Native American activist Nathan Phillips is a poseur and likely phony veteran

We are not and we're not illegals

The natives had no laws against immigration
I am native and you are right. But it is what the Europeans did after the invasion to Natives and later to African slaves. "Injuns migrated here from Russia"? lmao
All of which is irrelevant no one alive is responsible for any of that
Nah, we're still doing it. See DAPL. Already leaking by the way. America. Same as it ever was.
Wrong no one alive is responsible for those actions of the past
Blahbiddy blah blah blah then, there is no reality.
To you yes

History proves me correct and you a fool

Sit on the facts and spin
/——/ That has nothing to do with my reply to your “real American” comment, and yes we did wipe out the injuns and take their land.
Sure it does, we are the original illegals and we actually DID bring diseases and devastation.
We are not and we're not illegals

The natives had no laws against immigration
I am native and you are right. But it is what the Europeans did after the invasion to Natives and later to African slaves. "Injuns migrated here from Russia"? lmao
Perhaps that's why that perceptual reality, those who carry it, are so afraid and anxious. They feel change. They/we know what we did. We know. We do.
We did nothing of the sort

What the Covington Boys "Crime" was that they had the nerve not only to go to Washington DC to rally for life, they also wore hats advocating a return to American greatness.

That got the black israelites and the phony veterans riled up, because libs don't like Free Expression. And everything that happened afterwards was just liberals trying to provoke the kids, and they actually FAILED.
I am native and you are right. But it is what the Europeans did after the invasion to Natives and later to African slaves. "Injuns migrated here from Russia"? lmao
Perhaps that's why that perceptual reality, those who carry it, are so afraid and anxious. They feel change. They/we know what we did. We know. We do.
We did nothing of the sort
Genocide. For greed. Still not satiated.
No one committed or is commiting genocide here
Contaminated public water supplies.
None found all alarmist crap
does anyone know , but i hear earlier that these Catholic kids were going to be invited to the WhiteHouse . [ that'll be cool if it happens eh ??]
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Well, well. My hunch was right. Leftard poser. He looks Indian, but now I wonder about that too.

Alot of Mexicans try to pass themselves off as American Indians'; they think if they grow their hair out they can pass as Chief Waddling Turd or something. Like a lot of dumbasses, they think being a 'native American ' is prestigious or something. Even Mexicans don't like Mexicans apparently.
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Why is no one talking about how the 'elderly guy' lied to the media about the whole situation? The same media and the left are about to destroy the lives of some kids based on a false story with the help of social media mobs. Of all the groups present there the kids were the 'most decent' of them all. Nathan Phillips is the real harasser. Those kids were doxxed because of his lies, the school was bad named because of his lies, his people chanted the actual racial slurs. Imagine if it was your kid in this situation.

Whatever those kids did, could be corrected with a lesson or two, but their lives cannot be restored to normal if this harassment continues. You lefties called them MAGA hat wearing racist, homophobic assholes, but they were the only group who actually booed the Israelite blacks who were spewing all the hateful shit. Everyone who jumped on to hate the kids should be ashamed of themselves.

And all the people who are still giving shit to the children, you all are fucking cowards, afraid to take back you wrongful words. Have you ever been to a rally or a gathering? You enter a gathering where people are doing their own thing and try to oppose them and expect to not get mocked? What? There are countless examples of this, it's very normal, even at adult rallies. You expect kids to be different? Especially when they were the ones who were getting the racist slurs from the Indians.

And then some people are still complaining about the 'smug face'. How the hell is he supposed to look when he was just standing there and someone decides to walk close to his face, beat to his drum and and sing in a loud voice? He is being harassed right and left because of the liar elder vet/indian/saviour/wise man. Nathan Phillips is the real harasser.

The video footage taken by the black Israelite shows no evidence the white teenagers had any intention of attacking. Nevertheless, Phillips characterized the kids as "beasts" and the hate-group members as "their prey": "There was that moment when I realized I've put myself between beast and prey," Phillips said. "These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that." Fucking liar. And you leftists fucks too, you're even worse.

They're getting death threats now, typical for left wing vermin and all fans and shills for the DNC.
/——/ They are both real Americans. BTW you do know the Injuns migrated here from Russia- you do know that don’t you?

You have shown you know nothing about the peoples/societies we genocided out of functional existence to get to be so "gweat!".
/——/ That has nothing to do with my reply to your “real American” comment, and yes we did wipe out the injuns and take their land.
Sure it does, we are the original illegals and we actually DID bring diseases and devastation.
We are not and we're not illegals

The natives had no laws against immigration
I am native and you are right. But it is what the Europeans did after the invasion to Natives and later to African slaves. "Injuns migrated here from Russia"? lmao
/——/ Educating liberals is a dirty job but someone has to do it. One wave of migration from Siberia populated the Americas, DNA shows
does anyone know , but i hear earlier that these Catholic kids were going to be invited to the WhiteHouse . [ that'll be cool if it happens eh ??]

It'll be even more cool to watch the leftist heads explode over it. :D
A great place for them to wear their red KKK hats. Why were those kids at a gathering that supposedly was for Christians?
A great place for them to wear their red KKK hats. Why were those kids at a gathering that supposedly was for Christians?
------------------------------------------------ guess it was because they WANTED to be there August . [FREE Country isn't it August]
A great place for them to wear their red KKK hats. Why were those kids at a gathering that supposedly was for Christians?

Well let's ponder....could it be they are ftom a Catholic HS and it's a free country and public venue and they chose to be there?

Take your pick
No different than profiling. Who takes over planes and should be watched in airports? Who does this shit?

Having to go to the side of the line when trying to get on an airplane is a bit different then being character assassinated in the media and online based on an incomplete story.
Poor liitle private school white boys of privilege showing who they really are in public.
We can see right here, our resident conservative republicans could just as easily been the parents of such thugs....excusing their darlings....blaming Viet Nam veterans for their own spawns' thugish behavior. No wonder those teens are the way they are.
He is not a Vietnam veteran. That is not even arguable it it fact and even Phillips himself has admitted it.

And you are a proven liar calling those kids thugs

Explain how standing and smiling is thugish behavior fool.
When you get in someone's face smirking and "standing your ground" the kid was disrespecting and taunting Elder Phillips. I was taught and taught my kids to have respect for their elders. Yeah he and the others trying the yell the drummers down were thugs. Does not matter that he is not a Vietnam vet.

Phillips got IN HIS face, and is a professional agitator.

And keep moving the goalposts on this guy's background, you fucking hack.
A great place for them to wear their red KKK hats. Why were those kids at a gathering that supposedly was for Christians?
------------------------------------------------ guess it was because they WANTED to be there August . [FREE Country isn't it August
A great place for them to wear their red KKK hats. Why were those kids at a gathering that supposedly was for Christians?
------------------------------------------------ guess it was because they WANTED to be there August . [FREE Country isn't it August]
They`re free to be hypocrites but they`re not free to call themselves Christians. Get it?
NO, USA and Catholic kids can call themselves anything they like August .

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