National Review turns the tables on Trump

Who are the RINOs you are referring to?
Every time a Marxists doesnt want to remember, i have to show how a Marxist thinks. Yes they really are that stupid.

Because you say so?
It isn’t a new concept Taz:

And just recently:

More and more are opening their eyes to the poison that is Donald Trump.

The email utilized those words to set up a financial kill shot, in Trump fashion:

“He wonders who’s funding us, and that’s an easy one — people like you who believe in our cause and who are willing to help out. There’s a reason that Mar-a-Lago wants us to die, and if you envision and hope for a better American future, you should help us live,”

The email dropped any pretense of journalistic nonpartisanship in its fundraising appeal.

“We want a Republican Party that can win majorities and that doesn’t limit itself to trying to eke through with 46 percent in presidential elections,” the email stated. “We want a conservatism that is unapologetic and serious-minded and not distorted by one man’s ego or abased by ridiculous conspiracy theories.”

When Guno the fake conservative is your sole might be time to take stock of your position...

Just sayin'...
I used to object to Republicans who caved to the Democrats at every turn, and only ran as Republicans by pretending that this time they would not, being called RINOs. Because by the midterm of Obama's second term, that was the majority of Republicans, so they were the Republican Party.

But it turns out that the Party belongs to its voters, not to its "establishment." Republican voters selected Trump. No doubt the establishment Republicans are angry that voters who had stayed home for two or three elections decided to start voting again, now that they had a person willing to stand up for them against the Democrats in the race.

Remember how poorly the establishment types who tried to oppose Trump in the primary did? I can't remember: did any of them ever go above single digits?

So now the RINO's are the never-Trumpers, like Cheney, and the compromisers willing to once again go along and give lip service to the Dems. None of them have even tried to oppose Trump this election year, and I don't know of any of them floating the idea of primary-ing him.
National Review. Established by William F. Buckley, who is the founder of the conservative movement.

You ignoramus.

You're welcome.


Today's Conservative Review would have a true conservative like Buckley rolling in his grave.

They've done more of their share of promoting Trump, his lies and conspiracy theories.

Today's Conservative Review would have a true conservative like Buckley rolling in his grave.

They've done more of their share of promoting Trump, his lies and conspiracy theories.

Someone once asked Buckley how he felt that his movement had given birth to a bunch of psychopaths.

He did not like that question. :lol:
Today's Conservative Review would have a true conservative like Buckley rolling in his grave.

They've done more of their share of promoting Trump, his lies and conspiracy theories.

About 30 days before Trump clinched the R primaries, the Globalist pieces of shit like yourself started to fold.
More and more are opening their eyes to the poison that is Donald Trump.

The email utilized those words to set up a financial kill shot, in Trump fashion:

“He wonders who’s funding us, and that’s an easy one — people like you who believe in our cause and who are willing to help out. There’s a reason that Mar-a-Lago wants us to die, and if you envision and hope for a better American future, you should help us live,”

The email dropped any pretense of journalistic nonpartisanship in its fundraising appeal.

“We want a Republican Party that can win majorities and that doesn’t limit itself to trying to eke through with 46 percent in presidential elections,” the email stated. “We want a conservatism that is unapologetic and serious-minded and not distorted by one man’s ego or abased by ridiculous conspiracy theories.”

Donald Trump is not the problem. The reason that everyone wants to dump on Trump is because they want to take over this country. Ron DeSantis is no different than Trump. DeSantis attacks free speech rights, voting rights, is a racist, attacks gays and transgenders and women's rights. DeSantis and others are just smoother than Trump and a bigger menace.
Donald Trump is not the problem. The reason that everyone wants to dump on Trump is because they want to take over this country. Ron DeSantis is no different than Trump. DeSantis attacks free speech rights, voting rights, is a racist, attacks gays and transgenders and women's rights. DeSantis and others are just smoother than Trump and a bigger menace.
Give one concrete example of each...

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