National Geographic on 9/11

Federal officials....riiiiight!. Could your "poll" get any less specific asswipe?

Complicity is never mentioned. You're simply implying it.


Speaking of tap-dancing;

So did the phone call from Renee May to her parents take place or not? You seem to be on both sides of the fence on this (and most) subjects?

Take a stand for a change bitch.

You are completely ignoring they stated the reason for not taking action:

"because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East."


Does your poll mention who the nebulous "they" are supposed to be? Fraid not bitch.

Amazingly complicity is still not in the poll. Do you think it is a bit strange that your poll doesn't do anything other then blame "they"? Why do you think that is. Oh yeah, I forgot, "yes" or "no" questions are your arch enemy lol. I'll tell you why it is; its easier to blame an non-specific "they". Put the words "George Bush" into the question and you'll see it drop big time because, unless the poll is set up to get a specific result, you'll lose 1/2 of the respondents. Cheney will get you the same result.

Of course common sense would get you even a greater return since they had only been in office for 8 months and there would be zero chance of orchestrating such a complex and brain-dead plot in 8 months but common sense never stood in your way now did it?

But any, complicity is still not there loser.

Any word on whether the May phone call actually took place. Simple question that you're too afraid to answer.

Wanted to point out a couple of things about the "8 month" bit to show how stupid you are. Once. Again.

1. I never claimed it was an inside job. For some reason it pisses you girl scouts off so much that I am honest in saying I don't know what happened that you have to repeatedly put words in my mouth.

2. If it was an inside job on any level, what makes you think it would have to be done by those in the Oval Office? If you'll remember, the fifteen page Op Northwods plan was drawn up by the top military leaders and not civilians.

3. You may not be aware, but here in the US the POTUS election is held on November 2 the year preceding being sworn into Office. For instance, Obushama won the election around November 3, 2009 so he had a hint......just a TINY CLUE he would be Sworn in January 2010. That means there is a ten month period between knowing who would be in office and not 8 as you claimed.

4. If there was a plan for a False Flag what makes you think the planning could ONLY START once the POTUS is in office?

5. Isn't it possible some become aware of the 9/11 attack and let it happen? Why would they need to be in office for 8 or 80 months?

Once again, when you try to analyze a situation you expose your utter inability for even the slightest whisper of critical thinking. Like when you claimed it would have made more sense to blame Saddam for 9E.......hahahahah....fucking clown.

In light of your imbecility, the question will be repeated for you, bent tight:

What absurd things have I said about 9E? Please provide the links to the posts without any editing.

You are an asshole, bent tight. You ask "questions" as though we don't all see what you are really doing. Your "questions" are just another way of making assertions. We all know it. Why do asswipes like you always pretend that you are clever enough to pull that shit off?


You are an asshole Troofer plain and simple.

It's not "9E," fuckface. It WAS 9/11/2001 when this country got attacked. Why do shitforbrain Godforesaken jerkoff cockscrapers like you never stop and ponder the implication of your contentions (oh, sorry, your "questions")?

Seriously, go fuck yourself.

Rotfl! Damn, when your diaper doesn't get changed quickly enough you sure do go all ollie on us. You're such a control freak you whine about! Why don't you tell us again how the Op Northwoods documents were all planted fakes to boost the troofer movement. It's always a pleasure to remind you the docs were declassified months before 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E. It's also hilarious to see you claim such a stupid conspiracy when you don't have any fucking reason for it.
more people believe aliens have contacted the US Government than believe 9/11 inside job.

CNN - Poll: U.S. hiding knowledge of aliens - June 15, 1997

You idiot. You just posted a link they also says:

More americans believe aliens have contacted the US government than believe the Bush admin was honest about 9E. Rotfl....

yeah, so?

37% believe aliens have contacted the US government. what was the percentage that believe the inside job shit in your poll again? :lol:

i guess i was overestimating your intelligence at being able to extract the number from my poll and compare it to yours. fucking dumbass.
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What absurd things have I said about 9E? Please provide the links to the posts without any editing.

You are an asshole, bent tight. You ask "questions" as though we don't all see what you are really doing. Your "questions" are just another way of making assertions. We all know it. Why do asswipes like you always pretend that you are clever enough to pull that shit off?


You are an asshole Troofer plain and simple.

It's not "9E," fuckface. It WAS 9/11/2001 when this country got attacked. Why do shitforbrain Godforesaken jerkoff cockscrapers like you never stop and ponder the implication of your contentions (oh, sorry, your "questions")?

Seriously, go fuck yourself.

Rotfl! Damn, when your diaper doesn't get changed quickly enough you sure do go all ollie on us. You're such a control freak you whine about! Why don't you tell us again how the Op Northwoods documents were all planted fakes to boost the troofer movement. It's always a pleasure to remind you the docs were declassified months before 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E. It's also hilarious to see you claim such a stupid conspiracy when you don't have any fucking reason for it.

Nice attempt at deflection. You are just a fucktard.

I already heard your dishonest story, don't forget, you dumbass unconvincing liar.

Here's your plodding and utterly unconvincing shtick: "I don't necessarily subscribe to the Truther belief in a conspiracy, but I, being the totally objective swell fellow that I am, do believe that it is important to ask the questions!"

(In your mind, do they play some really cool heraldic type music in the background as you pontificate?)

But your shtick is tired and unconvincing for a lot of reasons. NOBODY who was actually just being (honestly) "objective" would be as dismissive of every answer to your "questions" as YOU always are.

Nobody who is JUST asking open-minded questions would EVER ask SOME of the stupid "questions" you ask. And nobody who was being objective would refuse to consider the implications of the the conspiracy which the Troofers postulate and about which you have that (faux) open mind.

By the way, you dishonest tool, you never DID get the point of my comment about Operation Northwoods. You are too wooden and foolish. But I decline to accept your invitation to have THIS discussion morph into that stupid shit. Try to stay focused, dufus.

You Troofers are all assholes.
1. I never claimed it was an inside job. For some reason it pisses you girl scouts off so much that I am honest in saying I don't know what happened that you have to repeatedly put words in my mouth.

Thats true, you have never taken a stand on anything; its called being a coward and you're very good at it.

2. If it was an inside job on any level, what makes you think it would have to be done by those in the Oval Office? If you'll remember, the fifteen page Op Northwods plan was drawn up by the top military leaders and not civilians.

The top military leaders attacked their own headquarters. And you call others stupid? You may have just set the gold standard there fry-chief.

3. You may not be aware, but here in the US the POTUS election is held on November 2 the year preceding being sworn into Office. For instance, Obushama won the election around November 3, 2009 so he had a hint......just a TINY CLUE he would be Sworn in January 2010. That means there is a ten month period between knowing who would be in office and not 8 as you claimed.

Actually dumbass, it is held on the first Tuesday that follows a Monday in November. Now if I wanted to, I could point this out for the next 15 posts like you do when you think you've shown someone to be ignorant (the difference being is that you are actually ignorant of a great many things none the least of which is 9/11).

4. If there was a plan for a False Flag what makes you think the planning could ONLY START once the POTUS is in office?

I think actually you usurped #2 which previously set the gold standard with that; So they would just trust the structure in place to pull off this elaborate plan? Yeah...right. Of course, in your world President-Elects probably have the power to appoint generals and whatever to allow such events to take place. LOL.

Gee, you are a never ending source of amusement aren't you. God bless the girl that beat the shit out of you that bent you into the twisted joke of a twit you are today.
Speaking of polls

From a telephone survey of 204 Americans, Spring 1993

65% of all Americans believe that frozen pizza will never be any good and there's nothing science can do about it.
10% of the American public would pay $5 to see Senator Orrin Hatch (R - Utah) fight a big mean dog on Pay TV.

86% of all viewers would root for the dog.
100% of women viewers would root for the dog.

45% of Americans think rain doesn't feel as good in real life as it seems to in the movies.
16% of Perot voters believe "if dolphins were really smart, they could get out of those nets."
65% of American women believe there is "a lot of difference" between a campaign contribution and a bribe. Only 35% of men see a difference

70% of American women have never had an emotionally satisfactory relationship with a Republican

From a telephone survey of 229 Americans, Summer 1994

In the past year 36% of Americans have chanted "We're Number One!" Only 22% of Bush voters have chanted "We're Number One!"
62% of Americans believe a trip to a major theme park is more culturally enriching than a trip to the Reagan Library
39% of Americans believe that guns are not "as dangerous as they say".
15% of Americans wish Dennis Hopper would go back on drugs.
29% of Americans believe that Elvis was right to shoot TV sets.
29% of Perot voters say "The candidate I vote for usually loses."
11% of Americans that suffer from indigestion would rather retake the SAT than watch a Jesse Helms filibuster.
12.5% of Americans that voted for Clinton believe that they will someday be told "just what Victoria's Secret is." 98% of Bush voters believe they will never know.
88% of Bush voters "have no idea what rappers are talking about."
14% of Americans surveyed agreed that Puerto Rico should not be the 51st state because "that extra star would make the flag look bad."

From a telephone survey of 208 Americans, Winter 1994

35% of Americans believe Richard Nixon went to heaven. 59% believe he went "someplace else."
34% of those who voted Republican in the last election believe "Forrest Gump" was a documentary.

TV Nation Polls from the NBC Days - JokeTribe Humor

These were all polls commissioned by Michael Moore's first tv show called TV Nation.

EDIT - I found the entire list.

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Speaking of polls

From a telephone survey of 204 Americans, Spring 1993

65% of all Americans believe that frozen pizza will never be any good and there's nothing science can do about it.
10% of the American public would pay $5 to see Senator Orrin Hatch (R - Utah) fight a big mean dog on Pay TV.

86% of all viewers would root for the dog.
100% of women viewers would root for the dog.

45% of Americans think rain doesn't feel as good in real life as it seems to in the movies.
16% of Perot voters believe "if dolphins were really smart, they could get out of those nets."
65% of American women believe there is "a lot of difference" between a campaign contribution and a bribe. Only 35% of men see a difference

70% of American women have never had an emotionally satisfactory relationship with a Republican

From a telephone survey of 229 Americans, Summer 1994

In the past year 36% of Americans have chanted "We're Number One!" Only 22% of Bush voters have chanted "We're Number One!"
62% of Americans believe a trip to a major theme park is more culturally enriching than a trip to the Reagan Library
39% of Americans believe that guns are not "as dangerous as they say".
15% of Americans wish Dennis Hopper would go back on drugs.
29% of Americans believe that Elvis was right to shoot TV sets.
29% of Perot voters say "The candidate I vote for usually loses."
11% of Americans that suffer from indigestion would rather retake the SAT than watch a Jesse Helms filibuster.
12.5% of Americans that voted for Clinton believe that they will someday be told "just what Victoria's Secret is." 98% of Bush voters believe they will never know.
88% of Bush voters "have no idea what rappers are talking about."
14% of Americans surveyed agreed that Puerto Rico should not be the 51st state because "that extra star would make the flag look bad."

From a telephone survey of 208 Americans, Winter 1994

35% of Americans believe Richard Nixon went to heaven. 59% believe he went "someplace else."
34% of those who voted Republican in the last election believe "Forrest Gump" was a documentary.

TV Nation Polls from the NBC Days - JokeTribe Humor

These were all polls commissioned by Michael Moore's first tv show called TV Nation.

All of the above are more specific than the "they" CL has been harping on for the last 16 hours.
1. I never claimed it was an inside job. For some reason it pisses you girl scouts off so much that I am honest in saying I don't know what happened that you have to repeatedly put words in my mouth.

Thats true, you have never taken a stand on anything; its called being a coward and you're very good at it.

2. If it was an inside job on any level, what makes you think it would have to be done by those in the Oval Office? If you'll remember, the fifteen page Op Northwods plan was drawn up by the top military leaders and not civilians.

The top military leaders attacked their own headquarters. And you call others stupid? You may have just set the gold standard there fry-chief.

3. You may not be aware, but here in the US the POTUS election is held on November 2 the year preceding being sworn into Office. For instance, Obushama won the election around November 3, 2009 so he had a hint......just a TINY CLUE he would be Sworn in January 2010. That means there is a ten month period between knowing who would be in office and not 8 as you claimed.

Actually dumbass, it is held on the first Tuesday that follows a Monday in November. Now if I wanted to, I could point this out for the next 15 posts like you do when you think you've shown someone to be ignorant (the difference being is that you are actually ignorant of a great many things none the least of which is 9/11).

4. If there was a plan for a False Flag what makes you think the planning could ONLY START once the POTUS is in office?

I think actually you usurped #2 which previously set the gold standard with that; So they would just trust the structure in place to pull off this elaborate plan? Yeah...right. Of course, in your world President-Elects probably have the power to appoint generals and whatever to allow such events to take place. LOL.

Gee, you are a never ending source of amusement aren't you. God bless the girl that beat the shit out of you that bent you into the twisted joke of a twit you are today.

There's some shit there too dumb to address but I will point out once again you lie about my position just to do name calling.
Oh, and lets not forget that a third of all New Jersey Republicans believe that Obama is either the anti-Christ or don't know whether he is or not. Also, in line with what CL has been arguing, a third of all New Jersey Democrats believe Bush had something to do with 9/11 or don't know.

Try to pay attention. Creativedreams said NG pointed out 1/3 of americans believe it was an inside job. Divecon accused him of being a liar. I posted the poll that NG referenced and has on their website showing Creativedreams did not lie. Divecon never apologized because he's an ignorant bitch, and the rest of the girl scout club, including you, is ignoring what the poll states. I've never said the poll is accurate. I simply pointed out what it said and that NG cited it. You dumb ***** really should learn how to participate on a board. And learn how to read.
A At least thay admitted 1/3 of Americans think 9/11 was an inside job....
B Pearl Harbor was intentionally allowed to happen by the government?
A. Shows that 2/3 of Murkinz are flag waving, brainwashed idiots.
B. The military industrial complex made a fortune on that " movie".
The " Chosen" , self chosen, even wound up with a serious piece of real estate out of the deal.It's called IsNtReal.
Oh, and lets not forget that a third of all New Jersey Republicans believe that Obama is either the anti-Christ or don't know whether he is or not. Also, in line with what CL has been arguing, a third of all New Jersey Democrats believe Bush had something to do with 9/11 or don't know.

Try to pay attention. Creativedreams said NG pointed out 1/3 of americans believe it was an inside job. Divecon accused him of being a liar. I posted the poll that NG referenced and has on their website showing Creativedreams did not lie. Divecon never apologized because he's an ignorant bitch, and the rest of the girl scout club, including you, is ignoring what the poll states. I've never said the poll is accurate. I simply pointed out what it said and that NG cited it. You dumb ***** really should learn how to participate on a board. And learn how to read.

Frankly, I'm not interested in page after page of vile name calling. I was just juxtaposing the point about polls showing a third of Americans believe the government had something to do with 9/11.
In 1941 there was the question of why the carriers weren't there. There was the big argument between the Roosevelt administration and the Japanese over our embargo against them on strategic metals, and the fact that Perl was caught flat footed.

There was also the fact Yamoto was, as Attache here, part of an exercise doing in 1928 exactly what he did in 1941, fly over the top of Oahu from the north because there were no defensive assets on that side. Worked in 28 too.

Things that make people ask questions now that they didn'tn know back then was the fact we were able to read their diplomatic traffic faster than they could. The poor schmucks at the Japanese embassy were not told ahead of time, and their code guy was off that morning, so when they got traffic that day they had to find the code guy to translate the final Japanese message. Roosevelt had it two hours before the Japanese ambassador did. (We couldn't do military traffic in 41, but we broke that by April of 42. The Japanese were so full of themselves they couldn't believe we could read their messages.)

That doesn't mean Roosevelt was culpable. The Japanese had their hands full, and he didn't believe they were serious.

But lots of folks had problems with the official story at Pearl too.

I don't have TV. I will have to wait for You Tube.

There have been lots of serious investigations. Serious lunatics refuse to believe the facts of physics, chemistry and any other science that gets in the way of their silliness.

Yep. Things like absorbtion spectra mean nothing to most idiots here.
Oh, and lets not forget that a third of all New Jersey Republicans believe that Obama is either the anti-Christ or don't know whether he is or not. Also, in line with what CL has been arguing, a third of all New Jersey Democrats believe Bush had something to do with 9/11 or don't know.

Try to pay attention. Creativedreams said NG pointed out 1/3 of americans believe it was an inside job. Divecon accused him of being a liar. I posted the poll that NG referenced and has on their website showing Creativedreams did not lie. Divecon never apologized because he's an ignorant bitch, and the rest of the girl scout club, including you, is ignoring what the poll states. I've never said the poll is accurate. I simply pointed out what it said and that NG cited it. You dumb ***** really should learn how to participate on a board. And learn how to read.

Frankly, I'm not interested in page after page of vile name calling. I was just juxtaposing the point about polls showing a third of Americans believe the government had something to do with 9/11.

You fit right in with the rest of the girl scouts.

"Also, in line with what CL has been arguing..."

You don't have a clue.
You fit right in with the rest of the girl scouts.

"Also, in line with what CL has been arguing..."

You don't have a clue.

I understand that your vitriolic ego and self-esteem is completely wrapped up in winning every single argument on a message board and that it kills you if you don't get the last word but I couldn't care less about your little argument in this thread. It reminds me of the aggrieved eight year-old crying to the teacher about huge self-perceived injustices.
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You fit right in with the rest of the girl scouts.

"Also, in line with what CL has been arguing..."

You don't have a clue.

I understand that your vitriolic ego and self-esteem is completely wrapped up in winning every single argument on a message board and that it kills you if you don't get the last word but I couldn't care less about your little argument in this thread. It reminds me of the aggrieved eight year-old crying to the teacher about huge self-perceived injustices. fit right with the rest of the snotty whiny kids because when you fuck up you try to play Dr Phil (full of shit) to hide that. Clue: nobody ever wins or loses in debating. There is simply an exposure of honesty, or specifically in your case, dishonesty. Thanks for the useless additions.
You fit right in with the rest of the girl scouts.

"Also, in line with what CL has been arguing..."

You don't have a clue.

I understand that your vitriolic ego and self-esteem is completely wrapped up in winning every single argument on a message board and that it kills you if you don't get the last word but I couldn't care less about your little argument in this thread. It reminds me of the aggrieved eight year-old crying to the teacher about huge self-perceived injustices. fit right with the rest of the snotty whiny kids because when you fuck up you try to play Dr Phil (full of shit) to hide that. Clue: nobody ever wins or loses in debating. There is simply an exposure of honesty, or specifically in your case, dishonesty. Thanks for the useless additions.

Gee, thanks for disproving my point. :rolleyes: :lol:
I understand that your vitriolic ego and self-esteem is completely wrapped up in winning every single argument on a message board and that it kills you if you don't get the last word but I couldn't care less about your little argument in this thread. It reminds me of the aggrieved eight year-old crying to the teacher about huge self-perceived injustices. fit right with the rest of the snotty whiny kids because when you fuck up you try to play Dr Phil (full of shit) to hide that. Clue: nobody ever wins or loses in debating. There is simply an exposure of honesty, or specifically in your case, dishonesty. Thanks for the useless additions.

Gee, thanks for disproving my point. :rolleyes: :lol:

Thank you for proving mine. fit right with the rest of the snotty whiny kids because when you fuck up you try to play Dr Phil (full of shit) to hide that. Clue: nobody ever wins or loses in debating. There is simply an exposure of honesty, or specifically in your case, dishonesty. Thanks for the useless additions.

Gee, thanks for disproving my point. :rolleyes: :lol:

Thank you for proving mine.

bent tight is slipping. In his last couple of unpersausive posts, he failed to call somebody a "****."

This clearly means that he realizes that he's lost.

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