Nationwide Poll: Most Republicans Have Racist Worldview - Trump Found Way to Unleash It

de Blasio? he's nuttier than a squirrel's turd.

He's married to a black women and has black children - so he thoroughly understands racism.


de Blasio? he's nuttier than a squirrel's turd.

He's married to a black women and has black children - so he thoroughly understands racism.


Good for him. He still fucking nuts.

I think he's a fine man.

You would.
Why do lefties feel so gosh darn bad that many Americans don't believe his photo copy of a birth certificate is legitimate when you can't even get a drivers license in some states without producing the real McCoy? Were radicals born freaking yesterday? According to the politically motivated "standards" set by low information lefties today the U.S. had a "racist worldview" for most of the democrat dominated 20th century. The reason the U.S. was blindsided at Pearl Harbor is because most of the FDR administration thought the Japanese were nearsighted little yellow men who couldn't fly a plane much less build a ship. FDR refused to change the immigration rules for Jewish Holocaust victims who were left floating around on some God forsaken ship. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court who wrote the majority opinion that created a wall between religion and society that did not appear in the Constitution because the administration was afraid that Papist schools would dominate the education system. Today Donald Trump wants to make our borders secure from drugs and terrorists and assorted illegal aliens and low information lefties found a poll of equally low information idiots who think his views are racist.
Why do lefties feel so gosh darn bad that many Americans don't believe his photo copy of a birth certificate is legitimate when you can't even get a drivers license in some states without producing the real McCoy? Were radicals born freaking yesterday? According to the politically motivated "standards" set by low information lefties today the U.S. had a "racist worldview" for most of the democrat dominated 20th century. The reason the U.S. was blindsided at Pearl Harbor is because most of the FDR administration thought the Japanese were nearsighted little yellow men who couldn't fly a plane much less build a ship. FDR refused to change the immigration rules for Jewish Holocaust victims who were left floating around on some God forsaken ship. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court who wrote the majority opinion that created a wall between religion and society that did not appear in the Constitution because the administration was afraid that Papist schools would dominate the education system. Today Donald Trump wants to make our borders secure from drugs and terrorists and assorted illegal aliens and low information lefties found a poll of equally low information idiots who think his views are racist.

Yeah, progress must be a bitch for racists. You'll eventually adjust to it. Enjoy your whiteness while you're still the majority - until about 2045.
Why do lefties feel so gosh darn bad that many Americans don't believe his photo copy of a birth certificate is legitimate when you can't even get a drivers license in some states without producing the real McCoy? Were radicals born freaking yesterday? According to the politically motivated "standards" set by low information lefties today the U.S. had a "racist worldview" for most of the democrat dominated 20th century. The reason the U.S. was blindsided at Pearl Harbor is because most of the FDR administration thought the Japanese were nearsighted little yellow men who couldn't fly a plane much less build a ship. FDR refused to change the immigration rules for Jewish Holocaust victims who were left floating around on some God forsaken ship. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court who wrote the majority opinion that created a wall between religion and society that did not appear in the Constitution because the administration was afraid that Papist schools would dominate the education system. Today Donald Trump wants to make our borders secure from drugs and terrorists and assorted illegal aliens and low information lefties found a poll of equally low information idiots who think his views are racist.

Yeah, progress must be a bitch for racists. You'll eventually adjust to it. Enjoy your whiteness while you're still the majority - until about 2045.

What in there do you view as progress? Ok, you are a noted Jew Hater, so we get that part.
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

What race or races is Trump being racist toward?

Mostly blacks and Hispanics...
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

What race or races is Trump being racist toward?

Mostly blacks and Hispanics...

Not at all. The minorities favor him. Libs have been exploiting race for generations. This current generation being no exception.
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

What race or races is Trump being racist toward?

Mostly blacks and Hispanics...

So what has he said about blacks that weren't trying to disrupt is rallies?

Hispanic is not a race.
Public Policy Polling (PPP) should be ashamed of themselves
By: wintermute (Diary)
September 10th, 2012

I believe its fairly common knowledge that PPP is a biased propaganda outlet for the DNC. Having a bias is fine. Having a bias and pretending you don’t isn’t fine but it seems like its par for the course. Worse than that though is using your position as a supposedly integrous source of public opinion data to push narratives in cooperation with the Democratic party. Here are 2 infuriating examples of them doing this.


Public Policy Polling (PPP) should be ashamed of themselves | RedState

Is public policy polling biased?
Is "Public Policy Polling" turning out biased poll results?

Oh right. A biased source is claiming another source is biased. Great work.
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

What race or races is Trump being racist toward?

Mostly blacks and Hispanics...

GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

What race or races is Trump being racist toward?

Mostly blacks and Hispanics...

So what has he said about blacks that weren't trying to disrupt is rallies?

Hispanic is not a race.

Really? Do a little research on Hispanic as a race and/or ethnicity.
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

I'm a little worried, no actually I'm a lot worried that "the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland" is too polite a description of a significant percentage of the American populace. I think a more true, more accurate description of this bloodthirsty racist bunch is "stark raving mad". I think they have been lured by the Hate-Whisperers of the lunatic far right - the Fox News crews and the Rush Limbaugh's and now a fuhrer replicant Trump - and lured into a very dark place where real evil lurks. I just hope it doesn't reach a tipping point where too many of the still majority sane Americans slip almost unaware onto a very dangerous slippery slope. After all, to speak real undiluted historical truth, there really weren't that many "Good Germans".
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

What race or races is Trump being racist toward?

Mostly blacks and Hispanics...

So what has he said about blacks that weren't trying to disrupt is rallies?

Hispanic is not a race.

Really? Do a little research on Hispanic as a race and/or ethnicity.

Saying Hispanic is a race is like saying American is a race, it just doesn't fly.

And you didn't answer my question about blacks.
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

What race or races is Trump being racist toward?

Mostly blacks and Hispanics...

So what has he said about blacks that weren't trying to disrupt is rallies?

Hispanic is not a race.

Really? Do a little research on Hispanic as a race and/or ethnicity.

Saying Hispanic is a race is like saying American is a race, it just doesn't fly.

And you didn't answer my question about blacks.

Try answering your own questions. That way you'll get the answers you want.
GOPers are living in a dangerous right-wing fantasyland—and are just fine with that.

A new national poll released Tuesday has found that a majority of the Republican Party is living in a strange and dangerous political fantasyland.

“Our new poll finds that [Donald] Trump is benefiting from a GOP electorate that thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim and was born in another country,” Public Policy Polling’s analysis said. “Sixty-six percent of Trump's supporters believe that Obama is a Muslim to just 12 percent that grant he's a Christian. Sixty-one percent think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21 percent who accept that he was.”

The biggest takeaway from the PPP poll is that a majority of the Republican Party’s base is living in a right-wing bubble where facts don’t matter—and it has become increasingly acceptable to publicly voice racist positions because the leading presidential candidate is modeling that behavior.

Not only did PPP find that a majority of Republicans believe the birther lie—that Obama was not actually born in Hawaii—but 51 percent of all Republicans polled want to amend the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is granted to any person born on U.S. soil. Of Trump’s supporters, 63 percent want to eliminate that right, and a majority said undocumented children should be deported.

“I’m not terribly surprised by the birther numbers or the numbers about Obama’s religion,” said Tom Jensen, PPP director. He said the numbers are consistent with what he’s seen in GOP polls in recent years, and matched another new poll from Iowa where about 35 percent of the state’s GOP electorate are "birthers."

But what is surprising to Jensen is how Trump’s candidacy has made Republicans more willing to publicly admit their xenophobic or racist positions.

“Trump has sent a message that it’s okay to be racist,” he said. “So maybe some racist attitudes you previously held, or were not allowed to say in public, now one of the leading presidential candidates is saying them and not apologizing at all.”

Meanwhile, the PPP poll confirms that the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland: they believe Obama wasn’t born in America, and is a Muslim, not a Christian; and they would revoke the birthright citizenship of the children of undocumented immigrants, and deport them as well.

“Trump’s beliefs represent the consensus among the GOP electorate,” their analysis said. “Fifty-one percent overall want to eliminate birthright citizenship. Fifty-four percent think President Obama is a Muslim. And only 29 percent grant that President Obama was born in the United States. That’s less than the 40 percent who think Canadian-born Ted Cruz was born in the United States.”

Nationwide Poll: Majority of Republicans Have Nakedly Racist Worldview—Trump Has Found the Way to Unleash It

This certainly confirms what I've been seeing on message boards and media reports.

I'm a little worried, no actually I'm a lot worried that "the modern Republican Party has a majority of members who live in a racist political fantasyland" is too polite a description of a significant percentage of the American populace. I think a more true, more accurate description of this bloodthirsty racist bunch is "stark raving mad". I think they have been lured by the Hate-Whisperers of the lunatic far right - the Fox News crews and the Rush Limbaugh's and now a fuhrer replicant Trump - and lured into a very dark place where real evil lurks. I just hope it doesn't reach a tipping point where too many of the still majority sane Americans slip almost unaware onto a very dangerous slippery slope. After all, to speak real undiluted historical truth, there really weren't that many "Good Germans".

Amen! Just like when Germans ignored Nazis. I understand that some people feel frustrated and disenfranchised - but Adolf Trump isn't the answer. Scary...

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