Native American activist Nathan Phillips is a poseur and likely phony veteran

He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
What? How dare you denigrate Lord Donnie's personal Viet Nam against STDs!!!!:aargh:
This whole event reminds me of the "Phony Soldier" scandal from a few years back. Some character who claimed to be a veteran but really wasn't, was using his phony vet status to disparage President Bush.

The Maha Rushdie called him out on it, and all hell cut loose. Suddenly Limbaugh was the bad actor just for pointing out the guy's phoniness.

Just like the leader of the filthy ass Vietnam Veterans Against the War never set foot in Vietnam but claimed that he did. The organization that the lying asshole John Kerry became a spokesman for.
The lying asshole Kerry who could have dodged the war but enlisted and volunteered for dangerous duty. That Kerry? I know, the vets preferred a drug addled deserter for their president.

I am taking about the chickenshit Kerry that never volunteered for any dangerous duty and whined like a little school girl when he was assigned to it.

The shithead that only spent four months in Vietnam that was told by his fellow officers to get the hell out of their unit because he was a disgrace. He was in country hardly enough time to break in a new pair of boots.

Then when he got out lied about what he did and gave aid and comfort to the enemy and then lied about his fellow veterans.

A real piece of shit, wouldn't you agree?
Silver Star and Purple Heart winner

Kerry was in the Navy, he could have easily served thousands of miles away. He volunteered for dangerous swift boat river duty
What part of "wrote his own awards" don't you understand?
President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Actually the RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, said he deserved the "Congressional Medal of Honor" for heroically screwing whores during the Viet Nam War.

Donald J Trump was speaking with Howard Stern, a comedian. His remark was what we call a "joke", although libs aren't familiar with the idea of humor.
So you admit he said it, you just lie about it being a "joke" nobody laughed at, especially when the RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, has a history of claiming he was slighted for awards he feels he earned.
This whole event reminds me of the "Phony Soldier" scandal from a few years back. Some character who claimed to be a veteran but really wasn't, was using his phony vet status to disparage President Bush.

The Maha Rushdie called him out on it, and all hell cut loose. Suddenly Limbaugh was the bad actor just for pointing out the guy's phoniness.

Just like the leader of the filthy ass Vietnam Veterans Against the War never set foot in Vietnam but claimed that he did. The organization that the lying asshole John Kerry became a spokesman for.
The lying asshole Kerry who could have dodged the war but enlisted and volunteered for dangerous duty. That Kerry? I know, the vets preferred a drug addled deserter for their president.

I am taking about the chickenshit Kerry that never volunteered for any dangerous duty and whined like a little school girl when he was assigned to it.

The shithead that only spent four months in Vietnam that was told by his fellow officers to get the hell out of their unit because he was a disgrace. He was in country hardly enough time to break in a new pair of boots.

Then when he got out lied about what he did and gave aid and comfort to the enemy and then lied about his fellow veterans.

A real piece of shit, wouldn't you agree?
"whined like a little school girl"? Kindly provide proof of that......
This whole event reminds me of the "Phony Soldier" scandal from a few years back. Some character who claimed to be a veteran but really wasn't, was using his phony vet status to disparage President Bush.

The Maha Rushdie called him out on it, and all hell cut loose. Suddenly Limbaugh was the bad actor just for pointing out the guy's phoniness.

Just like the leader of the filthy ass Vietnam Veterans Against the War never set foot in Vietnam but claimed that he did. The organization that the lying asshole John Kerry became a spokesman for.
The lying asshole Kerry who could have dodged the war but enlisted and volunteered for dangerous duty. That Kerry? I know, the vets preferred a drug addled deserter for their president.

I am taking about the chickenshit Kerry that never volunteered for any dangerous duty and whined like a little school girl when he was assigned to it.

The shithead that only spent four months in Vietnam that was told by his fellow officers to get the hell out of their unit because he was a disgrace. He was in country hardly enough time to break in a new pair of boots.

Then when he got out lied about what he did and gave aid and comfort to the enemy and then lied about his fellow veterans.

A real piece of shit, wouldn't you agree?
Silver Star and Purple Heart winner

Kerry was in the Navy, he could have easily served thousands of miles away. He volunteered for dangerous swift boat river duty
What part of "wrote his own awards" don't you understand?
The part where that never happened!!!
This whole event reminds me of the "Phony Soldier" scandal from a few years back. Some character who claimed to be a veteran but really wasn't, was using his phony vet status to disparage President Bush.

The Maha Rushdie called him out on it, and all hell cut loose. Suddenly Limbaugh was the bad actor just for pointing out the guy's phoniness.

Just like the leader of the filthy ass Vietnam Veterans Against the War never set foot in Vietnam but claimed that he did. The organization that the lying asshole John Kerry became a spokesman for.
The lying asshole Kerry who could have dodged the war but enlisted and volunteered for dangerous duty. That Kerry? I know, the vets preferred a drug addled deserter for their president.

I am taking about the chickenshit Kerry that never volunteered for any dangerous duty and whined like a little school girl when he was assigned to it.

The shithead that only spent four months in Vietnam that was told by his fellow officers to get the hell out of their unit because he was a disgrace. He was in country hardly enough time to break in a new pair of boots.

Then when he got out lied about what he did and gave aid and comfort to the enemy and then lied about his fellow veterans.

A real piece of shit, wouldn't you agree?
Silver Star and Purple Heart winner

Kerry was in the Navy, he could have easily served thousands of miles away. He volunteered for dangerous swift boat river duty
What part of "wrote his own awards" don't you understand?
Since when did you people give a fuck about a person's military service anyway? Especially when those people make Trump feel sad..
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Poor benighted conservative republicans don't know we had people in Viet Nam until 1975.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I am a real Conservative and I know we had troops over there in 1967 because I was sent over there as part of Democrat President LBJ's buildup. I also came back in April of 1970 as part of Nixon's draw down.

I knew and know many real Vietnam veterans that served honorably. Kerry is a poor excuse to be calling himself a Vietnam Veteran only being over there hardly enough time to break in a pair of boots and then lying about what he did and lying about his fellow veterans.

A very despicable asshole. Shame on you for trying to defend him.
This whole event reminds me of the "Phony Soldier" scandal from a few years back. Some character who claimed to be a veteran but really wasn't, was using his phony vet status to disparage President Bush.

The Maha Rushdie called him out on it, and all hell cut loose. Suddenly Limbaugh was the bad actor just for pointing out the guy's phoniness.

Just like the leader of the filthy ass Vietnam Veterans Against the War never set foot in Vietnam but claimed that he did. The organization that the lying asshole John Kerry became a spokesman for.
The lying asshole Kerry who could have dodged the war but enlisted and volunteered for dangerous duty. That Kerry? I know, the vets preferred a drug addled deserter for their president.

I am taking about the chickenshit Kerry that never volunteered for any dangerous duty and whined like a little school girl when he was assigned to it.

The shithead that only spent four months in Vietnam that was told by his fellow officers to get the hell out of their unit because he was a disgrace. He was in country hardly enough time to break in a new pair of boots.

Then when he got out lied about what he did and gave aid and comfort to the enemy and then lied about his fellow veterans.

A real piece of shit, wouldn't you agree?
Silver Star and Purple Heart winner

Kerry was in the Navy, he could have easily served thousands of miles away. He volunteered for dangerous swift boat river duty
What part of "wrote his own awards" don't you understand?
Since when does a military member get to write their own awards? .......and approve them?
This whole event reminds me of the "Phony Soldier" scandal from a few years back. Some character who claimed to be a veteran but really wasn't, was using his phony vet status to disparage President Bush.

The Maha Rushdie called him out on it, and all hell cut loose. Suddenly Limbaugh was the bad actor just for pointing out the guy's phoniness.

Just like the leader of the filthy ass Vietnam Veterans Against the War never set foot in Vietnam but claimed that he did. The organization that the lying asshole John Kerry became a spokesman for.
The lying asshole Kerry who could have dodged the war but enlisted and volunteered for dangerous duty. That Kerry? I know, the vets preferred a drug addled deserter for their president.

I am taking about the chickenshit Kerry that never volunteered for any dangerous duty and whined like a little school girl when he was assigned to it.

The shithead that only spent four months in Vietnam that was told by his fellow officers to get the hell out of their unit because he was a disgrace. He was in country hardly enough time to break in a new pair of boots.

Then when he got out lied about what he did and gave aid and comfort to the enemy and then lied about his fellow veterans.

A real piece of shit, wouldn't you agree?
Silver Star and Purple Heart winner

Kerry was in the Navy, he could have easily served thousands of miles away. He volunteered for dangerous swift boat river duty
What part of "wrote his own awards" don't you understand?

Not only that but the asshole waited until the Commanding Officer that had originally turned him down left before re-submitting them.

World class scumbag.
Just like the leader of the filthy ass Vietnam Veterans Against the War never set foot in Vietnam but claimed that he did. The organization that the lying asshole John Kerry became a spokesman for.
The lying asshole Kerry who could have dodged the war but enlisted and volunteered for dangerous duty. That Kerry? I know, the vets preferred a drug addled deserter for their president.

I am taking about the chickenshit Kerry that never volunteered for any dangerous duty and whined like a little school girl when he was assigned to it.

The shithead that only spent four months in Vietnam that was told by his fellow officers to get the hell out of their unit because he was a disgrace. He was in country hardly enough time to break in a new pair of boots.

Then when he got out lied about what he did and gave aid and comfort to the enemy and then lied about his fellow veterans.

A real piece of shit, wouldn't you agree?
Silver Star and Purple Heart winner

Kerry was in the Navy, he could have easily served thousands of miles away. He volunteered for dangerous swift boat river duty
What part of "wrote his own awards" don't you understand?
Since when does a military member get to write their own awards? .......and approve them?

In small units like that awards are written up based upon action reports.

Kerry waited until his original Commanding Officer left (who knew he was a scumbag) and then submitted the action reports that said he was wounded enough to get a Purple Heart.

A real scumbag.

Only a stupid Moon Bat would try to defend him.

Go read "Unfit for Command". It is all detailed by the men that served with him.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic

No Trump never claimed to know more about "the military" than the Generals.

He claimed to know more about ISIS than the Generals.

Being active duty Army I can tell you, there are quite a few ignorant Generals running around who don't don't know shit, they are political animals. So the statement was true in many instances.

Not to mention the very obvious fact that the Democratic Party is chock full of politicians who have said very dumb things that I haven't seen you or other idiotic liberals making fun of.
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
If Phillips wore a MAGA hat we’d know Philips favorite ice cream.

That's the truth. In 2008, Americans knew more about the background of Joe the Freaking Plumber than we did about the Democrat nominee for President.

What a lie.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.
He is NOT old enough to be a veteran of Vietnam pretty simple concept even you brain dead lefties SHOULD be able to grasp it.

At 64, Phillips would be 4 years younger than me,. I graduated high school in 19568. Phillips would have in 1972. He could have enlisted. He could have been in Viet Nam by 1973. Two years before the war ended,.

Are you stupid? Are you a lying piece of shit? Why do you assfucks keep trashing our veterans?
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic

No Trump never claimed to know more about "the military" than the Generals.

He claimed to know more about ISIS than the Generals.

Being active duty Army I can tell you, there are quite a few ignorant Generals running around who don't don't know shit, they are political animals. So the statement was true in many instances.

Not to mention the very obvious fact that the Democratic Party is chock full of politicians who have said very dumb things that I haven't seen you or other idiotic liberals making fun of.
June 5, 2016: “[The generals] don't know much because they're not winning.”
- Donald Jackass Tramp
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic
------------------------------------- President TRUMP is pretty smart though Biff .:afro:
--------------------------- no Biff , President TRUMP is cool and smart enough though . Here we are , USA with all its faults is still the Best , strongest , best Military , most prosperous that the world has ever seen . And ALL on President Trumps watch Biff !!
No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic

No Trump never claimed to know more about "the military" than the Generals.

He claimed to know more about ISIS than the Generals.

Being active duty Army I can tell you, there are quite a few ignorant Generals running around who don't don't know shit, they are political animals. So the statement was true in many instances.

Not to mention the very obvious fact that the Democratic Party is chock full of politicians who have said very dumb things that I haven't seen you or other idiotic liberals making fun of.
June 5, 2016: “[The generals] don't know much because they're not winning.”
- Donald Jackass Tramp

That in no way negates what I said, which is the truth.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic

No Trump never claimed to know more about "the military" than the Generals.

He claimed to know more about ISIS than the Generals.

Being active duty Army I can tell you, there are quite a few ignorant Generals running around who don't don't know shit, they are political animals. So the statement was true in many instances.

Not to mention the very obvious fact that the Democratic Party is chock full of politicians who have said very dumb things that I haven't seen you or other idiotic liberals making fun of. folks are pathetic.....let's look at one of his quotes about ISIS and how he knows more than the generals about "the military"...

“I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me,” he bragged in November 2015. “They don’t know much because they’re not winning,” -- so the generals don't know much about winning? But the person who has never participated in any type of military conflict in his life knows more? based on what? your own delusional sycophancy?

Here is another idiotic Trump quote about his military genius 'I will be so good at the military, your head will spin' -- those are the ramblings of an idiot who has no idea what he is talking about...and just like you folks did with Bush, trying to justify that failure of a presidency, you will find a way to justify all of the bullshit Trump says....and just like Bush, when times passes, you will pretend you really never supported the guy...

And for old-times sake -- here is one of his wall quotes (When asked about building a wall) "By the way, and nobody knows how easy that would be. And I mean, it would be, it would be tall, it would be powerful, we would make it very good-looking. It would be as good as a wall’s got to be, and people will not be climbing over that wall, believe me.”

Trump lovers are pathetic...

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