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National Gun Registry

Does that mean that if, for example, I steal your car, and then rob a bank, the bank should be able to get its money from you?

Cars are registered. Drivers are licensed

I am willing to do both for guns.......why aren't you?

Cars are registered? All of them? and no one is driving without a license?


By the way, if you really want to make guns like cars....
They don't.
They say that they do, but only until you explain the reality of their position.
Then they either run away or try to argie that that they REALLY meant something that has nothing to do with the way treat cars.
If you sell your gun to someone who has a legal permit, you register the sale and you are off the hook

From that point on, he can't hold a permit

It's a right. Rights don't require permission, otherwise they aren't rights, are they.
And I encourage EVERY gun owner to actively defend their country when required. But how can we call you to defend our country if we don't know who you are and what guns you have?

How did they know during the Revolutionary War? How did they know during the War of 1812? How about the Civil War?

You're just being purposely absurd now.
And I encourage EVERY gun owner to actively defend their country when required. But how can we call you to defend our country if we don't know who you are and what guns you have?

How did they know during the Revolutionary War? How did they know during the War of 1812? How about the Civil War?

You're just being purposely absurd now.

Come and flame Right_winger in this thread

As an American and faithful defender of the second amendment it is your duty to train, register yourself and the weapons you own

America depends on it!

I agree, so long as there is a law demanding that every able bodied male between 17 and 45 must own a modern standard issue firearm, and will be provided with one for free if he cannot afford it, and will also be provided with a free "boot-camp-lite" 2 week training session.

Sorry ....there is no such law

But there is our second amendment which obligates gun owners to form well regulated militias in defense of our country

Per the second amendment.....Why else would you own a firearm?
As an American and faithful defender of the second amendment it is your duty to train, register yourself and the weapons you own

America depends on it!

I agree, so long as there is a law demanding that every able bodied male between 17 and 45 must own a modern standard issue firearm, and will be provided with one for free if he cannot afford it, and will also be provided with a free "boot-camp-lite" 2 week training session.

Sorry ....there is no such law

But there is our second amendment which obligates gun owners to form well regulated militias in defense of our country

Per the second amendment.....Why else would you own a firearm?

You should read Federalist 26 - 29. They discuss the dangers of standing armies, foreign armies and unjust insurrection/rebellion. I'll quote the part that's most relevant however:

(Also, did it ever cross your mind that the 3rd Amendment protects you from the military of your own government? There's no need for a 3rd Amendment against foreign invaders)

Federalist 28:
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. The usurpers, clothed with the forms of legal authority, can too often crush the opposition in embryo. The smaller the extent of the territory, the more difficult will it be for the people to form a regular or systematic plan of opposition, and the more easy will it be to defeat their early efforts. Intelligence can be more speedily obtained of their preparations and movements, and the military force in the possession of the usurpers can be more rapidly directed against the part where the opposition has begun. In this situation there must be a peculiar coincidence of circumstances to insure success to the popular resistance.

The obstacles to usurpation and the facilities of resistance increase with the increased extent of the state, provided the citizens understand their rights and are disposed to defend them. The natural strength of the people in a large community, in proportion to the artificial strength of the government, is greater than in a small, and of course more competent to a struggle with the attempts of the government to establish a tyranny. But in a confederacy the people, without exaggeration, may be said to be entirely the masters of their own fate. Power being almost always the rival of power, the general government will at all times stand ready to check the usurpations of the state governments, and these will have the same disposition towards the general government. The people, by throwing themselves into either scale, will infallibly make it preponderate. If their rights are invaded by either, they can make use of the other as the instrument of redress. How wise will it be in them by cherishing the union to preserve to themselves an advantage which can never be too highly prized!

It may safely be received as an axiom in our political system, that the State governments will, in all possible contingencies, afford complete security against invasions of the public liberty by the national authority. Projects of usurpation cannot be masked under pretenses so likely to escape the penetration of select bodies of men, as of the people at large. The legislatures will have better means of information. They can discover the danger at a distance; and possessing all the organs of civil power, and the confidence of the people, they can at once adopt a regular plan of opposition, in which they can combine all the resources of the community. They can readily communicate with each other in the different States, and unite their common forces for the protection of their common liberty.

The great extent of the country is a further security. We have already experienced its utility against the attacks of a foreign power. And it would have precisely the same effect against the enterprises of ambitious rulers in the national councils. If the federal army should be able to quell the resistance of one State, the distant States would have it in their power to make head with fresh forces. The advantages obtained in one place must be abandoned to subdue the opposition in others; and the moment the part which had been reduced to submission was left to itself, its efforts would be renewed, and its resistance revive.

We should recollect that the extent of the military force must, at all events, be regulated by the resources of the country. For a long time to come, it will not be possible to maintain a large army; and as the means of doing this increase, the population and natural strength of the community will proportionably increase. When will the time arrive that the federal government can raise and maintain an army capable of erecting a despotism over the great body of the people of an immense empire, who are in a situation, through the medium of their State governments, to take measures for their own defense, with all the celerity, regularity, and system of independent nations? The apprehension may be considered as a disease, for which there can be found no cure in the resources of argument and reasoning.
They already don't enforce the laws concerning registration as it is, what makes you think they'll start doing it when even more people are forced to use the system?

If government cared you about, you wouldnt't have:

1) Inferior Educational Facilities

2) Poor teaching standards

3) Lack of school supplies

4) Prohibition of certain drugs fueling crime wars and violence

5) Endless inflation

6) Ancient Rail systems

7) Ancient Power systems

8) Poorly maintained roads

9) Insane Education costs

10) People trying to control your body, sexual habits and contraceptive practices

11) An entire series of generations ignorant of Jury Nullification

12) Career politicians that have no term limits

13) A system of privileges for the office holding and government employed class of citizens.

14) Sovereign Immunity

15) A government that devours your economic and civil liberties
6) Forced to survive on handouts because generation after generation receives poor education and whoever does make it into the job market suffers from inflation.



You're a fucking moron.

True story!
Obama has stated he wants a list of gun owners and all gun purchases to "check" for criminals. Of course he claims that it won't be a registry, just a list he happens to have.
What would be your opposition to a registry in the first place?

It's none of the government's business as to who is in possession of a gun or what kind.
What does it matter?

And who says they do not have that right? The Constitution is the basis for our government, and our government is empowered to amend it and interpret it, and do so yearly using laws passed.

But again, what does it matter?
The 2A mentions nothing about requiring people who want to own guns to show you anything.

It mentions a well regulated militia

How can we regulate you if you don't have a permit?

I didn't have a permit when the Navy handed me a .45 and told me to shoot anyone who tried to get on the ship. In fact, I hadn't even fired it, and never once had to do so, yet I had carried it every 4 days.

You sound well regulated to me
And I encourage EVERY gun owner to actively defend their country when required. But how can we call you to defend our country if we don't know who you are and what guns you have?

How did they know during the Revolutionary War? How did they know during the War of 1812? How about the Civil War?

You're just being purposely absurd now.

Lexington and Concord were small villages. Everyone knew who you were. We have 300 million people now and it is harder to regulate our militia
What would be your opposition to a registry in the first place?

It's none of the government's business as to who is in possession of a gun or what kind.
What does it matter?

And who says they do not have that right? The Constitution is the basis for our government, and our government is empowered to amend it and interpret it, and do so yearly using laws passed.

But again, what does it matter?

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments instruct us explicitly how to read our Constitution. Only a Jury may interpret the law (Jury Nullification), unless a Jury cannot be summoned for that Case, which case a judge (or set of judges) may interpret the Law and Constitution under Article III, Sections 1 and 2. READ THE BOLD PRINT IN PARTICULAR

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The Ninth Amendment has four important functions:

I. It functions as an educational tool, whose information cannot be hidden from the public.

II. It functions to prevent government from invalidating a ruling by either a jury or lower court through strict interpretation of the Bill of Rights.

III. It functions to define Judicial Tyranny, limiting the power of judicial review (in conjunction with the 10th Amendment).

IV. To define and encourage Judicial Activism, assuming it does not fall under the category of Judicial Tyranny.

Function 1:

The first function of the Ninth Amendment is to serve as an Educational amendment, in order to instruct the citizens of the United States that our rights, especially those that are enumerated, are bestowed upon us by birth --- not by government; that government can only perpetrate oppression and abuse --- neither liberty nor protection --- via the denial or disparagement of our rights; that the government at its very best is but a necessary evil.

This particular function has NO meaning in a judicial process, it simply serves as a reminder to all citizens that any politician that preaches or espouses the idea of "Government created rights," or other Statist philosophies, is rotten to the core. It would make for a great attack ad, because it would either force the defending politician the renounce Natural Rights, or spin an overtly contradictory web of "justifications" to "clarify" their remarks.

Function 2:

The second function of the Ninth Amendment prevents a higher level of authority from invalidating a decision by a jury through a strict interpretation of the Bill of Rights.

For instance, suppose that a factory was producing massive amounts of toxic air pollution, and the laws were relatively difficult to enforce because they were poorly written, then the jury could rule against the factory by this justification:

"Every man has the right of Life, and as such, the right to breathe. We have determined that the air toxicity has infringed upon the people's right to breathe, and thus their right to life. This is in accordance and in the spirit of the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution."

Thus the judge would be unable to invoke a "Judgment notwithstanding the verdict," to acquit the factory (unless he can prove the evidence for air toxicity was extremely faulty), forming a bulwark against judicial cronyism.

Keep in mind that a juror CANNOT go public with any of their thoughts or commentary until AFTER the verdict.

Function 3:

Although the Constitution allows judicial review*** via Jury Nullification or through a decision made by a judge (or judges), the practice of judicial review is restrained by the combination of Ninth Amendment and Tenth Amendment, which come together to define the practice of Judicial Tyranny.

Judicial Tyranny is defined as any ruling by either a judge(s) or jury that:

1. Limits the rights of citizens.

2. Limits the rights of States vs the Federal Government.

3. Expands the power of the federal government over the States or citizens.

4. Expands the powers of the State government over the citizens.

The only way our Constitution allows the rights of citizens to be delimited, or of States, or of the Federal government; or an expansion of State power, or an expansion of Federal power, is by Amending the Constitution in adherence to Article V of the Constitution.


The final function is to establish under which circumstances that Judicial Review can act as positive force, and what exactly are the boundaries and jurisdiction of the Judicial Review process, we will call this positive form of Judicial Review to be Judicial Activism.

Judicial Activism is defined as any ruling by either a judge(s) or jury that:

1. Is not an act of Judicial Tyranny

2. Expands the rights of citizens without abridging or nullifying the enumerated powers of either the State or Federal governments.

3. Expands the rights of States, without abridging or nullifying the enumerated powers of the Federal Government.

4. Does not serve to legislate Common Law.

*** Is judicial review allowed?

Excerpt from Article III, Section 1:

"The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court."

Excerpt from Article III, Section 2:

""The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority."

Excerpt 1 + Excerpt 2 = Judicial Review is allowed through either Jury Nullification or a court ruling, with the Supreme Court having the ultimate authority, unless a defendant is found NOT GUILTY by a Jury, as the Sixth Amendment bars any judge from overturning a NOT GUILTY verdict.

Sixth Amendment:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury ...

The word "enjoy" means that although a GUILTY verdict can be overturned (under extreme lack of evidence), a NOT GUILTY verdict can NEVER be overturned, not even by the Supreme Court.



Overall, the Ninth Amendment cements the Libertarian foundation of our Constitution, and our Founding Fathers (and the State legislatures) ratified this Amendment into the Bill of Rights so these Libertarian ideas could not be HIDDEN from the public by future tyrants, who would try to promote Statism.

The plutocratic elite that dominates the United States (primarily through the privately owned Federal Reserve) has done an excellent job in fooling the citizens to succumb to the idea of Government created Privileges, instead of Naturally Endowed Rights; in fact, they've done such a good job, that practically any google search will yield a result informing you that the Ninth Amendment is irrelevant. Do you really think our Founding Fathers (given all the disagreements among themselves) and the State Legislatures went through all that trouble to ratify a useless Amendment? Do not be fooled, the Ninth Amendment is the very foundation of our Constitution!

So if any individual, group, organization or corporation attempts to promote Statism, remember that your Legal and Moral Bulwark against these Authoritarians is the Ninth Amendment.
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It's none of the government's business as to who is in possession of a gun or what kind.
What does it matter?

And who says they do not have that right? The Constitution is the basis for our government, and our government is empowered to amend it and interpret it, and do so yearly using laws passed.

But again, what does it matter?

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments instruct us explicitly how to read our Constitution. Only a Jury may interpret the law (Jury Nullification), unless a Jury cannot be summoned for that Case, which case a judge (or set of judges) may interpret the Law and Constitution under Article III, Sections 1 and 2.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Sorry kid

But you have made some stupid posts on this board, but this one is one for the books

What a waste your education has become
What would be your opposition to a registry in the first place?

It's none of the government's business as to who is in possession of a gun or what kind.
What does it matter?

And who says they do not have that right? The Constitution is the basis for our government, and our government is empowered to amend it and interpret it, and do so yearly using laws passed.

But again, what does it matter?

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments instruct us explicitly how to read our Constitution. Only a Jury may interpret the law (Jury Nullification), unless a Jury cannot be summoned for that Case, which case a judge (or set of judges) may interpret the Law and Constitution under Article III, Sections 1 and 2. READ THE BOLD PRINT IN PARTICULAR

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The Ninth Amendment has four important functions:

I. It functions as an educational tool, whose information cannot be hidden from the public.

II. It functions to prevent government from invalidating a ruling by either a jury or lower court through strict interpretation of the Bill of Rights.

III. It functions to define Judicial Tyranny, limiting the power of judicial review (in conjunction with the 10th Amendment).

IV. To define and encourage Judicial Activism, assuming it does not fall under the category of Judicial Tyranny.

Function 1:

The first function of the Ninth Amendment is to serve as an Educational amendment, in order to instruct the citizens of the United States that our rights, especially those that are enumerated, are bestowed upon us by birth --- not by government; that government can only perpetrate oppression and abuse --- neither liberty nor protection --- via the denial or disparagement of our rights; that the government at its very best is but a necessary evil.

This particular function has NO meaning in a judicial process, it simply serves as a reminder to all citizens that any politician that preaches or espouses the idea of "Government created rights," or other Statist philosophies, is rotten to the core. It would make for a great attack ad, because it would either force the defending politician the renounce Natural Rights, or spin an overtly contradictory web of "justifications" to "clarify" their remarks.

Function 2:

The second function of the Ninth Amendment prevents a higher level of authority from invalidating a decision by a jury through a strict interpretation of the Bill of Rights.

For instance, suppose that a factory was producing massive amounts of toxic air pollution, and the laws were relatively difficult to enforce because they were poorly written, then the jury could rule against the factory by this justification:

"Every man has the right of Life, and as such, the right to breathe. We have determined that the air toxicity has infringed upon the people's right to breathe, and thus their right to life. This is in accordance and in the spirit of the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution."

Thus the judge would be unable to invoke a "Judgment notwithstanding the verdict," to acquit the factory (unless he can prove the evidence for air toxicity was extremely faulty), forming a bulwark against judicial cronyism.

Keep in mind that a juror CANNOT go public with any of their thoughts or commentary until AFTER the verdict.

Function 3:

Although the Constitution allows judicial review*** via Jury Nullification or through a decision made by a judge (or judges), the practice of judicial review is restrained by the combination of Ninth Amendment and Tenth Amendment, which come together to define the practice of Judicial Tyranny.

Judicial Tyranny is defined as any ruling by either a judge(s) or jury that:

1. Limits the rights of citizens.

2. Limits the rights of States vs the Federal Government.

3. Expands the power of the federal government over the States or citizens.

4. Expands the powers of the State government over the citizens.

The only way our Constitution allows the rights of citizens to be delimited, or of States, or of the Federal government; or an expansion of State power, or an expansion of Federal power, is by Amending the Constitution in adherence to Article V of the Constitution.


The final function is to establish under which circumstances that Judicial Review can act as positive force, and what exactly are the boundaries and jurisdiction of the Judicial Review process, we will call this positive form of Judicial Review to be Judicial Activism.

Judicial Activism is defined as any ruling by either a judge(s) or jury that:

1. Is not an act of Judicial Tyranny

2. Expands the rights of citizens without abridging or nullifying the enumerated powers of either the State or Federal governments.

3. Expands the rights of States, without abridging or nullifying the enumerated powers of the Federal Government.

4. Does not serve to legislate Common Law.

*** Is judicial review allowed?

Excerpt from Article III, Section 1:

"The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court."

Excerpt from Article III, Section 2:

""The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority."

Excerpt 1 + Excerpt 2 = Judicial Review is allowed through either Jury Nullification or a court ruling, with the Supreme Court having the ultimate authority, unless a defendant is found NOT GUILTY by a Jury, as the Sixth Amendment bars any judge from overturning a NOT GUILTY verdict.

Sixth Amendment:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury ...

The word "enjoy" means that although a GUILTY verdict can be overturned (under extreme lack of evidence), a NOT GUILTY verdict can NEVER be overturned, not even by the Supreme Court.



Overall, the Ninth Amendment cements the Libertarian foundation of our Constitution, and our Founding Fathers (and the State legislatures) ratified this Amendment into the Bill of Rights so these Libertarian ideas could not be HIDDEN from the public by future tyrants, who would try to promote Statism.

The plutocratic elite that dominates the United States (primarily through the privately owned Federal Reserve) has done an excellent job in fooling the citizens to succumb to the idea of Government created Privileges, instead of Naturally Endowed Rights; in fact, they've done such a good job, that practically any google search will yield a result informing you that the Ninth Amendment is irrelevant. Do you really think our Founding Fathers (given all the disagreements among themselves) and the State Legislatures went through all that trouble to ratify a useless Amendment? Do not be fooled, the Ninth Amendment is the very foundation of our Constitution!

So if any individual, group, organization or corporation attempts to promote Statism, remember that your Legal and Moral Bulwark against these Authoritarians is the Ninth Amendment.
But no voter ID.

liberal hypocrisy at its worst.

I would like for one liberal to tell me why they object to proving who they are before voting.

you have to prove identity to register to vote, what is wrong with showing the same ID at the polling place?

Conservative ignorance at its best.

First, not all ‘liberals’ advocate a ‘gun registry,’ and with that fallacy so fails your thread.

Second, no one is opposed to providing ID to register to vote, as it’s important to verify one is a citizen, not a felon, and otherwise eligible to vote.

Once a citizen has registered to vote, however, and as long as he remains on the voter registration rolls in good standing, there is no reason to require a citizen to show ID at every election, where he has voted consistently over the years, and has not been purged from the rolls.

Third, voting is a fundamental right, and there is no evidence that requiring ID in any way reduces ‘voter fraud’; indeed, there is no evidence ‘voter fraud’ exists to the extent that such an excessive measure is justified.

Last, the myth of ‘voter fraud’ is a contrivance by the right, completely unfounded; it is an article of religious faith of republicans that they’re losing elections due to ‘fraud,’ when in fact they lose elections not due to ‘fraud,’ but because voters reject the conservative agenda and its candidates.
Obama has stated he wants a list of gun owners and all gun purchases to "check" for criminals. Of course he claims that it won't be a registry, just a list he happens to have.
What would be your opposition to a registry in the first place?

It would violate the privacy of every single American. Other than that, why the fuck do I need a reason?

How did you determine we have that right to privacy, applied in this case?
But no voter ID.

liberal hypocrisy at its worst.

I would like for one liberal to tell me why they object to proving who they are before voting.

you have to prove identity to register to vote, what is wrong with showing the same ID at the polling place?

And what exactly would be your stands on each of the issues?

We already have gun registration laws. You cannot buy a gun legally without a backgroudn check. But criminals will never comply with those laws. If guns are banned only the govt and criminals will have guns, would that make you sleep well at night?

Everyone should have to prove who they are before voting. Its nonsensical to object to that.

You took a lot of words to not answer the question.

What exactly are your stands on gun registration and voter registration?

1. for both

2. for neither

3 for one but not the other. Specify.

Pick a number.

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