National Review Just Came Out Swinging Against Trump

May 3, 1994
To Members of the U.S. House of Representatives:
We are writing to urge your support for a ban on the domestic manufacture of military-style assault weapons. This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety. Although assualt weapons account for less than 1% of the guns in circulation, they account for nearly 10% of the guns traced to crime.
Every major law enforcement organization in America and dozens of leading labor, medical, religious, civil rights and civic groups support such a ban. Most importantly, poll after poll shows that the American public overwhelmingly support a ban on assault weapons. A 1993 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 77% of Americans support a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of semi-automatic assault guns, such as the AK-47.
The 1989 import ban resulted in an impressive 40% drop in imported assault weapons traced to crime between 1989 and 1991, but the killing continues. Last year, a killer armed with two TEC9s killed eight people at a San Francisco law firm and wounded several others. During the past five years, more than 40 law enforcement officers have been killed or wounded in the line of duty by an assault weapon.
While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons.
Gerald R. Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan

Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban
Did Kasich vote for the AWB proposed by Clinton, yes or no?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
Wow, you've been hitting the piss hard today. Reagan passed an AWB that Kasich voted for? Wow.
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

He also supported the 1994 assault weapons ban: Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban

Three former presidents endorsed legislation Wednesday to ban the future manufacture, sale and possession of combat-style assault weapons as a closely divided House neared a showdown today on the hotly controversial issue.
Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan sent a letter to all House members expressing their support for the measure, effectively joining President Clinton in urging approval of the ban.

Like I keep saying, today's rubes know nothing about Reagan.
Reagan did not ban fully automatic weapons. You don't know jack shit of what you're talking about.

Yes, he did. 1986. I provided the link, idiot. He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You are the one who doesn't know jack shit.

The relevant issue here is that Kasich voted for Clinton's AWB.

The very same AWB Reagan asked him to vote for. See the letter in my previous post.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
Wow, you've been hitting the piss hard today. Reagan passed an AWB that Kasich voted for? Wow.
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

He also supported the 1994 assault weapons ban: Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban

Three former presidents endorsed legislation Wednesday to ban the future manufacture, sale and possession of combat-style assault weapons as a closely divided House neared a showdown today on the hotly controversial issue.
Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan sent a letter to all House members expressing their support for the measure, effectively joining President Clinton in urging approval of the ban.

Like I keep saying, today's rubes know nothing about Reagan.
Reagan did not ban fully automatic weapons. You don't know jack shit of what you're talking about.

Yes, he did. I provided the link, idiot. He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You are the one who doesn't know jack shit.

The relevant issue here is that Kasich voted for Clinton's AWB.

The very same AWB Reagan asked him to vote for. See the letter in my previous post.
Moron. You just contradicted yourself.
But you agree Kasich voted for the AWB under Clinton. Yet another reason why he shouldn't get the nomination. We really dont need another rino.
May 3, 1994
To Members of the U.S. House of Representatives:
We are writing to urge your support for a ban on the domestic manufacture of military-style assault weapons. This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety. Although assualt weapons account for less than 1% of the guns in circulation, they account for nearly 10% of the guns traced to crime.
Every major law enforcement organization in America and dozens of leading labor, medical, religious, civil rights and civic groups support such a ban. Most importantly, poll after poll shows that the American public overwhelmingly support a ban on assault weapons. A 1993 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 77% of Americans support a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of semi-automatic assault guns, such as the AK-47.
The 1989 import ban resulted in an impressive 40% drop in imported assault weapons traced to crime between 1989 and 1991, but the killing continues. Last year, a killer armed with two TEC9s killed eight people at a San Francisco law firm and wounded several others. During the past five years, more than 40 law enforcement officers have been killed or wounded in the line of duty by an assault weapon.
While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons.
Gerald R. Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan

Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban
Did Kasich vote for the AWB proposed by Clinton, yes or no?
At Reagan's urging, yes. Your point?

If you are claiming Kasich is not a conservative because of this, then you are claiming Reagan isn't either.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
Wow, you've been hitting the piss hard today. Reagan passed an AWB that Kasich voted for? Wow.
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

He also supported the 1994 assault weapons ban: Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban

Three former presidents endorsed legislation Wednesday to ban the future manufacture, sale and possession of combat-style assault weapons as a closely divided House neared a showdown today on the hotly controversial issue.
Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan sent a letter to all House members expressing their support for the measure, effectively joining President Clinton in urging approval of the ban.

Like I keep saying, today's rubes know nothing about Reagan.
Reagan did not ban fully automatic weapons. You don't know jack shit of what you're talking about.

Yes, he did. I provided the link, idiot. He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You are the one who doesn't know jack shit.

The relevant issue here is that Kasich voted for Clinton's AWB.

The very same AWB Reagan asked him to vote for. See the letter in my previous post.
Moron. You just contradicted yourself.
But you agree Kasich voted for the AWB under Clinton. Yet another reason why he shouldn't get the nomination. We really dont need another rino.
You realize you are calling Reagan a RINO, right?

This is what I mean when I say you modern day rubes have nothing in common with Reagan. You are the RINOs.
May 3, 1994
To Members of the U.S. House of Representatives:
We are writing to urge your support for a ban on the domestic manufacture of military-style assault weapons. This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety. Although assualt weapons account for less than 1% of the guns in circulation, they account for nearly 10% of the guns traced to crime.
Every major law enforcement organization in America and dozens of leading labor, medical, religious, civil rights and civic groups support such a ban. Most importantly, poll after poll shows that the American public overwhelmingly support a ban on assault weapons. A 1993 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 77% of Americans support a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of semi-automatic assault guns, such as the AK-47.
The 1989 import ban resulted in an impressive 40% drop in imported assault weapons traced to crime between 1989 and 1991, but the killing continues. Last year, a killer armed with two TEC9s killed eight people at a San Francisco law firm and wounded several others. During the past five years, more than 40 law enforcement officers have been killed or wounded in the line of duty by an assault weapon.
While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons.
Gerald R. Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan

Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban
Did Kasich vote for the AWB proposed by Clinton, yes or no?
At Reagan's urging, yes. Your point?

If you are claiming Kasich is not a conservative because of this, then you are claiming Reagan isn't either.
It has zero to do with Reagan. Did Reagan hold a gun to Kasich's head and make him vote for it? No.
Kasich voted for an AWB. Kasich over rode his own legislature to imp[lement Obamacare. Kasich is for amnesty. Kasixh is an establishment Republican and Kasich is wasting everyone's time by remaining in a race he cannot win.
May 3, 1994
To Members of the U.S. House of Representatives:
We are writing to urge your support for a ban on the domestic manufacture of military-style assault weapons. This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety. Although assualt weapons account for less than 1% of the guns in circulation, they account for nearly 10% of the guns traced to crime.
Every major law enforcement organization in America and dozens of leading labor, medical, religious, civil rights and civic groups support such a ban. Most importantly, poll after poll shows that the American public overwhelmingly support a ban on assault weapons. A 1993 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 77% of Americans support a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of semi-automatic assault guns, such as the AK-47.
The 1989 import ban resulted in an impressive 40% drop in imported assault weapons traced to crime between 1989 and 1991, but the killing continues. Last year, a killer armed with two TEC9s killed eight people at a San Francisco law firm and wounded several others. During the past five years, more than 40 law enforcement officers have been killed or wounded in the line of duty by an assault weapon.
While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons.
Gerald R. Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan

Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban
Did Kasich vote for the AWB proposed by Clinton, yes or no?
At Reagan's urging, yes. Your point?

If you are claiming Kasich is not a conservative because of this, then you are claiming Reagan isn't either.
It has zero to do with Reagan. Did Reagan hold a gun to Kasich's head and make him vote for it? No.
Is Reagan a RINO for supporting the AWB?

Please explain how supporting the AWB makes Kasich a RINO and not Reagan.
Reagan supported the AWB. So did Kasich.

Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. Kasich believes in a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals, as do the American people by a super-super-majority.

Reagan also expanded Medicaid.
Kasich was a key player in balancing the federal budget. He took his state from a deficit to a surplus.

He is the only candidate who has done this.

He is a pragmatic man with experience out the wazoo both legislatively and in the Executive, and is the only Reagan Republican out there.

Kasich knows how to get things done. Trump is a bloviator whose only cause is Mexican and Muslim bashing.
Moron. You just contradicted yourself.

Nope. Everything I stated is true, and evidence provided.
You contradicted yourself. Do you deny this?
Show me where I did.
You wrote this
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

Then you wrote this:
He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You understand those statements are not identical, right?
Reagan supported the AWB. So did Kasich.

Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. Kasich believes in a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals, as do the American people by a super-super-majority.

Reagan also expanded Medicaid.
Reagan preceded Kasich by a few decades.
SO your point is a gross failure. Today Reagan would oppose all those things.
Conservatives support and defend the Constitution...

Only when it suits them.

But when it comes to things like First Amendment protections for Muslims, they don't want to be seen in public with the Constitution.

The First Amendment specifically says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

It doesn't say anything about establishing separate laws, making women second-class citizens, or forcing one's religion on others - all the basics of Islam!
Holy smokes.

The National Review has collected 35 essays from conservative leaders, all explaining why Trump is a RINO.

"When conservatives desperately needed allies in the fight against big government, Donald Trump didn’t stand on the sidelines. He consistently advocated that your money be spent, that your government grow, and that your Constitution be ignored."

"Not since George Wallace has there been a presidential candidate who made racial and religious scapegoating so central to his campaign."

"A real conservative walks with us. Ronald Reagan read National Review and Human Events for intellectual sustenance; spoke annually to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Young Americans for Freedom, and other organizations to rally the troops; supported Barry Goldwater when the GOP mainstream turned its back on him; raised money for countless conservative groups; wrote hundreds of op-eds; and delivered even more speeches, everywhere championing our cause. Until he decided to run for the GOP nomination a few months ago, Trump had done none of these things, perhaps because he was too distracted publicly raising money for liberals such as the Clintons; championing Planned Parenthood, tax increases, and single-payer health coverage; and demonstrating his allegiance to the Democratic party."

On and on like that. Awesome.
This is about as strong a rebuke from conservatives that could happen

These people aren't conservatives...It's time to start calling them anarchist and anti-government extremist as that is what they're.

Conservatives support and defend the Constitution, the left shits on it and we are anti-government? The projection is strong in your post.

Conservatives are hostile toward much of the Constitution and its case law, seeking to deny women their right to privacy and gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, among other attacks on the rights of citizens.
Holy smokes.

The National Review has collected 35 essays from conservative leaders, all explaining why Trump is a RINO.

"When conservatives desperately needed allies in the fight against big government, Donald Trump didn’t stand on the sidelines. He consistently advocated that your money be spent, that your government grow, and that your Constitution be ignored."

"Not since George Wallace has there been a presidential candidate who made racial and religious scapegoating so central to his campaign."

"A real conservative walks with us. Ronald Reagan read National Review and Human Events for intellectual sustenance; spoke annually to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Young Americans for Freedom, and other organizations to rally the troops; supported Barry Goldwater when the GOP mainstream turned its back on him; raised money for countless conservative groups; wrote hundreds of op-eds; and delivered even more speeches, everywhere championing our cause. Until he decided to run for the GOP nomination a few months ago, Trump had done none of these things, perhaps because he was too distracted publicly raising money for liberals such as the Clintons; championing Planned Parenthood, tax increases, and single-payer health coverage; and demonstrating his allegiance to the Democratic party."

On and on like that. Awesome.
This is about as strong a rebuke from conservatives that could happen

These people aren't conservatives...It's time to start calling them anarchist and anti-government extremist as that is what they're.

Conservatives support and defend the Constitution, the left shits on it and we are anti-government? The projection is strong in your post.

Conservatives are hostile toward much of the Constitution and its case law, seeking to deny women their right to privacy and gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, among other attacks on the rights of citizens.
There is no special right to privacy that only applies to women
There are no rights special for gay Americans.
Sometimes I think you're a sock for JakeStarkey.
"How about someone like Trump who is "very pro-choice", and thinks the Clintons are wonderful people and calls them friends. Is that a conservative?"

It was once before conservatives made their Faustian bargain with the social right.

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