Native American activist Nathan Phillips is a poseur and likely phony veteran

I don't know if he's a veteran are not. I find it unlikely. I will say this. If my status as a member of the military or as a veteran of such were questioned in such a public way I'd be sure to provide proof that I was being truthful.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic

No Trump never claimed to know more about "the military" than the Generals.

He claimed to know more about ISIS than the Generals.

Being active duty Army I can tell you, there are quite a few ignorant Generals running around who don't don't know shit, they are political animals. So the statement was true in many instances.

Not to mention the very obvious fact that the Democratic Party is chock full of politicians who have said very dumb things that I haven't seen you or other idiotic liberals making fun of. folks are pathetic.....let's look at one of his quotes about ISIS and how he knows more than the generals about "the military"...

“I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me,” he bragged in November 2015. “They don’t know much because they’re not winning,” -- so the generals don't know much about winning? But the person who has never participated in any type of military conflict in his life knows more? based on what? your own delusional sycophancy?

Here is another idiotic Trump quote about his military genius " 'I will be so good at the military, your head will spin' -- those are the ramblings of an idiot who has no idea what he is talking about...and just like you folks did with Bush, trying to justify that failure of a presidency, you will find a way to justify all of the bullshit Trump says....and just like Bush, when times passes, you will pretend you really never supported the guy...

And for old-times sake -- here is one of his wall quotes (When asked about building a wall) "By the way, and nobody knows how easy that would be. And I mean, it would be, it would be tall, it would be powerful, we would make it very good-looking. It would be as good as a wall’s got to be, and people will not be climbing over that wall, believe me.”

Trump lovers are pathetic...

All your bullshit ramblings aside, what I said is 100% true, Trump has NEVER said he knows more the military than the Generals.
That's right, the military has NOTHING to do with fighting ISIS. :cuckoo:
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
The Right-wing hate machine brought it up. Why don't they?
Actually, this was all dreamed up by the left wing hate machine. You guys lose your ability to reason every time you see a red MAGA hat.
My dad is 67 and was too young for Vietnam.

Just saying.

Unless he was in College; he would have been 18 in 1968 or '69. A 64 year old could conceivably dropped out of school at 16 and gone overseas.
The Viet Nam war went on until 1975.......but why would facts get in the way of a good conservative republican Veterans Bash.

Do you ever stop embarrassing yourself, we dont know any facts about this guy's service at all.

What we do know is that it is UNLIKELY that a person his age served in Vietnam during the war. That's a fact. It is UNLIKELY
Which, of course, is a wonderful launch for a favorite conservative republican activity....."Bash the Veteran."

Give it a fucking rest, I am in the Army, and no one I know who has actually served thinks that doing so makes them immune from being made fun of. Only fake ass liars who say they serve when they never have say shit like "you can't bash a veteran"
Being made fun of is one thing....having one's veteran status is quite another thing......I was in the Navy and I've seen this play out again and again and again with conservative republicans. If they can't use you, they WILL bash you as a veteran....guaranteed.
Unless he was in College; he would have been 18 in 1968 or '69. A 64 year old could conceivably dropped out of school at 16 and gone overseas.
The Viet Nam war went on until 1975.......but why would facts get in the way of a good conservative republican Veterans Bash.

Do you ever stop embarrassing yourself, we dont know any facts about this guy's service at all.

What we do know is that it is UNLIKELY that a person his age served in Vietnam during the war. That's a fact. It is UNLIKELY
Which, of course, is a wonderful launch for a favorite conservative republican activity....."Bash the Veteran."

Give it a fucking rest, I am in the Army, and no one I know who has actually served thinks that doing so makes them immune from being made fun of. Only fake ass liars who say they serve when they never have say shit like "you can't bash a veteran"
Being made fun of is one thing....having one's veteran status is quite another thing......I was in the Navy and I've seen this play out again and again and again with conservative republicans. If they can't use you, they WILL bash you as a veteran....guaranteed.

I have heard all about your "navy career" and it's BS and that's all I have to say on that.

GOod day
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He lied about everything else, so it would be no surprise if he lied about being in Vietnam, too. It is ironic that the left wing airheads who attacked the students though Philips was more sympathetic for be a Vietnam vet, when their ilk spit on out soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them baby killers.
LBJ was the only person who was called a baby killer and there`s zero evidence that anyone was spit on. The vets were ignored when they came home just as the Korean vets were but the Korean vets didn`t spend the rest of their lives telling whoppers about being spit on by Jane Fonda or whoever. My 2 brothers in law served in Vietnam, came home, got jobs and families and didn`t embarrass themselves by whining for the next 40 years.
Correction: The vets were indeed treated poorly and it was the VFW and American legion who treated them like shit.
Bullshit. It was the Democrats who treated the vets like shit, assholes like John Kerry who went before Congress and characterized the American soldiers who fought there as war criminals.

Lying fuck. Kerry never said all soldiers were criminals. I guess you deny that any atrocities occurred?

Kerry said he had personal knowledge of atrocities. I would say that an honorable man would spill the beans as to who did what- give the accused a chance to defend themselves.

By not naming specific men, he did taint the reputation of all soldiers by putting them all under suspicion.

He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Beyond that, do you know? If you really cared, you would have done the research. Instead, you floated a theory out of hate.
If you were able to do arithmetic, you wouldn't be arguing with the post.
I did, and my math is fine. I had a co-worker who was the exact same age, and he went to Vietnam.
A dozen Marines only 17 years of age were killed in action in Vietnam. One Marine was only 15 when he was killed in action. 43 of the last names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial are Marines killed in April and May 1975.
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
The Right-wing hate machine brought it up. Why don't they?
Actually, this was all dreamed up by the left wing hate machine. You guys lose your ability to reason every time you see a red MAGA hat.
If I'm not mistaken, the OP is a Republican.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He lied about everything else, so it would be no surprise if he lied about being in Vietnam, too. It is ironic that the left wing airheads who attacked the students though Philips was more sympathetic for be a Vietnam vet, when their ilk spit on out soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them baby killers.
LBJ was the only person who was called a baby killer and there`s zero evidence that anyone was spit on. The vets were ignored when they came home just as the Korean vets were but the Korean vets didn`t spend the rest of their lives telling whoppers about being spit on by Jane Fonda or whoever. My 2 brothers in law served in Vietnam, came home, got jobs and families and didn`t embarrass themselves by whining for the next 40 years.
Correction: The vets were indeed treated poorly and it was the VFW and American legion who treated them like shit.
Bullshit. It was the Democrats who treated the vets like shit, assholes like John Kerry who went before Congress and characterized the American soldiers who fought there as war criminals.

Lying fuck. Kerry never said all soldiers were criminals. I guess you deny that any atrocities occurred?

Kerry said he had personal knowledge of atrocities. I would say that an honorable man would spill the beans as to who did what- give the accused a chance to defend themselves.

By not naming specific men, he did taint the reputation of all soldiers by putting them all under suspicion.

He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Beyond that, do you know? If you really cared, you would have done the research. Instead, you floated a theory out of hate.
If you were able to do arithmetic, you wouldn't be arguing with the post.
I did, and my math is fine. I had a co-worker who was the exact same age, and he went to Vietnam.
A dozen Marines only 17 years of age were killed in action in Vietnam. One Marine was only 15 when he was killed in action. 43 of the last names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial are Marines killed in April and May 1975.
Since all US troops left in 1973, that must been tough.
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
The Right-wing hate machine brought it up. Why don't they?
Actually, this was all dreamed up by the left wing hate machine. You guys lose your ability to reason every time you see a red MAGA hat.
If I'm not mistaken, the OP is a Republican.
Don't try to blame Republicans for your red cap madness.
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
The Right-wing hate machine brought it up. Why don't they?
Actually, this was all dreamed up by the left wing hate machine. You guys lose your ability to reason every time you see a red MAGA hat.
If I'm not mistaken, the OP is a Republican.
Don't try to blame Republicans for your red cap madness.
If the shoe fits who typed this OP is a Republican, the madness lies with those who can't admit it.
My dad is 67 and was too young for Vietnam.

Just saying.

Unless he was in College; he would have been 18 in 1968 or '69. A 64 year old could conceivably dropped out of school at 16 and gone overseas.
The Viet Nam war went on until 1975.......but why would facts get in the way of a good conservative republican Veterans Bash.

US involvement in Vietnam ended in early 1973, with the last troops out by March 1973.

Try again.
He also claims to be a Marine veteran, and they were out of Vietnam in 1971.

“A careful reading of Mr. Phillips‘ own descriptions does not make clear if he ever set foot in Vietnam. Instead, he has used much more careful language claiming he is a “Vietnam times veteran,” an ambiguous phrasing that led many media accounts to conclude he was a combat veteran.”

Nathan Phillips Vietnam Veteran status in question

He is a “Vietnam times veteran”?

WTF is that? That is a FRAUD ladies and gentlemen.
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?

This is a double of the hallowed unquestionables the democrats seek always. So no he hasn't been questioned.
The OP attracted me and I wanted to see if anyone did any research on Phillips through all 14 pages. I did not see any.

If I missed the post, forgive me. Here is some information on him from a site I found:

Nathan Phillips Wiki, Age, Wife, Biography, Family & More

It will not allow me to copy and paste. Scroll all the way to the end
of the article and his military service information is there.

Below is another site with information on his service.

Vietnam Veteran - Nathan Phillips Bio, Wiki, Age, Wife, Daughter, Mocked by Covington Catholic School Boys - Resource Intel
Good point. Why would this guy's service make any difference? Unless he was wearing a uniform how would anyone know? Years ago the left used to spit on returning Vietnam Vets. It seems that today's left doesn't give a damn except to use Vets as a propaganda tool.
My dad is 67 and was too young for Vietnam.

Just saying.

Unless he was in College; he would have been 18 in 1968 or '69. A 64 year old could conceivably dropped out of school at 16 and gone overseas.
The Viet Nam war went on until 1975.......but why would facts get in the way of a good conservative republican Veterans Bash.

You're just ignorant of history, as always. We were out by 1972, except for embassy guards and intel officers, dumbass.
This whole event reminds me of the "Phony Soldier" scandal from a few years back. Some character who claimed to be a veteran but really wasn't, was using his phony vet status to disparage President Bush.

The Maha Rushdie called him out on it, and all hell cut loose. Suddenly Limbaugh was the bad actor just for pointing out the guy's phoniness.

Just like the leader of the filthy ass Vietnam Veterans Against the War never set foot in Vietnam but claimed that he did. The organization that the lying asshole John Kerry became a spokesman for.
The lying asshole Kerry who could have dodged the war but enlisted and volunteered for dangerous duty. That Kerry? I know, the vets preferred a drug addled deserter for their president.

I am taking about the chickenshit Kerry that never volunteered for any dangerous duty and whined like a little school girl when he was assigned to it.

The shithead that only spent four months in Vietnam that was told by his fellow officers to get the hell out of their unit because he was a disgrace. He was in country hardly enough time to break in a new pair of boots.

Then when he got out lied about what he did and gave aid and comfort to the enemy and then lied about his fellow veterans.

A real piece of shit, wouldn't you agree?
Silver Star and Purple Heart winner

Kerry was in the Navy, he could have easily served thousands of miles away. He volunteered for dangerous swift boat river duty

You are confused stupid Moon Bat.

Kerry volunteered to go to Vietnam to be assigned to a boat ferry at Cam Ranh Bay. Very easy and safe duty. He wanted to punch a "combat" ticket because he wanted to go into politics. When he got there he was not assigned to that duty but sent up country and he whined like a school girl about it. So much so that his Commanding Officer told him to not come within a 100 ft of him.

He was chickenshit and got out of the country as fast as he could.

A pathetic excuse for a human being. The same asshole that lied about his fellow veterans, what he did in Vietnam and that helped Obama load of barrels and barrels of cash to give to Obama's Iranian Mullah buddies.
Kerry is a decorated war hero

The fact that conservatives make up stories about him shows how despicable they are towards our veterans
Good point. Why would this guy's service make any difference? Unless he was wearing a uniform how would anyone know? Years ago the left used to spit on returning Vietnam Vets. It seems that today's left doesn't give a damn except to use Vets as a propaganda tool.
No veterans were spat upon
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He lied about everything else, so it would be no surprise if he lied about being in Vietnam, too. It is ironic that the left wing airheads who attacked the students though Philips was more sympathetic for be a Vietnam vet, when their ilk spit on out soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them baby killers.
Philips has been perfectly honest about what happened at the Lincoln Memorial and having served his country in the Marine Corps

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