Nationwide Poll: Most Republicans Have Racist Worldview - Trump Found Way to Unleash It

Republicans are very stupid. Here is a few gems proving their stupidity:

62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

I generally agree with Republicans on more issues than not, but it's this type of shit that drives me nuts.

I just don't want to be associated with such uneducated idiots.

de Blasio? he's nuttier than a squirrel's turd.

He's married to a black women and has black children - so he thoroughly understands racism.


Good for him. He still fucking nuts.

I think he's a fine man.

A man that NY city's finest turned their backs to him...what a man!
Maybe Obama is a muslim.
Maybe he was born elsewhere.
Maybe people should not be rewarded for criminal behavior.

Exactly how does believing any of these things prove that a person is any more raciest than someone who doesn't?
Maybe Obama is a muslim.
Maybe he was born elsewhere.
Maybe people should not be rewarded for criminal behavior.

Exactly how does believing any of these things prove that a person is any more raciest than someone who doesn't?

Ignorance and racism often go hand in hand.
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

Still off in looney left wing never never land.
City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law

Lib hacks like libkota spend so much time hating on repubs that can't even check on their facts. If Obama was even more God than he is now he would absolutely take everyone's guns away, because that would be best for us all and it would further concentrate his power. As far as the third term, he doesn't want any of it. The country and the world has devolved into such chaos because of Obama he doesn't want to be anywhere near where all the broken dishes are. As of now he is already trying to rewrite the history of his administration. See the state dept brief about bringing peace to Syria.

General Election Presidential Matches Close; America Pulling for Spartans

And for the ones that want to talk about ppp polling, they have the top four republican contenders within the margin of error in head to head match ups with Hilary. They don't tell you about that.

Anyway libs, we get it. You have to repeat ad naseum how dumb republicans are and how smart you are before the election. Why don't you just try once to win an argument on your merits. When ad hominem attacks are your first line of defense we know how weak your case is.
What race or races is Trump being racist toward?

Mostly blacks and Hispanics...

So what has he said about blacks that weren't trying to disrupt is rallies?

Hispanic is not a race.

Really? Do a little research on Hispanic as a race and/or ethnicity.

Saying Hispanic is a race is like saying American is a race, it just doesn't fly.

And you didn't answer my question about blacks.

Try answering your own questions. That way you'll get the answers you want.

No, I don't want my answers, I want to know what YOU think is YOUR foundation for calling Trump a racist. Do you not know what your views and reasons are, or are you just posting what you're paid to post?
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

Conservatives in the US are so scared of the changes happening around them they will believe anything they are told that makes them feel better about the world they WISH existed.

But it doesn't and never will again. The demographics have changed for good.

Faux News and conservative radio have done and are still doing their best to try to stem this tidal wave of change, and in so doing are keeping much of the GOP supporters locked up in this bubble of non-fact and illogic.

We saw the result when these people got smacked in the face by reality right after the 2012 election when Romney lost. They absolutely could not believe it because they were told without a doubt that he would win.

What tidal wave of change? 2014 saw R's keep the House and take the Senate in historic wins. 2012 was only a washout because Romney never appealed to the conservative base. It was a McCain repeat scenario where the party elite and the media had picked the candidate. Ruh roh. RINOS lost the Presidency.

And the demographics that the media keep trying to show that there is no white majority is a lie. Check your Census data. Still the majority.

And this is why trump is doing well and the Republican party is in panic mode.

You just do not live in reality. You believe what makes you feel good.

You'd think you were talking to yourself, we understand the left very well...

No I'm talking to you and every other con bugwit that relies on 'feelings' rather than fact.

Trump is a racist pure and simple, and he has made it ok for the large minority in the Republican party to let their inner racist out of its cage.

Wail away.

He has no chance in a general election. Which is why most Democrats love the fact that he is trampling the Republican party.

You silly fucks all the same, when you fear someone they are racist, bigots etc, etc, salunsky would be proud of you morons. Me thinks your a racist/bigot pure and simple...
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

I'm a little worried, no actually I'm a lot worried that "the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland" is too polite a description of a significant percentage of the American populace. I think a more true, more accurate description of this bloodthirsty racist bunch is "stark raving mad". I think they have been lured by the Hate-Whisperers of the lunatic far right - the Fox News crews and the Rush Limbaugh's and now a fuhrer replicant Trump - and lured into a very dark place where real evil lurks. I just hope it doesn't reach a tipping point where too many of the still majority sane Americans slip almost unaware onto a very dangerous slippery slope. After all, to speak real undiluted historical truth, there really weren't that many "Good Germans".

Amen! Just like when Germans ignored Nazis. I understand that some people feel frustrated and disenfranchised - but Adolf Trump isn't the answer. Scary...

Silly wench we have an adolf now, his name is berry insane obongo and he has ruined the planet, worst president ever. I hope berry jacks up your cigarette tax again...:smoke:
We needed a poll to tell us this? As if their actions didn't make this crystal clear.
So Trump is a racist got it, wow do you libs ever get any new material? :laugh: Go vote for Clinton and her sicko wife cheating perv husband..
Maybe Obama is a muslim.
Maybe he was born elsewhere.
Maybe people should not be rewarded for criminal behavior.

Exactly how does believing any of these things prove that a person is any more raciest than someone who doesn't?

Ignorance and racism often go hand in hand.

True...but I wasn't asking about your racism. If you're going to make accusations you should be able to back them up. Check around maybe everyone you know isn't as ignorant as you. Uh...never mind...they probably are.

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