National Review Just Came Out Swinging Against Trump

What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy.
He also supports unfair trade, amnesty and limp wristedness.
Granted, maybe his "unfair trade" policies have changed since the 90s. IDK. But he still supports amnesty and I will never get over his blockbuster fiasco. I used to REALLY like that guy!
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
How about someone like Trump who is "very pro-choice", and thinks the Clintons are wonderful people and calls them friends. Is that a conservative?

How about someone like Trump who says he would date his daughter because she's so hot? Is that a conservative?

How about someone like Trump who owns a gambling empire? Is that something evangelicals smile on?

How about someone like Trump who has been married three time and committed serial adultery? That sound like a conservative leader to you?

How about someone like Trump who would dump the Bill of Rights in the name of Fatherland security. That your kind of guy?
Trump is the biggest RINO running for the republican primary. My point was, the people that sometimes talk shit about him are not conservatives either..
It's beyond bizarre. If it was any other politician, any one of those things I named would have been a poison pill to the tards who worship Trump.

Being a friend of the Clintons? Are you kidding me? They would not have given any other person even two seconds of attention for that alone.

This is really, really creepy the way they suck off a guy who is so obviously not a Republican or a conservative.
I wont argue with any of that. However, I do think trumps popularity is based on his image; not necessarily him.
That's like his single payer. I haven't heard ONE of his supporters talk about that. I know they know, they just don't seem to care.. or something..
Yep. That's another bizarre thing. Trump supports single payer.

He also supports raising taxes on the rich.

On EVERY issue the Right has been whining about all these years, Trump is on the opposite side.

Apparently, racism trumps everything else, pun definitely intended.

If you hate Mexicans and Negroes and Muslims, you can be a socialist and the Gnu Right tards will still love you.

That's what National Socialism is all about. Racial purity above all else. Then socialized medicine and all that shit.
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
How about someone like Trump who is "very pro-choice", and thinks the Clintons are wonderful people and calls them friends. Is that a conservative?

How about someone like Trump who says he would date his daughter because she's so hot? Is that a conservative?

How about someone like Trump who owns a gambling empire? Is that something evangelicals smile on?

How about someone like Trump who has been married three time and committed serial adultery? That sound like a conservative leader to you?

How about someone like Trump who would dump the Bill of Rights in the name of Fatherland security. That your kind of guy?
Trump is the biggest RINO running for the republican primary. My point was, the people that sometimes talk shit about him are not conservatives either..
It's beyond bizarre. If it was any other politician, any one of those things I named would have been a poison pill to the tards who worship Trump.

Being a friend of the Clintons? Are you kidding me? They would not have given any other person even two seconds of attention for that alone.

This is really, really creepy the way they suck off a guy who is so obviously not a Republican or a conservative.
I wont argue with any of that. However, I do think trumps popularity is based on his image; not necessarily him.
That's like his single payer. I haven't heard ONE of his supporters talk about that. I know they know, they just don't seem to care.. or something..
Yep. That's another bizarre thing. Trump supports single payer.

He also supports raising taxes on the rich.

On EVERY issue the Right has been whining about all these years, Trump is on the opposite side.

Apparently, racism trumps everything else, pun definitely intended.

If you hate Mexicans and Negroes and Muslims, you can be a socialist and the Gnu Right tards will still love you.

That's what National Socialism is all about. Racial purity above all else. Then socialized medicine and all that shit
This is where we go different ways.
I don't think he is a national socialist. A nationalist progressive, perhaps.
I also don't buy into the medias judgements of him. It is grossly exaggerated.
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
Reagan was a corporatist who would be a dem today. Just because that abomination supported those causes doesn't mean he is a conservative.
Reagan was a corporatist who would be a dem today. Just because that abomination supported those causes doesn't mean he is a conservative.

He is the gold standard for conservatives. Every modern candidate attempts to draw a line from Reagan to themselves, and the rubes fall for it.

Rubes who know nothing about Reagan. Other than Kasich, and to a small extent Rubio, these modern candidates have nothing in common with Reagan.
What is a good progressive? A candidate who claims that corporations are evil but solicits, steals and threatens corporations for money in a Ponzi scheme disgused as a charity. A good progressive advocates open borders and a weak military, condemns organized religions (except jihadists) and ignores selected Constitutional Amendments. What has Trump done besides allegedly failing to live up to conservative values expressed by right wing media sources? Hillary is accused of criminal negligence and several felonies and you can't find a single left wing media source that has the balls to criticize her.
Reagan was a corporatist who would be a dem today. Just because that abomination supported those causes doesn't mean he is a conservative.

He is the gold standard for conservatives. Every modern candidate attempts to draw a line from Reagan to themselves, and the rubes fall for it.

Rubes who know nothing about Reagan.
So you say.
Wouldn't a conservative cherish the Constitution and our laws? So, in that respect, why would one want to ban assault rifles or give illegals amnesty? And why in the fuck would a "conservative" support amnesty when it is a proven failure? Does failed tradition = conservatism? I wouldn't think so.. :dunno:
Reagan was a corporatist who would be a dem today. Just because that abomination supported those causes doesn't mean he is a conservative.

He is the gold standard for conservatives. Every modern candidate attempts to draw a line from Reagan to themselves, and the rubes fall for it.

Rubes who know nothing about Reagan.
So you say.
Wouldn't a conservative cherish the Constitution and our laws? So, in that respect, why would one want to ban assault rifles or give illegals amnesty? And why in the fuck would a "conservative" support amnesty when it is a proven failure? Does failed tradition = conservatism? I wouldn't think so.. :dunno:
How is amnesty a proven failure?

We had full employment before the big crash, with as many illegals here then as now.

Only losers drink the piss that Mexicans are to blame for your problems.

Mexicans aren't the reason 12 million people lost their jobs. You have to be literally retarded to think Mexicans have anything to do with anything.

The real assholes who are to blame are using Mexicans as scapegoats to distract the tards from noticing who the real culprits are.

And it's working very well.
Reagan was a corporatist who would be a dem today. Just because that abomination supported those causes doesn't mean he is a conservative.

He is the gold standard for conservatives. Every modern candidate attempts to draw a line from Reagan to themselves, and the rubes fall for it.

Rubes who know nothing about Reagan.
So you say.
Wouldn't a conservative cherish the Constitution and our laws? So, in that respect, why would one want to ban assault rifles or give illegals amnesty? And why in the fuck would a "conservative" support amnesty when it is a proven failure? Does failed tradition = conservatism? I wouldn't think so.. :dunno:
How is amnesty a proven failure?

We had full employment before the big crash, with as many illegals here then as now.

Only losers drink the piss that Mexicans are to blame for your problems.

Mexicans aren't the reason 12 million people lost their jobs. You have to be literally retarded to think Mexicans have anything to do with anything.

The real assholes who are to blame are using Mexicans as scapegoats to distract the tards from noticing who the real culprits are.

And it's working very well.
I don't blame the people for the problems. I blame the politicians that made it worse. You know how I feel about immigration. I would like to actually fix it.
Amnesty is a failure because it does nothing but entice more. It is a lazy Band-Aid. A band aid that increases the infection. It is insanity!
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
Wow, you've been hitting the piss hard today. Reagan passed an AWB that Kasich voted for? Wow.
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
Wow, you've been hitting the piss hard today. Reagan passed an AWB that Kasich voted for? Wow.
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

He also supported the 1994 assault weapons ban: Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban

Three former presidents endorsed legislation Wednesday to ban the future manufacture, sale and possession of combat-style assault weapons as a closely divided House neared a showdown today on the hotly controversial issue.
Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan sent a letter to all House members expressing their support for the measure, effectively joining President Clinton in urging approval of the ban.

Like I keep saying, today's rubes know nothing about Reagan.
What makes a good conservative? Amnesty? unfair trade? Bending over to progressive policies that only hurt us in the long run? A Boehner? Or a paul ryan that hires a lobbyist for the Chamber of Amnesty(commerce) as his chief of staff?
I'll tell you what makes a good conservative. John Kasich.

A key player in balancing the federal budget.

Took his state from deficits to surplus.

Increased employment in his state to above the national average.

The man won TWO THIRDS of the vote in the last election, in a critical battleground state.

He has buckets of experience in both the legislative and the executive. He knows how to get shit done.

His fatal flaw is that he isn't batshit crazy. The tards don't like him for that reason alone.
Over rode his own legislature to implement Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
Favors amnesty for illegals.
Voted for Clinton's AWB.
Support Common Core

He's done.
Reagan supported gun control.

Common Core was a right wing cause, until it wasn't. It's the tards who have flip-flopped, not Kasich.

80 percent of Americans, including 83 percent of conservatives, support a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals. Reagan himself granted amnesty to illegals. So that is a conservative cause of which YOU are on the wrong side, as I have shown you many times.
Wow, you've been hitting the piss hard today. Reagan passed an AWB that Kasich voted for? Wow.
I already provided links showing Reagan passed legislation banning fully automatic weapons, and supported the Brady Bill.

He also supported the 1994 assault weapons ban: Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban

Three former presidents endorsed legislation Wednesday to ban the future manufacture, sale and possession of combat-style assault weapons as a closely divided House neared a showdown today on the hotly controversial issue.
Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan sent a letter to all House members expressing their support for the measure, effectively joining President Clinton in urging approval of the ban.

Like I keep saying, today's rubes know nothing about Reagan.
Reagan did not ban fully automatic weapons. You don't know jack shit of what you're talking about.
The relevant issue here is that Kasich voted for Clinton's AWB.
May 3, 1994
To Members of the U.S. House of Representatives:
We are writing to urge your support for a ban on the domestic manufacture of military-style assault weapons. This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety. Although assualt weapons account for less than 1% of the guns in circulation, they account for nearly 10% of the guns traced to crime.
Every major law enforcement organization in America and dozens of leading labor, medical, religious, civil rights and civic groups support such a ban. Most importantly, poll after poll shows that the American public overwhelmingly support a ban on assault weapons. A 1993 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 77% of Americans support a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of semi-automatic assault guns, such as the AK-47.
The 1989 import ban resulted in an impressive 40% drop in imported assault weapons traced to crime between 1989 and 1991, but the killing continues. Last year, a killer armed with two TEC9s killed eight people at a San Francisco law firm and wounded several others. During the past five years, more than 40 law enforcement officers have been killed or wounded in the line of duty by an assault weapon.
While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons.
Gerald R. Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan

Ford, Carter, Reagan Push for Gun Ban

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