National Review Just Came Out Swinging Against Trump

Moron. You just contradicted yourself.

Nope. Everything I stated is true, and evidence provided.
You contradicted yourself. Do you deny this?
Show me where I did.
You wrote this
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

Then you wrote this:
He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You understand those statements are not identical, right?
Keep going, because this is exactly where I thought you were going. Explain how they contradict.

This should be fun.
"How about someone like Trump who is "very pro-choice", and thinks the Clintons are wonderful people and calls them friends. Is that a conservative?"

It was once before conservatives made their Faustian bargain with the social right.
No it is not a conservative. Check my avatar if you have questions about how I view Trump.
Moron. You just contradicted yourself.

Nope. Everything I stated is true, and evidence provided.
You contradicted yourself. Do you deny this?
Show me where I did.
You wrote this
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

Then you wrote this:
He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You understand those statements are not identical, right?
Keep going, because this is exactly where I thought you were going. Explain how they contradict.

This should be fun.
You're kidding, right?
Tell me you think those two statements mean the exact same thing.
Reagan supported the AWB. So did Kasich.

Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. Kasich believes in a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals, as do the American people by a super-super-majority.

Reagan also expanded Medicaid.
Reagan preceded Kasich by a few decades.

Nope. Kasich was elected to the House in 1982. He was a Reagan contemporary.

Reagan wrote the letter supporting the AWB in 1994. Kasich voted for the AWB in 1994.

Nice try. Not.

Is Reagan a RINO?
Nope. Everything I stated is true, and evidence provided.
You contradicted yourself. Do you deny this?
Show me where I did.
You wrote this
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

Then you wrote this:
He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You understand those statements are not identical, right?
Keep going, because this is exactly where I thought you were going. Explain how they contradict.

This should be fun.
You're kidding, right?
Tell me you think those two statements mean the exact same thing.
Keep going. Explain how I contradicted myself.

You are so close. Please keep going.

I am going to give you a chance to save yourself and tell you that one is an elaboration of the other, not a contradiction.

But if you want to fall into a trap you just made for yourself, ignore that, and keep going. Tell me how I contradicted myself.
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
Reagan was a corporatist who would be a dem today. Just because that abomination supported those causes doesn't mean he is a conservative.
You and other extremist loons just don't get it - you're the aberration, you aren't actual conservatives, you're a malignant form of rightwing idiocy.
You contradicted yourself. Do you deny this?
Show me where I did.
You wrote this
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

Then you wrote this:
He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You understand those statements are not identical, right?
Keep going, because this is exactly where I thought you were going. Explain how they contradict.

This should be fun.
You're kidding, right?
Tell me you think those two statements mean the exact same thing.
Keep going. Explain how I contradicted myself.

You are so close. Please keep going.

I am going to give you a chance to save yourself and tell you that one is an elaboration of the other, not a contradiction.

But if you want to fall into a trap you just made for yourself, ignore that, and keep going. Tell me how I contradicted myself.
Do you believe those two statements mean the exact same thing?
Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship

June-July 2013

  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens

It is the 17 percent opposed to "amnesty" who are the RINOs.

August 2015: In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

65% favor citizenship. 14% favor legal status.




Legal status or citizenship is 59 + 19 = 78 percent.

Show me where I did.
You wrote this
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

Then you wrote this:
He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You understand those statements are not identical, right?
Keep going, because this is exactly where I thought you were going. Explain how they contradict.

This should be fun.
You're kidding, right?
Tell me you think those two statements mean the exact same thing.
Keep going. Explain how I contradicted myself.

You are so close. Please keep going.

I am going to give you a chance to save yourself and tell you that one is an elaboration of the other, not a contradiction.

But if you want to fall into a trap you just made for yourself, ignore that, and keep going. Tell me how I contradicted myself.
Do you believe those two statements mean the exact same thing?
Like I said, one is an elaboration of the other.

Here's where you fucked up. The assault weapons ban you have been going on about also grandfathered existing weapons and magazines.

So if you are going to say that Reagan's full auto ban is some kind of contradiction, then you have to say the same about the Assault Weapons Ban.

There's no contradiction.

It is a fact Reagan banned full auto weapons and supported Clinton's assault weapons ban.

It turns out you are the one who didn't know jack shit.
You wrote this
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

Then you wrote this:
He banned the ownership of any new fully automatic weapons after the law was enacted. Existing weapons were grandfathered.

You understand those statements are not identical, right?
Keep going, because this is exactly where I thought you were going. Explain how they contradict.

This should be fun.
You're kidding, right?
Tell me you think those two statements mean the exact same thing.
Keep going. Explain how I contradicted myself.

You are so close. Please keep going.

I am going to give you a chance to save yourself and tell you that one is an elaboration of the other, not a contradiction.

But if you want to fall into a trap you just made for yourself, ignore that, and keep going. Tell me how I contradicted myself.
Do you believe those two statements mean the exact same thing?
Like I said, one is an elaboration of the other.

Here's where you fucked up. The assault weapons ban you have been going on about also grandfathered existing weapons and magazines.

So if you are going to say that Reagan's full auto ban is some kind of contradiction, then you have to say the same about the Assault Weapons Ban.

There's no contradiction.
No, idiot. Your statements are contradictory. First you say he banned automatic weapons. Then you say he only banned some automatic weapons. Those arent the same thing.
You have been caught spewing ignorance and now you want to deflect away from it. You have zero integrity.
The bottom line is Kasich is a RINO and he will never get the nomination.
Thanks for playing,.
Reagan did not ban fully automatic weapons. You don't know jack shit of what you're talking about.
Now we know Reagan DID fan full auto weapons. In 1986.

Saying Reagan didn't ban full auto weapons is like saying Clinton didn't ban assault weapons.

You are the one who doesn't know jack shit.
Keep going, because this is exactly where I thought you were going. Explain how they contradict.

This should be fun.
You're kidding, right?
Tell me you think those two statements mean the exact same thing.
Keep going. Explain how I contradicted myself.

You are so close. Please keep going.

I am going to give you a chance to save yourself and tell you that one is an elaboration of the other, not a contradiction.

But if you want to fall into a trap you just made for yourself, ignore that, and keep going. Tell me how I contradicted myself.
Do you believe those two statements mean the exact same thing?
Like I said, one is an elaboration of the other.

Here's where you fucked up. The assault weapons ban you have been going on about also grandfathered existing weapons and magazines.

So if you are going to say that Reagan's full auto ban is some kind of contradiction, then you have to say the same about the Assault Weapons Ban.

There's no contradiction.
No, idiot. Your statements are contradictory. First you say he banned automatic weapons. Then you say he only banned some automatic weapons. Those arent the same thing.
You have been caught spewing ignorance and now you want to deflect away from it. You have zero integrity.
The bottom line is Kasich is a RINO and he will never get the nomination.
Thanks for playing,.
Geezus! I gave you EVERY chance to avoid falling into your own trap, and you STILL fell in it! Amazing.

You have been going on and on about Clinton's assault weapons ban, and yet by your own rules you have been contradicting yourself because Clinton only banned SOME assault weapons.

The nature of Reagan's ban and Clinton's ban were the same. They both grandfathered existing weapons. That does not mean a person is contradicting themselves when they refer to Reagan's full auto ban or Clinton's assault weapon ban.

Reagan did not ban fully automatic weapons. You don't know jack shit of what you're talking about.
Now we know Reagan DID fan full auto weapons. In 1986.

Saying Reagan didn't ban full auto weapons is like saying Clinton didn't ban assault weapons.

You are the one who doesn't know jack shit.
But you also said Reagan did not ban all full auto weapons.
SO which is it, Ace?
Reagan did not ban fully automatic weapons. You don't know jack shit of what you're talking about.
Now we know Reagan DID fan full auto weapons. In 1986.

Saying Reagan didn't ban full auto weapons is like saying Clinton didn't ban assault weapons.

You are the one who doesn't know jack shit.
But you also said Reagan did not ban all full auto weapons.
SO which is it, Ace?
Hey dumbshit, did you mention Clinton did not ban all assault weapons whenever you mentioned the assault weapons ban?

Goddam, you are getting really retarded with your attempts to avoid facing the fact Reagan didn't just support gun control and that he enacted gun control.
In 1986, Reagan enacted a ban on full auto weapons.

In 1994, Clinton enacted a ban on assault weapons, which Reagan endorsed.

These are the facts. And there is nothing contradictory in pointing out that both laws grandfathered existing weapons.

Unless you are a fucking retard.
In 1986, Reagan enacted a ban on full auto weapons.

In 1994, Clinton enacted a ban on assault weapons, which Reagan endorsed.

These are the facts. And there is nothing contradictory in pointing out that both laws grandfathered existing weapons.

Unless you are a fucking retard.
Reagan did not enact a ban on assault weapons, dumbshit. You said so yourself.
In 1986, Reagan enacted a ban on full auto weapons.

In 1994, Clinton enacted a ban on assault weapons, which Reagan endorsed.

These are the facts. And there is nothing contradictory in pointing out that both laws grandfathered existing weapons.

Unless you are a fucking retard.
Reagan did not enact a ban on assault weapons, dumbshit. You said so yourself.
He enacted a ban on full auto weapons. You clearly have a reading comprehension problem.

He endorsed the assault weapons ban.

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