract your deflection about "competency" or are you going to shock us and be honest and admit the poll asked all conspiracy questions?

Okay, The Government: Do they mean Congress, (538 members). The Executive Branch (lord only knows how many members), the Pentagon Commanders (5-3,000 commanders or so if you want to extrapalate it out)? NYC Government (Guliani...Kerik)?

The words "the government" are not very specific at all. Find a poll that puts a cross-section of Americans laying the blame at the feet of a few people and you may have something. Until then, you have a bunch of people blaming "them"; and you can't indict "them", you can't incarcerate "them", and you can't do jack shit against "them". Someday you'll learn the difference between chickensalad and chickenshit. What you're peddling isn't chickensalad loser.

So now that you can't hide behind the "competency" bullshit you want to ignore the poll because you don't like the term the "government?"'re so fucking sad.

In truth neither one is mentioned but "they' is more weighty than competency. They are not ruled in or ruled out.

Find a poll of a good cross-section of Americans that is specific and you'll have something. Currently, your poll is about as important and about as useful by the way as those who ask if Elvis is still alive.

Speaking of ignore, what about this:

I've asked like 4 times if you think the phone calls happened since now you're saying that the May family isn't lying about their daughter giving them a call and reporting AA77 as being hijacked.

You won't answer. So are you "so fucking sad" too because you're too afraid to answer? Earlier you were indicating that you were doubtful they took place. But now you are saying that the May family isn't lying about getting the phone call. So which is it today?
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proof you are a racist as well as a moronic troofer

naw, eots is just misguided by the company he keeps.
We will fix that when the ice goes off the lake and he comes out to go fishing.
you still have hope it's "fixable"?

yeah, he is just young and impressionable.
I think if he spent some time fishing and spent his evenings chasing ranch girls, he would straighten right out.
you still have hope it's "fixable"?

yeah, he is just young and impressionable.
I think if he spent some time fishing and spent his evenings chasing ranch girls, he would straighten right out.
i dont believe that Eots is that "young"

Really? From talking with him I would have guessed him in his early twenties....course there could be another reason. it starts with r......

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