Native American activist Nathan Phillips is a poseur and likely phony veteran

Let's just wait and see, shall we? :71:

Tho, I must admit, it's amusing to watch conservative republicans double down on denigrating a REAL veteran and then spinning around to say these thugs are Military Academy material.


You have proof he served? All the vets I saw online say he wasn't as there is no such thing as a recon ranger in Vietnam.
Oh well, if you saw some folks say so on line .....

It's pretty easy to confirm.
--------------------------------- da nang 'dick' bluementhal . I think that he lied about some service in 'viet nam' didn't he RWinger ??
He said Vietnam vet instead of Vietnam era vet

More than Donnie Binespurs can say

Let be honest if you are going to ridicule Donny boy then you have to slap those like Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney and even George W. Bush was in the reserves...

Anyone can claim to be or had been in the military and get the stuff from Military Vets at garage sales or Military Surplus Stores or even online...

I mean I can claim to be a Six Star General of the Navy and a good amount of morons would eat it up...

But now there is a law against pretending to be a war vet, unless they struck it down under Obama and I didn't catch the story.

The Supreme Court rightfully knocked that law down as unconstitutional.

Why "rightfully"? Isn't there enough bullshit out there already without people falsely claiming to be military heroes?

This character I knew in college claimed to be military hero who lost a leg in Vietnam stepping on a punji stick while marching through a rice paddy. He said it to impress the broads, but the real story was this trifling fool lost his leg in a childhood accident and spent years in a home for crippled children. The man was younger than me, and I was too young to go to Vietnam
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He lied about everything else, so it would be no surprise if he lied about being in Vietnam, too. It is ironic that the left wing airheads who attacked the students though Philips was more sympathetic for be a Vietnam vet, when their ilk spit on out soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them baby killers.
LBJ was the only person who was called a baby killer and there`s zero evidence that anyone was spit on. The vets were ignored when they came home just as the Korean vets were but the Korean vets didn`t spend the rest of their lives telling whoppers about being spit on by Jane Fonda or whoever. My 2 brothers in law served in Vietnam, came home, got jobs and families and didn`t embarrass themselves by whining for the next 40 years.
Correction: The vets were indeed treated poorly and it was the VFW and American legion who treated them like shit.
My dad is 67 and was too young for Vietnam.

Just saying.

Unless he was in College; he would have been 18 in 1968 or '69. A 64 year old could conceivably dropped out of school at 16 and gone overseas.
The Viet Nam war went on until 1975.......but why would facts get in the way of a good conservative republican Veterans Bash.
President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Actually the RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, said he deserved the "Congressional Medal of Honor" for heroically screwing whores during the Viet Nam War.
My dad is 67 and was too young for Vietnam.

Just saying.

Unless he was in College; he would have been 18 in 1968 or '69. A 64 year old could conceivably dropped out of school at 16 and gone overseas.
He had to do boot camp , then Force Recon training, which would have taken at least 5 or 6 months. We stopped sending troops to Vietnam in 72, so the numbers don't add up.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Poor benighted conservative republicans don't know we had people in Viet Nam until 1975.
My dad is 67 and was too young for Vietnam.

Just saying.

Unless he was in College; he would have been 18 in 1968 or '69. A 64 year old could conceivably dropped out of school at 16 and gone overseas.
The Viet Nam war went on until 1975.......but why would facts get in the way of a good conservative republican Veterans Bash.

Do you ever stop embarrassing yourself, we dont know any facts about this guy's service at all.

What we do know is that it is UNLIKELY that a person his age served in Vietnam during the war. That's a fact. It is UNLIKELY
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic

You were with him and heard the whining? Your last sentence marks you as a full blown nut case. Dismissed!

The men that were there and heard his whining and saw his cowardice and knew his lies wrote a book about it. I suggest you go read it then you won't be so confused.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic
------------------------------------- President TRUMP is pretty smart though Biff .:afro:
Somebody has to be a real shithead to try to defend an asshole like Kerry. One of the most despicable people ever in American politics. Maybe the most.

Of course the same dumbasses that voted for him in 2004 are the same idiots that voted for Gore, Obama and Clinton so go figure.
President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Actually the RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, said he deserved the "Congressional Medal of Honor" for heroically screwing whores during the Viet Nam War.

Donald J Trump was speaking with Howard Stern, a comedian. His remark was what we call a "joke", although libs aren't familiar with the idea of humor.
This whole event reminds me of the "Phony Soldier" scandal from a few years back. Some character who claimed to be a veteran but really wasn't, was using his phony vet status to disparage President Bush.

The Maha Rushdie called him out on it, and all hell cut loose. Suddenly Limbaugh was the bad actor just for pointing out the guy's phoniness.
Pure bullshit!
Russia Limbaugh's "phony soldiers (plural)" lie was his attack on 5 vets who wrote an editorial in the NY Times, one of whom later died protecting MessiahRushie's free speech right to disparage military vets.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
Isn’t Blumenthal the one who claimed bone spurs?

President Trump never claimed to be the military hero that Blumenthal and Phillips did.
Trump on numerous occasions claimed to KNOW more about the military than the generals -- even tho he did everything in his power to not serve in the military.

If someone never went to medical school, never worked as a doctor -- would you believe them if they said they knew more about heart surgery than heart surgeons?

This is why I say Trump lovers are pathetic
------------------------------------- President TRUMP is pretty smart though Biff .:afro:
I take that weak comment as an admission that even you know that he is full of shit.....I am sure this realization takes a few years for cult followers to fully grasp....Just think of it, there are still some people who think the Iraq War was a good idea...


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