National Sovereignty Sweeps the Planet


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
First the Elites tried to make a grotesque configuration called the "European Union" and then tried to "Fundamentally transform" American into a Third World nation of political elites and slaves. Then they made their sock Puppet Obama destabilize the Middle East and create a fake "refugee crisis"; they hit hardest at the relatively prosperous nations with no IMF debt and a stable currency: Libya and Syria. The refugees were to be resettled in the EU and America and bring chaos and instabily along with them

Then it was time for the People to stand up and say, "ENOUGH!"

Brexit, then Trump, then Satan recalled his son Fidel and now even the Italians finally found their backbone and starting sitting upright and they took send a loud and clear, unequivocal message to the Statists: Fanculo!

Bot now is the time when we must be most on alert -- the Statist will strike back. They will seeks to cripple economies until people BEG for their chains to be restored.

Let's see how they react, will they take their defeat gracefully or is it time for helicopter rides for the Elites
the Alt Right will fail, as it did in Austria, across the planet

the British are walking back brexit

Trump is finding out he is made of glass
the Alt Right will fail, as it did in Austria, across the planet

the British are walking back brexit

Trump is finding out he is made of glass
So we are embracing ultranationalism, xenephobia, and protectionism? This should go over well....

Is it really necessary that the world has over 200 nations? It would probably be more efficient with 8 or 9.

make them all republics
Efficient towards what end?

200 nations means there's a lot of war as each one has to have a special interest. 8 or 9 nations could be better able to debate each other and get along as things would be cleaner when it comes to foreign policy, Trade and national interest.
Is it really necessary that the world has over 200 nations? It would probably be more efficient with 8 or 9.

make them all republics

Something like that will emerge after WW3. 2016 may be remembered as the year that set that ball in motion.
Is it really necessary that the world has over 200 nations? It would probably be more efficient with 8 or 9.

make them all republics

Something like that will emerge after WW3. 2016 may be remembered as the year that set that ball in motion.
We are in an all out war against you fascists...that's for sure....

Suck on Italy for a bit, then get back to us......:lol:
I do not see the problem that less nations would solve. It would create more seperatist movements, larger and more destructive militaries, and more corrupt governments.
The 8 or 9, Matthew, would be warring over the borders. Study Russia's history since it was Rus in the 10th century. I would, though, give it everything east of Poland, Austria, Italy, and Greece.
I do not see the problem that less nations would solve. It would create more seperatist movements, larger and more destructive militaries, and more corrupt governments.
There won't be enough people left for more nations than that
Well the human race would go extinct in a nuclear war. There would be no nations if that happens.

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