Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

White boy reasoning doesnt = logical. You dont set the rules of how it goes down. The NA's would decide that. If their rules were you had to hop on 1 leg while applying mascara to be a documented immigrant that would be the logical course of action.

Find some evidence of that. Good luck, considering they didn't have a written language at the time.
bullshit! some tribes did. doesn't matter as most Europeans were illiterate.
nice try///

Which tribes had a written established language? Really only the Mayans and some other meso-american cultures had even a rudimentary written script, and those cultures had issues with the Spanish, not our ancestors.

And even with them, show me some proof of laws against immigration.
no need.. you lost before you started....

epic fail...
Knock yourself out and see how fast you starve. We have the Sierra Nevada for water.

SoCal has water rights only because of negotiated "treaties" to that effect. If they leave those rights can go "poof"

The Colorado River is the source of 4,400,000 acre feet (5.4 km3) per year for California.[30] Six other states along the river’s watershed (Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona) and Mexico, share allocated portions of river water. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, or MWD, holds priority water rights on the Colorado. It sells water to 95 percent of the South Coast region. Lake Mead, formed by Hoover Dam, is the primary reservoir in the Colorado River basin. The Colorado River Aqueduct begins 155 miles (249 km) downstream from Hoover Dam, and can carry 1,200,000 acre feet (1.5 km3) annually.

Water in California - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Northern California can supply Southern California with water like we did previously. We could also just move the population up north. I guess "I won" right?

Please go into the details required to move Los Angeles.
Please stop your deflections. They are amateurish at best..

Lol, you have no answer that to that one, hack.
I dont answer dumb questions fool.
there were none for Europeans from the moment Columbus didn't discover America in the 15th century till the 18th century
400 years of no immigration laws...
nice rationalizing

Pull the stick out, Poindexter
more nice rationalizing

You are using that word again.
yep! if for no other reason than to set you thrashing again..

No thrashing here, just spearing your idiotic "arguments"
Your white boy rules are idiotic.
The Native American National Council (NANC) will offer amnesty to the estimated 240 million illegal white immigrants living in the United States.

Sorry, we aren’t illegal. We followed the immigration laws that were in place at the time
there were none for Europeans from the moment Columbus didn't discover America in the 15th century till the 18th century
400 years of no immigration laws...
nice rationalizing

Pull the stick out, Poindexter
more nice rationalizing

The second was mocking. As for the first, how can you be illegal when you broke no law?
sorry but define who's law ?
the NA's Definitely had their own laws regarding who belonged in a certain territory and who didn't
a swing and A miss !
of course they can... just because it doesn't fit your rules has no effect on reality..

No, they can't. Reality does not bend itself to idiotic concepts "because"
Yeah they can. White boy rules have no credibility except in white civilizations.

You still lost the argument.
I wasnt arguing. I was correcting you.

You can't correct when you are wrong, and you are wrong, on a great many things, including this.
Good thing I wasnt wrong when I corrected you.
there were none for Europeans from the moment Columbus didn't discover America in the 15th century till the 18th century
400 years of no immigration laws...
nice rationalizing

Pull the stick out, Poindexter
more nice rationalizing

You are using that word again.
yep! if for no other reason than to set you thrashing again..

No thrashing here, just spearing your idiotic "arguments"
false you are thrashing and lying about spearing arguments .
The second was mocking. As for the first, how can you be illegal when you broke no law?
sorry but define who's law ?
the NA's Definitely had their own laws regarding who belonged in a certain territory and who didn't
a swing and A miss !

You're going to have to be more specific than that. Cite what law whities broke by coming here
There were NA rules. Just because whites felt they didnt have to observe them didnt make them disappear.

Evidence? Oh wait, no written language. So no actual documentation, so no way of being undocumented.
oh nice try ... but false something does not have to written down to be documented like lot's of cultures (even white ones) had people who's main purpose was to remember and recite laws, customs etc...
so again stfu..

Now you are just getting sad. Your trite little point has been countered, and all you can do is flail like the petulant child you are.
it's obvious who's flailing and it ain't me..

Lol, and we can now add delusional to the list.
you are already there, in your delusional state little things like that slip your mind.
of course they can... just because it doesn't fit your rules has no effect on reality..

No, they can't. Reality does not bend itself to idiotic concepts "because"
really? reality is fluid

No it isn't.
yes it is .......

No it isn't. Try an experiment. Drop a ball and really really hope for gravity to not work "just because"
false it only works "just because" the amount of gravity makes it fall if the amount of gravity were different then the results would be too.
the law of just because in action..
The second was mocking. As for the first, how can you be illegal when you broke no law?
sorry but define who's law ?
the NA's Definitely had their own laws regarding who belonged in a certain territory and who didn't
a swing and A miss !

You're going to have to be more specific than that. Cite what law whities broke by coming here
no I don't and it's whites.
The second was mocking. As for the first, how can you be illegal when you broke no law?
sorry but define who's law ?
the NA's Definitely had their own laws regarding who belonged in a certain territory and who didn't
a swing and A miss !

You're going to have to be more specific than that. Cite what law whities broke by coming here
You dont deserve a citation. Just trust what the NA's say when they say you broke them.
Native American languages
Writing and Sign Language
Written literature in the usual sense does not exist in the indigenous American languages; however, there are folk literatures. Communication by writing among the Native Americans in the aboriginal period was limited to the Maya and the Aztecs. Both cultures used a form of picture writing to represent their ideas. About 800 of the Maya hieroglyphs, or symbols, are known, and in recent years substantial progress has been made in deciphering them. Not many texts of the Maya survive, the most numerous being inscriptions on buildings.

The Incas of Peru used a system of knotted cords, ropes, or strings to communicate. Called the quipu, it is considered a form of writing. The color and shape of the knotted cords were the clues to meaning. For instance, green cords signified grain, and red cords, soldiers. One knot stood for the number 10; two knots, 20; a double knot, 100. Among Native Americans of E North America, beaded wampum belts often contained pictographic symbols for communication.

Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.

Read more: Native American languages: Writing and Sign Language
Native American Law
Native American law is quite intricate, since every tribe has a different legal system and each system varies in complexity. Many small tribes were simply ruled by a chief with or without a council, but today Native American law is based on representative democracy. Navajo native American law is among the most complex, since there are many Navajo. Native American Law in the Navajo community is dependent on councils who often do not want excessive interference from the American government and wish, when possible, to have full control over their affairs.

Native American Law in the Navajo communities is formed by five agencies with 110 chapters with 88 delegates elected every four years. The agencies have judicial, executive and legislative branches just like the central government. The agencies have plenary power, which means they can submit proposals for new laws to the Secretary of the Interior. Most tribes also have their own tribal codes and laws they follow.

In previous generations, Native American Law varied from tribe to tribe and those who had the most sophisticated forms of Native American law tended to dominate. For instance, the Iroquois were able to incorporate tribes they conquered into their complex governmental system. They were unusual in the fact that they brought in new tribes rather than simply conquering them. This enlarged the Iroquois nation and increased its power. The Iroquois were among the most populous and powerful tribes in the North American continent and it was thanks to their version of Native American Law that they were able to increase their power and their numbers.

Native American Law today is mainly involved with negotiations between tribal representatives and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Such negotiations have been friendlier in recent decades, especially since 1978 since many Native American practices, which had been proscribed for much of the twentieth century, were made legal once again on the grounds of Freedom of religion.

Native American Law - Self-Determination for The First Americans
Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.
All advanced civilizations had/have a written language. The indians were a stone age people no matter how you try to spin it. There's no written history, they simply didn't develop for some reason.
In previous generations, Native American Law varied from tribe to tribe and those who had the most sophisticated forms of Native American law tended to dominate. For instance, the Iroquois were able to incorporate tribes they conquered into their complex governmental system. They were unusual in the fact that they brought in new tribes rather than simply conquering them. This enlarged the Iroquois nation and increased its power. The Iroquois were among the most populous and powerful tribes in the North American continent and it was thanks to their version of Native American Law that they were able to increase their power and their numbers.
They conquered tribes but brought in new tribes rather than conquering them? Is that supposed to be meaningful?
Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.
All advanced civilizations had/have a written language. The indians were a stone age people no matter how you try to spin it. There's no written history, they simply didn't develop for some reason.
Who told you that advanced meant you had written languages? If that is so then whites were not advanced until taught to write.
Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.
All advanced civilizations had/have a written language. The indians were a stone age people no matter how you try to spin it. There's no written history, they simply didn't develop for some reason.
Who told you that advanced meant you had written languages? If that is so then whites were not advanced until taught to write.
Historians say so because it's true. Pop your head out of your racist ass and think about it for a second. Written languages go back 6,000 years at least and the cultures that had one advanced, went through the bronze age, built machines, architecture, etc. Writing preserves knowledge and passes it on. Look at the native Americans and Africans, never got past stone and wood tools. And were easily defeated with metal tools, carts and superior tactics.

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