Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.
All advanced civilizations had/have a written language. The indians were a stone age people no matter how you try to spin it. There's no written history, they simply didn't develop for some reason.
Who told you that advanced meant you had written languages? If that is so then whites were not advanced until taught to write.
Historians say so because it's true. Pop your head out of your racist ass and think about it for a second. Written languages go back 6,000 years at least and the cultures that had one advanced, went through the bronze age, built machines, architecture, etc. Writing preserves knowledge and passes it on. Look at the native Americans and Africans, never got past stone and wood tools. And were easily defeated with metal tools, carts and superior tactics.
What historians say this? The term of "advanced" is simply a concept. Whats more advanced in the desert? A cell phone or dog that can locate water?
The Native American National Council (NANC) will offer amnesty to the estimated 240 million illegal white immigrants living in the United States.

At a meeting on Friday in Taos, New Mexico, Native American leaders weighed a handful of proposals about the future of the United State’s large, illegal European population. After a long debate, NANC decided to extend a road to citizenship for those without criminal records or contagious diseases.

“We will give Europeans the option to apply for Native Citizenship,” explained Chief Sauti of the Nez Perce tribe. “To obtain legal status, each applicant must write a heartfelt apology for their ancestors’ crimes, pay an application fee of $5,000, and, if currently on any ancestral Native land, they must relinquish that land to NANC or pay the market price, which we decide.

“Any illegal European who has a criminal record of any sort, minus traffic and parking tickets, will be deported back to their native land. Anybody with contagious diseases like HIV, smallpox, herpes, etc, will not qualify and will also be deported.”

European colonization of North America began in the 16th and 17th centuries, when arrivals from France, Spain and England first established settlements on land that had been occupied by native people. Explorers Lewis & Clark further opened up western lands to settlement, which ultimately led to the creation of the Indian reservation system.

Despite the large number of Europeans residing in the United States, historical scholars mostly agree that indigenous lands were taken illegally through war, genocide and forced displacement.

Despite the council’s decision, a native group called True Americans lambasted the move, claiming amnesty will only serve to reward lawbreakers.

“They all need to be deported back to Europe,” John Dakota from True Americans said. “They came here illegally and took a giant crap on our land. They brought disease and alcoholism, stole everything we have because they were too lazy to improve and develop their own countries.”

Editorial - P2T2 Solutions

As if they had a choice to do anything else. Fact is they don't have the power to do a damn thing.
Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.
All advanced civilizations had/have a written language. The indians were a stone age people no matter how you try to spin it. There's no written history, they simply didn't develop for some reason.
Who told you that advanced meant you had written languages? If that is so then whites were not advanced until taught to write.
Historians say so because it's true. Pop your head out of your racist ass and think about it for a second. Written languages go back 6,000 years at least and the cultures that had one advanced, went through the bronze age, built machines, architecture, etc. Writing preserves knowledge and passes it on. Look at the native Americans and Africans, never got past stone and wood tools. And were easily defeated with metal tools, carts and superior tactics.
What historians say this? The term of "advanced" is simply a concept. Whats more advanced in the desert? A cell phone or dog that can locate water?
I gave examples of what more advanced means. If you think more advanced means beating on logs then you're a fool.
Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.
All advanced civilizations had/have a written language. The indians were a stone age people no matter how you try to spin it. There's no written history, they simply didn't develop for some reason.
Who told you that advanced meant you had written languages? If that is so then whites were not advanced until taught to write.
Historians say so because it's true. Pop your head out of your racist ass and think about it for a second. Written languages go back 6,000 years at least and the cultures that had one advanced, went through the bronze age, built machines, architecture, etc. Writing preserves knowledge and passes it on. Look at the native Americans and Africans, never got past stone and wood tools. And were easily defeated with metal tools, carts and superior tactics.
What historians say this? The term of "advanced" is simply a concept. Whats more advanced in the desert? A cell phone or dog that can locate water?
I gave examples of what more advanced means. If you think more advanced means beating on logs then you're a fool.
You gave examples of what you think is more advanced. Your beliefs are not valid and certainly doesnt determine reality. For example you say writing preserves knowledge. So does story telling which isnt written down. So do traditions which are acted out and not written down.
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The Native American National Council (NANC) will offer amnesty to the estimated 240 million illegal white immigrants living in the United States.

At a meeting on Friday in Taos, New Mexico, Native American leaders weighed a handful of proposals about the future of the United State’s large, illegal European population. After a long debate, NANC decided to extend a road to citizenship for those without criminal records or contagious diseases.

“We will give Europeans the option to apply for Native Citizenship,” explained Chief Sauti of the Nez Perce tribe. “To obtain legal status, each applicant must write a heartfelt apology for their ancestors’ crimes, pay an application fee of $5,000, and, if currently on any ancestral Native land, they must relinquish that land to NANC or pay the market price, which we decide.

“Any illegal European who has a criminal record of any sort, minus traffic and parking tickets, will be deported back to their native land. Anybody with contagious diseases like HIV, smallpox, herpes, etc, will not qualify and will also be deported.”

European colonization of North America began in the 16th and 17th centuries, when arrivals from France, Spain and England first established settlements on land that had been occupied by native people. Explorers Lewis & Clark further opened up western lands to settlement, which ultimately led to the creation of the Indian reservation system.

Despite the large number of Europeans residing in the United States, historical scholars mostly agree that indigenous lands were taken illegally through war, genocide and forced displacement.

Despite the council’s decision, a native group called True Americans lambasted the move, claiming amnesty will only serve to reward lawbreakers.

“They all need to be deported back to Europe,” John Dakota from True Americans said. “They came here illegally and took a giant crap on our land. They brought disease and alcoholism, stole everything we have because they were too lazy to improve and develop their own countries.”

Editorial - P2T2 Solutions

Thank God I'm like 1/8 or 1/16th Sioux! Will they be DNA testing to prove lineage and rights?
You gave examples of what you think is more advanced. Your beliefs are not valid as evidence. For example you say writing preserves knowledge. So does story telling which isnt written down. So do traditions which are acted out and not written down.
I proved my point. Your cognitive dissonance is your problem, not my shortcoming. I didn't offer and opinion, the fact is that advanced civilizations invented and developed their written languages, tools, weapons, sciences, medicines, buildings, arts, music, etc, etc. The proof is the things they left behind, including conquering less developed cultures.

If you want to think oral tradition and stone tools are superior I'll just simply laugh at you!
You gave examples of what you think is more advanced. Your beliefs are not valid as evidence. For example you say writing preserves knowledge. So does story telling which isnt written down. So do traditions which are acted out and not written down.
I proved my point. Your cognitive dissonance is your problem, not my shortcoming. I didn't offer and opinion, the fact is that advanced civilizations invented and developed their written languages, tools, weapons, sciences, medicines, buildings, arts, music, etc, etc. The proof is the things they left behind, including conquering less developed cultures.

If you want to think oral tradition and stone tools are superior I'll just simply laugh at you!
You didnt prove your point. You voiced a set of opinions that are silly. People leave things behind all the time. That doesnt make them advanced.
They must have been drunk. A stone age culture was conquered by a technologically superior civilization. There was no nation so it's impossible to be here illegally. Europeans did what many indians and others did all through man's history, they killed people and took their shit. You want to cry in your whiskey go ahead but it doesn't change anything.

They should have spent their time productively instead of bellyaching about things they didn't experience, had no part of and can do nothing about.
Do you then support Israel's claim to Israel since they conquered the Palestinians?
Sure, and they weren't Palestinians. No country of Palestine has existed and most there now moved from Jordan. Do you support Texas staying part of the US?
bahahaha! Texas would last about five min as an independent nation....
Huh? I was talking about Mexico taking it back. It should have been obvious. What state could survive alone anyway? California? LOL.
matter of fact yesThe economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2013, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.050 trillion.[1] The state's GSP grew 2.0% in 2013.[1]
you should feel really stupid right now...

California might stand on it's own, however it's economy would be greatly different than it is now as part of the United States.
For instance, living under the umbrella of the US gives all states the protection of the US military. If California had to fund it's own military, it would need to spend a good deal of it's income. Also having the burden of bordering Mexico would cause California a good deal of money protecting it's border.
bahahaha! Texas would last about five min as an independent nation....
Huh? I was talking about Mexico taking it back. It should have been obvious. What state could survive alone anyway? California? LOL.
California could survive alone. Its one of the worlds largest economies and home of Silicon Valley.

Until the rest of the US shuts off their water.
Knock yourself out and see how fast you starve. We have the Sierra Nevada for water.

SoCal has water rights only because of negotiated "treaties" to that effect. If they leave those rights can go "poof"

The Colorado River is the source of 4,400,000 acre feet (5.4 km3) per year for California.[30] Six other states along the river’s watershed (Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona) and Mexico, share allocated portions of river water. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, or MWD, holds priority water rights on the Colorado. It sells water to 95 percent of the South Coast region. Lake Mead, formed by Hoover Dam, is the primary reservoir in the Colorado River basin. The Colorado River Aqueduct begins 155 miles (249 km) downstream from Hoover Dam, and can carry 1,200,000 acre feet (1.5 km3) annually.

Water in California - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Not only water, but California relies on electricity generated from outside of it's borders.
Because of it's ridiculous population, and lack of resources, California relies heavily on outside sources for many of it's daily needs.
Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.
All advanced civilizations had/have a written language. The indians were a stone age people no matter how you try to spin it. There's no written history, they simply didn't develop for some reason.
Another means of nonlinguistic communication among many of the indigenous North Americans was sign language, consisting of gestures with the hands and arms. One advantage of sign language was that it made communication possible among Native American groups having different languages. In addition, smoke signals were used by some Native Americans to convey information, but they were capable only of giving simple messages, such as "enemies in the area" or some previously agreed-upon message.
All advanced civilizations had/have a written language. The indians were a stone age people no matter how you try to spin it. There's no written history, they simply didn't develop for some reason.
Who told you that advanced meant you had written languages? If that is so then whites were not advanced until taught to write.
Historians say so because it's true. Pop your head out of your racist ass and think about it for a second. Written languages go back 6,000 years at least and the cultures that had one advanced, went through the bronze age, built machines, architecture, etc. Writing preserves knowledge and passes it on. Look at the native Americans and Africans, never got past stone and wood tools. And were easily defeated with metal tools, carts and superior tactics.
almost true..
The Native American National Council (NANC) will offer amnesty to the estimated 240 million illegal white immigrants living in the United States.

At a meeting on Friday in Taos, New Mexico, Native American leaders weighed a handful of proposals about the future of the United State’s large, illegal European population. After a long debate, NANC decided to extend a road to citizenship for those without criminal records or contagious diseases.

“We will give Europeans the option to apply for Native Citizenship,” explained Chief Sauti of the Nez Perce tribe. “To obtain legal status, each applicant must write a heartfelt apology for their ancestors’ crimes, pay an application fee of $5,000, and, if currently on any ancestral Native land, they must relinquish that land to NANC or pay the market price, which we decide.

“Any illegal European who has a criminal record of any sort, minus traffic and parking tickets, will be deported back to their native land. Anybody with contagious diseases like HIV, smallpox, herpes, etc, will not qualify and will also be deported.”

European colonization of North America began in the 16th and 17th centuries, when arrivals from France, Spain and England first established settlements on land that had been occupied by native people. Explorers Lewis & Clark further opened up western lands to settlement, which ultimately led to the creation of the Indian reservation system.

Despite the large number of Europeans residing in the United States, historical scholars mostly agree that indigenous lands were taken illegally through war, genocide and forced displacement.

Despite the council’s decision, a native group called True Americans lambasted the move, claiming amnesty will only serve to reward lawbreakers.

“They all need to be deported back to Europe,” John Dakota from True Americans said. “They came here illegally and took a giant crap on our land. They brought disease and alcoholism, stole everything we have because they were too lazy to improve and develop their own countries.”

Editorial - P2T2 Solutions

Thank God I'm like 1/8 or 1/16th Sioux! Will they be DNA testing to prove lineage and rights?
sure you are dear......what Sioux nation?
The Sioux /ˈs/ are a Native American and First Nations people in North America. The term can refer to any ethnic group within the Great Sioux Nation or any of the nation's many language dialects. The Sioux comprise three major divisions based on Siouan dialect and subculture: the Santee, the Yankton-Yanktonai, and the Lakota.

The Santee (Isáŋyathi; "Knife"), also called Eastern Dakota, reside in the extreme east of the Dakotas, Minnesota and northern Iowa. The Yankton and Yanktonai (Iháŋktȟuŋwaŋ and Iháŋktȟuŋwaŋna; "Village-at-the-end" and "Little village-at-the-end"), collectively also referred to as the Western Dakota or by the endonym Wičhíyena, reside in the Minnesota River area. They are considered to be the middle Sioux, and have in the past been erroneously classified as Nakota.[2] The Lakota, also called Teton (Thítȟuŋwaŋ; possibly "Dwellers on the prairie"), are the westernmost Sioux, known for their hunting and warrior culture.

Today, the Sioux maintain many separate tribal governments scattered across several reservations, communities, and reserves in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Montana in the United States; and Manitoba and southern Saskatchewan in Canada.
of course they can... just because it doesn't fit your rules has no effect on reality..

No, they can't. Reality does not bend itself to idiotic concepts "because"
Yeah they can. White boy rules have no credibility except in white civilizations.

You still lost the argument.
I wasnt arguing. I was correcting you.

You can't correct when you are wrong, and you are wrong, on a great many things, including this.

Keep in mind you are arguing with someone who believes White Europeans have given the world nothing.
In his mind every advanced invention the world has ever seen was created by a non-white person.
Leave it to him, and he will claim Einstein stole his brain from a black man. Edison, Tesla, Bell, Ford, Wright Brothers, Von Braun, etc etc etc, were all black males forced to wear white face.
last time I saw this much excuse making and ethnocentrism...was at a neo Nazi rally.
No, they can't. Reality does not bend itself to idiotic concepts "because"
Yeah they can. White boy rules have no credibility except in white civilizations.

You still lost the argument.
I wasnt arguing. I was correcting you.

You can't correct when you are wrong, and you are wrong, on a great many things, including this.

Keep in mind you are arguing with someone who believes White Europeans have given the world nothing.
In his mind every advanced invention the world has ever seen was created by a non-white person.
Leave it to him, and he will claim Einstein stole his brain from a black man. Edison, Tesla, Bell, Ford, Wright Brothers, Von Braun, etc etc etc, were all black males forced to wear white face.
White europeans have given the world plenty. They just didnt come up with the foundation of that knowledge on their own nor the improvements to it. White Europeans simply took from other cultures and claimed they made it up.
No, they can't. Reality does not bend itself to idiotic concepts "because"
Yeah they can. White boy rules have no credibility except in white civilizations.

You still lost the argument.
I wasnt arguing. I was correcting you.

You can't correct when you are wrong, and you are wrong, on a great many things, including this.

Keep in mind you are arguing with someone who believes White Europeans have given the world nothing.
In his mind every advanced invention the world has ever seen was created by a non-white person.
Leave it to him, and he will claim Einstein stole his brain from a black man. Edison, Tesla, Bell, Ford, Wright Brothers, Von Braun, etc etc etc, were all black males forced to wear white face.
why Europeans conquered the world

JARED DIAMOND, a researcher at UCLA, has been doing fieldwork in New Guinea for over 25 years. New Guinea is home to some of the last hunter-gatherers in the world. A long time ago, one of his New Guinea friends asked Diamond why white people had so much and New Guineans had so little.

That's an obvious question, but Jared was surprised to realize he didn't know the answer. In fact, he didn't know of anyone who knew the answer. When Europeans were busy conquering the Americas and Australia and New Zealand and parts of Asia and Africa, the obvious answer was that white people were superior. Either they were genetically superior, or their culture was superior. Historically, that was the customary answer. Europeans were smarter or more capable. That explanation is clearly bad, but a good one has failed to take its place.

Why did Europeans conquer the world? Why, when Europeans came into contact with other places in the world, did they almost always conquer? This is a key question in European history.

Jared Diamond had spent enough time with the New Guineans, living among them, to know that they were intelligent and resourceful people — in Diamond's opinion, more intelligent and resourceful than people living in modern societies, both because of natural selection (unintelligent and unresourceful people don't live long in the New Guinea wilds) and because the New Guinea environment is so difficult, and the death rate is so high, that they must smarten up as they grow up, or they don't make it to adulthood.

But if they are so smart, why hadn't they invented guns? Why hadn't they forged steel? Why were they so outmatched when Europeans made their historic landing on their island?

Diamond decided to find out why. And the way he started was a stroke of genius. He decided to go back to a time in history when all humans were equal. About 13,000 years ago all humans on the planet were hunter-gatherers. No group had much more than any other group. At that time in history, there were no civilizations, no cities, no rich people. They all had pretty much the same technology. Then what happened?

The first thing that changed was the domestication of animals and plants. Agriculture. That is the beginning of global inequality because agriculture wasn't invented everywhere at the same time. Some places started earlier than others. This is a key historical fact.

The first place people started farming and tending animals was in the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East near present-day Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. Agriculture was invented in other parts of the globe much later in the historical time line.

The people on the Eurasian continent got a huge head start. They started farming 2000 years, 4000 years, and in some cases 6000 years earlier than other places!

Now the question is again, why? Were people on other continents not as bright? Why didn't they start farming earlier? The answer is that in order for a people to settle down to agriculture, they need a complex combination of factors, and those factors happened to arise first in the Fertile Crescent, by the pure luck of geography. Those people happened to be living in the right place at the right time in history.
Why Europeans conquered the world.
Yeah they can. White boy rules have no credibility except in white civilizations.

You still lost the argument.
I wasnt arguing. I was correcting you.

You can't correct when you are wrong, and you are wrong, on a great many things, including this.

Keep in mind you are arguing with someone who believes White Europeans have given the world nothing.
In his mind every advanced invention the world has ever seen was created by a non-white person.
Leave it to him, and he will claim Einstein stole his brain from a black man. Edison, Tesla, Bell, Ford, Wright Brothers, Von Braun, etc etc etc, were all black males forced to wear white face.
White europeans have given the world plenty. They just didnt come up with the foundation of that knowledge on their own nor the improvements to it. White Europeans simply took from other cultures and claimed they made it up.

I keep forgetting that they stole things like Yubanghi Zulu's airplane, Haghigi Amulahaa's Saturn V rocket, or Imachkihle Hamachuwa's telephone, and called it their own.
You still lost the argument.
I wasnt arguing. I was correcting you.

You can't correct when you are wrong, and you are wrong, on a great many things, including this.

Keep in mind you are arguing with someone who believes White Europeans have given the world nothing.
In his mind every advanced invention the world has ever seen was created by a non-white person.
Leave it to him, and he will claim Einstein stole his brain from a black man. Edison, Tesla, Bell, Ford, Wright Brothers, Von Braun, etc etc etc, were all black males forced to wear white face.
White europeans have given the world plenty. They just didnt come up with the foundation of that knowledge on their own nor the improvements to it. White Europeans simply took from other cultures and claimed they made it up.

I keep forgetting that they stole things like Yubanghi Zulu's airplane, Haghigi Amulahaa's Saturn V rocket, or Imachkihle Hamachuwa's telephone, and called it their own.
So are you claiming white people made up airplanes out of the clear blue sky and didnt use math?

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