National weather service: Key West underwater from Irma " reasonable worst case scenario"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
National Weather Service: Key West underwater from Irma ‘reasonable worst case scenario’

A “reasonable worst case scenario” forecast shows half of Key West underwater due to storm surge, according to a Weather Channel meteorologist.

Hurricane Irma, a Category 3 storm as of 11 a.m., is predicted to turn away from Cuba and make landfall in the Sunshine State by Sunday morning. Forecasters say the eye is expected to make landfall in Key West. Officials and forecasters have warned of the dangers of “life-threatening” storm surge associated with the storm.

National Weather Service: Key West underwater from Irma ‘reasonable worst case scenario’

If this thing hits even at a 3 it will still have devastating impacts on the state.
Ocean ‘disappears’ as killer Hurricane Irma sucks water away from shores on devastating path to Florida | End Time Headlines
Beachgoers were left shocked after the ocean ‘disappeared’ as Hurricane Irma cut a devastating path through the Caribbean. The extreme force of the killer storm was on full display as it sucked water away from shores in the Bahamas in a rare weather phenomenon. Footage posted on social media shows people walking along the seabed which is normally under several feet of water. There was dry land as far

So, so much is going to take time for recovery in ways half the zombie population haven't even thought of.
Half don't give a dam because they don't live there who eeeh who cares. But the devastation lingering all across the Country you never know when your state could be next with some natural disaster.

DEVELOPING: Tampa, Florida Facing Once In a Century Storm!

DEVELOPING: Irma spawns tornado as it nears landfall in Florida
The storms may be confined to one general area but they affect the whole country. Gas prices, stock market, food costs, etc. We all have a stake in this.
Ocean ‘disappears’ as killer Hurricane Irma sucks water away from shores on devastating path to Florida | End Time Headlines
Beachgoers were left shocked after the ocean ‘disappeared’ as Hurricane Irma cut a devastating path through the Caribbean. The extreme force of the killer storm was on full display as it sucked water away from shores in the Bahamas in a rare weather phenomenon. Footage posted on social media shows people walking along the seabed which is normally under several feet of water. There was dry land as far

So, so much is going to take time for recovery in ways half the zombie population haven't even thought of.
Half don't give a dam because they don't live there who eeeh who cares. But the devastation lingering all across the Country you never know when your state could be next with some natural disaster.

DEVELOPING: Tampa, Florida Facing Once In a Century Storm!

DEVELOPING: Irma spawns tornado as it nears landfall in Florida
I'm a little concerned because I am on oxygen 24/7. A long power outage scares me.
Ocean ‘disappears’ as killer Hurricane Irma sucks water away from shores on devastating path to Florida | End Time Headlines
Beachgoers were left shocked after the ocean ‘disappeared’ as Hurricane Irma cut a devastating path through the Caribbean. The extreme force of the killer storm was on full display as it sucked water away from shores in the Bahamas in a rare weather phenomenon. Footage posted on social media shows people walking along the seabed which is normally under several feet of water. There was dry land as far

So, so much is going to take time for recovery in ways half the zombie population haven't even thought of.
Half don't give a dam because they don't live there who eeeh who cares. But the devastation lingering all across the Country you never know when your state could be next with some natural disaster.

DEVELOPING: Tampa, Florida Facing Once In a Century Storm!

DEVELOPING: Irma spawns tornado as it nears landfall in Florida

I should point out that the one article only offers as proof a picture of a few inches of cracked earth rather than a whole beach, the tornado article only shows a cloudy sky, no tornado, and it is by no means certain yet that Irma will even go inland or hit the coast of Florida at all! It is entirely possible that it may go up into the Gulf to eventually hit the panhandle. NONE of the predictions have been accurate so far, in fact, the actual track is much closer to how I predicted it days ago, nor do I accept any of these articles as credible without corroboration from other sources. So far, the entire Florida scare has been largely only good for attracting viewers; a friend of mine in south Florida is sitting out enjoying the breeze. I remain skeptical that this storm will end up a calamity for Florida at all to the scale predicted for the past week.
Ocean ‘disappears’ as killer Hurricane Irma sucks water away from shores on devastating path to Florida | End Time Headlines
Beachgoers were left shocked after the ocean ‘disappeared’ as Hurricane Irma cut a devastating path through the Caribbean. The extreme force of the killer storm was on full display as it sucked water away from shores in the Bahamas in a rare weather phenomenon. Footage posted on social media shows people walking along the seabed which is normally under several feet of water. There was dry land as far

So, so much is going to take time for recovery in ways half the zombie population haven't even thought of.
Half don't give a dam because they don't live there who eeeh who cares. But the devastation lingering all across the Country you never know when your state could be next with some natural disaster.

DEVELOPING: Tampa, Florida Facing Once In a Century Storm!

DEVELOPING: Irma spawns tornado as it nears landfall in Florida

I should point out that the one article only offers as proof a picture of a few inches of cracked earth rather than a whole beach, the tornado article only shows a cloudy sky, no tornado, and it is by no means certain yet that Irma will even go inland or hit the coast of Florida at all! It is entirely possible that it may go up into the Gulf to eventually hit the panhandle. NONE of the predictions have been accurate so far, in fact, the actual track is much closer to how I predicted it days ago, nor do I accept any of these articles as credible without corroboration from other sources. So far, the entire Florida scare has been largely only good for attracting viewers; a friend of mine in south Florida is sitting out enjoying the breeze. I remain skeptical that this storm will end up a calamity for Florida at all to the scale predicted for the past week.
I do hope that you are correct. I remember Katrina and all of the poor people in those shelters. Let's hope we have better state logistics than Nagin had!
Ocean ‘disappears’ as killer Hurricane Irma sucks water away from shores on devastating path to Florida | End Time Headlines
Beachgoers were left shocked after the ocean ‘disappeared’ as Hurricane Irma cut a devastating path through the Caribbean. The extreme force of the killer storm was on full display as it sucked water away from shores in the Bahamas in a rare weather phenomenon. Footage posted on social media shows people walking along the seabed which is normally under several feet of water. There was dry land as far

So, so much is going to take time for recovery in ways half the zombie population haven't even thought of.
Half don't give a dam because they don't live there who eeeh who cares. But the devastation lingering all across the Country you never know when your state could be next with some natural disaster.

DEVELOPING: Tampa, Florida Facing Once In a Century Storm!

DEVELOPING: Irma spawns tornado as it nears landfall in Florida

I should point out that the one article only offers as proof a picture of a few inches of cracked earth rather than a whole beach, the tornado article only shows a cloudy sky, no tornado, and it is by no means certain yet that Irma will even go inland or hit the coast of Florida at all! It is entirely possible that it may go up into the Gulf to eventually hit the panhandle. NONE of the predictions have been accurate so far, in fact, the actual track is much closer to how I predicted it days ago, nor do I accept any of these articles as credible without corroboration from other sources. So far, the entire Florida scare has been largely only good for attracting viewers; a friend of mine in south Florida is sitting out enjoying the breeze. I remain skeptical that this storm will end up a calamity for Florida at all to the scale predicted for the past week.
I do hope that you are correct. I remember Katrina and all of the poor people in those shelters. Let's hope we have better state logistics than Nagin had!

Either way, Florida will still see high winds, there are already about 93,000 without power and there will be lots of damage. We can only hope that the power will not be out too long. But if they are right as they currently think, half of Florida could see severe damage.
Granny says, "Dat's right - remember dat eclipse we just had?...

Billy Graham's Daughter: 'God Always Warns a Nation That Judgment is Coming'
September 8, 2017 | Best selling author and evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of Pastor Billy Graham, said that "God always warns a nation that judgment is coming" and that the present day may be the time when God is "backing out of our national life and turning us over to ourselves." "God always warns a nation that judgment is coming," said Anne Graham Lotz in a Sept. 6 commentary for the online Christian magazine "He does not want any to perish. But if a nation does not heed His warnings, then He will unleash His anger and there is nothing—no one—who can prevent it."
Lotz explained that God is patient with sinners and sinful nations, noting the nation of Judah and how God gave it 22 years to turn from its wickedness. "God moved very slowly, giving plenty of opportunity for Judah to repent of her sin, to turn to Him, and therefore to escape the inevitable judgment," said Lotz, who runs AnGeL Ministries. "But with all of God’s warnings, Judah became even more defiant. More disobedient. Even more wicked. She insisted on her right to immorality and idolatry." "In the end, God became her enemy," said Lotz. "He sent in the Babylonian army to destroy Jerusalem, the temple, and all the people. 2 Chronicles 36:15-19 vividly describes how all those who were not taken captive were slaughtered in the streets."

The evangelist also noted that Psalm 32:6 refers to a time "when God may hide himself" and, she said, "It is a time that I believe may have begun in America." "Our nation is a mess," said Lotz, and America could be losing God's blessing and our sin could be provoking His judgment. "God is backing out of our national life and tunring us over to ourselves," she said.


Quoting Romans 1, Lotz added that "the wrath of God" is "revealed against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness." "So ... if we are coming under the judgment of God – if He is giving us over to ourselves, removing His blessing, protection, and favor – the solution will not be found in politics or in the economy or in the military or in technology," said Anne Graham Lotz. "The only solution will be found on our knees as we humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and repent of our sin," she advised. "And then plead for Him to return to us, as we return to Him. Now is the time to get serious about repentance and prayer."

Anne Graham Lotz, 69. is the author of 11 books, and her most recent is The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations. She was awarded six honorary degrees. She has three children. Her husband, Dr. Daniel Lotz, died in 2015.

Billy Graham's Daughter: 'God Always Warns a Nation That Judgment is Coming'

See also:

FEMA Director: Irma ‘Is Going to Devastate the United States,’ Starting With Florida
September 8, 2017 – FEMA Director Brock Long, in a Friday morning update, told a news conference there’s no question that Hurricane Irma will devastate parts of the souheastern United States:
“Obviously, Hurricane Irma continues to be a threat that is going to devastate the United States in either Florida or some of the southeastern states,” Long told a 7:30 a.m. news conference. “This is a complex forecast. Anybody from Alabama to North Carolina should be watching this storm very closely. The forecast and the direct impacts of this storm have yet to be determined because, one, it's a very powerful storm. “But the nature of the curve in that forecast after 72 hours is going to be the key to see who gets the worst impacts here. It's not a question of if Florida’s going to be impacted, it's a question of how bad Florida’s going to be impacted and where the storm ends up over the next four to five days as it passes inland.”

Long said anyone from Alabama to North Carolina needs to monitor Irma and take preparations. “Obviously there's a lot of evacuation activity taking place in Florida over the last 24 to 48 hours. Heed all local warnings,” Long said. “The goal is -- get out of the storm surge-vulnerable area, that is wind-driven, coastal, storm surge flooding waters coming onshore. That's the most devastating hazard associated with hurricanes. Get out of that storm surge area and get into a facility that can withstand the winds. That doesn't mean you have to travel hundreds of miles to do so, but get out of the storm surge area into a facility that can withstand the winds

Later today, I know that other states are also considering evacuation movement, and the jurisdiction ask or call for mandatory evacuations -- may be directed by the governor or your local officials. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Florida Republican who represents the Miami-Dade area, told CNN’s “New Day” on Friday that “this mother of a storm…it’s going to impact everybody” in Florida. She said in terms of preparations, Miami-Dade is as prepared as it can be, with another eight shelters opening today: “Whether we're going to all be great after a storm of this magnitude, of course we can't predict that. But how much can you plan? We have done it. We've got everything functioning, and people are talking to one another. The first responders are ready.

It's a shame what's happening in the Keys, in an area I used to represent. Chris, people just did not evacuate from the Keys, and as all the first responders have said, ‘We are not going to be there to save you.’” Ros-Lehtinen said “a lot” of people living in the Florida Keys decided to stay behind. “People don't want to leave their homes, and I understand that. But if you can, it is not too late. The shelters are open,” the congresswoman said. “So Miami-Dade is as ready as you can be, but this is a monster of a hurricane.”

FEMA Director: Irma ‘Is Going to Devastate the United States,’ Starting With Florida
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Well when the storm surge adds like 10+ feet to the sea level over an area the size of Texas, the water has to come from somewhere.
Anyone here affected? It can reach Tennessee!

I'm in Fort Myers, Jackson. This bad mama jamma is coming right at us! Been through a lot of hurricanes before and never really sweated it but this one could be bad. They're calling for 10 - 15 feet of storm surge here and that's going to make Houston look like the Sahara desert. If we do get it most of the coastal area here is going to be gone.
National Weather Service: Key West underwater from Irma ‘reasonable worst case scenario’

A “reasonable worst case scenario” forecast shows half of Key West underwater due to storm surge, according to a Weather Channel meteorologist.

Hurricane Irma, a Category 3 storm as of 11 a.m., is predicted to turn away from Cuba and make landfall in the Sunshine State by Sunday morning. Forecasters say the eye is expected to make landfall in Key West. Officials and forecasters have warned of the dangers of “life-threatening” storm surge associated with the storm.

National Weather Service: Key West underwater from Irma ‘reasonable worst case scenario’

If this thing hits even at a 3 it will still have devastating impacts on the state.

A Tornado now

A tornado touched down in Oakland Park Saturday evening, National Weather Service officials in Miami said. The tornado was spotted at about 7 p.m. in the Broward County city. The county was under a Tornado Warning for more than an hour. Officials do not yet know the tornado's strength or how many people were affected. Viewer McKenna Fogarty spotted this funnel cloud in Coral Ridge in Fort Lauderdale around the same time.

RSOE EDIS - Tornado event in USA on September 10 2017 05:32 AM you have friends or family away from where you are so you can feel more safe?
CONFIRMED! Irma is finally heading away from Cuba north, but right now is actually headed straight into the Gulf towards Louisiana!

Doesn’t she know she’s supposed to hit Florida? ;^)

Do the weather people have no limits to their shame; they’ve not gotten one thing right so far.

I could’ve made a better prediction with a chicken wishbone. ;^D
Those gulf waters are mighty warm and its such a nice big bathtub for Irma. She might decide to visit Harvey's left overs. Yikes!
Ocean ‘disappears’ as killer Hurricane Irma sucks water away from shores on devastating path to Florida | End Time Headlines
Beachgoers were left shocked after the ocean ‘disappeared’ as Hurricane Irma cut a devastating path through the Caribbean. The extreme force of the killer storm was on full display as it sucked water away from shores in the Bahamas in a rare weather phenomenon. Footage posted on social media shows people walking along the seabed which is normally under several feet of water. There was dry land as far

So, so much is going to take time for recovery in ways half the zombie population haven't even thought of.
Half don't give a dam because they don't live there who eeeh who cares. But the devastation lingering all across the Country you never know when your state could be next with some natural disaster.

DEVELOPING: Tampa, Florida Facing Once In a Century Storm!

DEVELOPING: Irma spawns tornado as it nears landfall in Florida

I should point out that the one article only offers as proof a picture of a few inches of cracked earth rather than a whole beach, the tornado article only shows a cloudy sky, no tornado, and it is by no means certain yet that Irma will even go inland or hit the coast of Florida at all! It is entirely possible that it may go up into the Gulf to eventually hit the panhandle. NONE of the predictions have been accurate so far, in fact, the actual track is much closer to how I predicted it days ago, nor do I accept any of these articles as credible without corroboration from other sources. So far, the entire Florida scare has been largely only good for attracting viewers; a friend of mine in south Florida is sitting out enjoying the breeze. I remain skeptical that this storm will end up a calamity for Florida at all to the scale predicted for the past week.

CONFIRMED! Irma is finally heading away from Cuba north, but right now is actually headed straight into the Gulf towards Louisiana!
Doesn’t she know she’s supposed to hit Florida? ;^)
Do the weather people have no limits to their shame; they’ve not gotten one thing right so far.
I could’ve made a better prediction with a chicken wishbone. ;^D
We need legislation to charge the Weather Channel the costs of evacuating 18 million people if this thing proves a total miss!

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