National Review turns the tables on Trump

What's conservative or Republican about trillion dollar deficits?

What's conservative or Republican about protectionist trade tariffs?

What's conservative or Republican about a man who cheats on all three wives?

What's conservative or Republican about a man who steals from the elderly at his fake university?

Nothing. Nothing at all.
You’re streatching.
If I remember right, Buckley and his crowd hated Goldwater and the Birch Society. They believed there is no middle ground with marxists who want to destroy the country, disarm and exterminate us. I tend to agree with that point of view. I'm not willing to "compromise" with leftists, jihadists, rapists, or murderers.

Trump was no more perfect than Reagan. Both did things I would have preferred they had not done. That said both were multiple times better than the Bush aristocracy ànd infinitely better than any of the criminals in the DNC.
So you don’t know who the RINOs are?
I know exactly who the RINOs are, but typical of a Marxist you dont.

Today's Conservative Review would have a true conservative like Buckley rolling in his grave.

They've done more of their share of promoting Trump, his lies and conspiracy theories.

Yes, I know I always turn to Socialist hacks to tell me who are true conservatives…lol
Bush is the reason I stopped voting on the federal level for many years.


Trump is the consummate huckster. He saw an opening in the Republican Party after it had been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards.

That's why he changed his registration from Democrat to Republican. He knew where the suckers are. He could smell 'em a mile away.
The roots of this are in talk radio. From Trump's perspective, it was a salesman's best possible situation: A large, easily-identifiable, easily reachable, angry, frustrated, paranoid group of people who had been told by talk radio (and later Fox and the internet, of course) that even THEIR OWN PARTY had let them down. They had been manipulated into believing that the world was against them and that all was lost. They desperately needed a leader who "understood" them.

They were so desperate for a savior that he easily convinced them that he is a brilliant, strong, patriotic, self-made, honest Christian man who loves his country and just wants to help. THIS guy. Of all fucking people. I guess they figured this was gonna be the best they could do.

And on top of that, he "fought" for them. And even though his version of "fighting" is juvenile, childish and embarrassing, they didn't care. Finally someone was fighting for them, because they were helpless and lost.

To steal a line from rightwinger, Trump took one look at the talk radio crowd and said, "this is gonna be easy". The crooked salesman found his prey and ran with it.
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Today's Conservative Review would have a true conservative like Buckley rolling in his grave.

They've done more of their share of promoting Trump, his lies and conspiracy theories.

Tell us again how if you're vaxxed you can get Rona and Hunter's Laptop and Showers with Dad Ashlee's Diary are Russian disinformation
Republican voters didn't select Trump. Trump only received 44% of Republican primary votes in total. Early in the primaries, he was winning all of the delegates with 15% of the vote. 85% of voters wanted someone else. but with 17 Candidates in the clown car, Trump came out on top.
That's an absurd spin. Trump won primaries the same way he won the general: by following rules laid down mainly by his opponents. He beat both establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats at their own game, and now you want to say the game was unfair?

If the presidency were decided by popular vote, he would have campaigned for the popular vote. But since the presidency is decided by delegates and then by electors, he campaigned for delegates and electors. Your establishment Republicans should have have done the same. So should Hillary, instead of whining about it.
Donald Trump has never been selected by majority of the voters in any election he's run in. Not the 2016 Primaries, the 2016 General, or the 2020 election. Donald Trump hijacked the Republican Party because it has a dearth of strong leadership, and the voters are fed up with the "do nothing" party.
Calling convincing the voters to vote for him "hijacking the Republican Party," is exactly the kind of elitist attitude that caused voters to reject the establishment.
National Review.

They used to be somebody way back.
Since WFB died they're nobody.
William F. Buckley in 2022 would be of the undergrou drailroad.
The new Right has forgotten their roots.

Not just forgotten, they never knew.

That is why Trump has been able to get away with his bullshit.
William F. Buckley in 2022 would be of the underground railroad.
That's an absurd spin. Trump won primaries the same way he won the general: by following rules laid down mainly by his opponents. He beat both establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats at their own game, and now you want to say the game was unfair?

If the presidency were decided by popular vote, he would have campaigned for the popular vote. But since the presidency is decided by delegates and then by electors, he campaigned for delegates and electors. Your establishment Republicans should have have done the same. So should Hillary, instead of whining about it.

Calling convincing the voters to vote for him "hijacking the Republican Party," is exactly the kind of elitist attitude that caused voters to reject the establishment.

Trump didn't "convince voters to vote for him", he lied to them and gaslighted them. And no he did not follow any rules, he broke all of them. Trump ran on the premise that Hillary Clinton is a crook. Lies and bullshit and all that Trump has ever had. And incompetence.
Despite all the negativity aimed at Trump he still is supported by most Republicans.
More and more are opening their eyes to the poison that is Donald Trump.

The email utilized those words to set up a financial kill shot, in Trump fashion:

“He wonders who’s funding us, and that’s an easy one — people like you who believe in our cause and who are willing to help out. There’s a reason that Mar-a-Lago wants us to die, and if you envision and hope for a better American future, you should help us live,”

The email dropped any pretense of journalistic nonpartisanship in its fundraising appeal.

“We want a Republican Party that can win majorities and that doesn’t limit itself to trying to eke through with 46 percent in presidential elections,” the email stated. “We want a conservatism that is unapologetic and serious-minded and not distorted by one man’s ego or abased by ridiculous conspiracy theories.”

/-----/ A bunch of RINOs who are sore Trump delivered exactly what they have demanded for 50 years. They like the results, but no the man making it happen. He's not part of their inner circle.
Trump didn't "convince voters to vote for him", he lied to them and gaslighted them. And no he did not follow any rules, he broke all of them. Trump ran on the premise that Hillary Clinton is a crook. Lies and bullshit and all that Trump has ever had. And incompetence.
/-----/ "Trump didn't "convince voters to vote for him", he lied to them and gaslighted them. "
If that were true, then we'd be so gullible, we'd believe democRATs lies and vote for them.
/-----/ A bunch of RINOs who are sore Trump delivered exactly what they have demanded for 50 years. They like the results, but no the man making it happen. He's not part of their inner circle.
RINOS want to capitulate to Democrats so they will be liked. Trump was more focused on making our country stronger rather than being friends with Democrats.
Republican voters didn't select Trump. Trump only received 44% of Republican primary votes in total. Early in the primaries, he was winning all of the delegates with 15% of the vote. 85% of voters wanted someone else. but with 17 Candidates in the clown car, Trump came out on top.

Donald Trump has never been selected by majority of the voters in any election he's run in. Not the 2016 Primaries, the 2016 General, or the 2020 election. Donald Trump hijacked the Republican Party because it has a dearth of strong leadership, and the voters are fed up with the "do nothing" party.

You are also forgetting about his attempt to run in 2000.
Trump didn't "convince voters to vote for him", he lied to them and gaslighted them. And no he did not follow any rules, he broke all of them. Trump ran on the premise that Hillary Clinton is a crook. Lies and bullshit and all that Trump has ever had. And incompetence.
If he didn't convince voters to vote for him how did he kick Hitlery's ass, Simp?

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