Native American Tribe Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Due To "Racist, Hate-Filled Remarks"

What I hear is Ted Nugent can say what he wants to and The Dixie Chicks can not.
Double standard from the right.
They both can say what they want to.
Only difference is Nugent is a draft dodger.
And clowns here claim he had a "medical condition"
LOL, Nugent would jump off a stack of Marshall 100 Watt Amps 16 feet high before each performance.
The things they will believe because their Daddy Ted tells them.
But aside from the fact that Nugent wimped out when his country called him he is no racist and he never labeled Indians as vermin.
Most all of you are fucking idiots.
What I hear is Ted Nugent can say what he wants to and The Dixie Chicks can not.
Double standard from the right.
They both can say what they want to.
Only difference is Nugent is a draft dodger.
And clowns here claim he had a "medical condition"
LOL, Nugent would jump off a stack of Marshall 100 Watt Amps 16 feet high before each performance.
The things they will believe because their Daddy Ted tells them.
But aside from the fact that Nugent wimped out when his country called him he is no racist and he never labeled Indians as vermin.
Most all of you are fucking idiots.

Some people just don't like child molesters and kid rapers. He fits the bill and some folks like poking those perverts with a pointy stick whenever the opportunity to do so arises. Kind of weird that some other folks object to sex perverts who rape kids being poked with pointy sticks by other folks.
Moral of the story should be if you don't want to get poked with pointy sticks, don't rape children.
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What I hear is Ted Nugent can say what he wants to and The Dixie Chicks can not.
Double standard from the right.
They both can say what they want to.
Only difference is Nugent is a draft dodger.
And clowns here claim he had a "medical condition"
LOL, Nugent would jump off a stack of Marshall 100 Watt Amps 16 feet high before each performance.
The things they will believe because their Daddy Ted tells them.
But aside from the fact that Nugent wimped out when his country called him he is no racist and he never labeled Indians as vermin.
Most all of you are fucking idiots.

Some people just don't like child molesters and kid rapers. He fits the bill and some folks like poking those perverts with a pointy stick whenever the opportunity to do so arises. Kind of weird that some other folks object to sex perverts who rape kids being poked with pointy sticks by other folks.
Moral of the story should be if you don't want to get poked with pointy sticks, don't rape children.

Some folks believe in an interesting concept that this great nation was founded on:
Innocent until proven guilty.
And to date you have not proven a damn thing.
Talk is cheap. Something about the presumption of innocence and The Constitution.
An interesting document I suggest you read.
He dodged the draft is proven fact, legally he did so but in fact he did.
Dixie Chicks, with Natalie Maines as lead singer just finished a 15 concert tour in Canada and Europe. Some of the venues were over 19,000 seat stadiums. The tour ended in March of this year in Copenhagen.

Last I had checked, Maines was off doing pop - and flopping.

But whatever. She has a good voice - she just needs to keep her stupid mouth shut.

See, she got in with the Hollywood Left, the pampered morons who extol the wonders of Communism while snacking on Beluga and sipping Crystal - the middle class really should do something about the poor, support Communism to take all the wealth of the middle and divide it among the poor, while barking "bring me another tar tar canape Lucinda..."

Maines was a Sean Penn type who failed to grasp that here audience were the ones she had contempt for.

I found her pathetic; the epitome of the clueless left.

Natalie Maines: A Dixie Chick Declares War on Nashville | Music News | Rolling Stone
The term is "Skid Row". It originated in Seattle. It was the area where logs were slid down to the waterfront.

Interesting, I didn't know that. So where does the term "on the skids" come from? In the 60's and 70's it was common to say that a drunk who became homeless and couldn't hold a job had "hit the skids." I guess I never really thought about the origin.
What I hear is Ted Nugent can say what he wants to and The Dixie Chicks can not.

Well yes, but that's only because your head is up your ass and you can't hear clearly.

Double standard from the right.
They both can say what they want to.
Only difference is Nugent is a draft dodger.
And clowns here claim he had a "medical condition"
LOL, Nugent would jump off a stack of Marshall 100 Watt Amps 16 feet high before each performance.
The things they will believe because their Daddy Ted tells them.
But aside from the fact that Nugent wimped out when his country called him he is no racist and he never labeled Indians as vermin.
Most all of you are fucking idiots.

What I hear is Ted Nugent can say what he wants to and The Dixie Chicks can not.

Well yes, but that's only because your head is up your ass and you can't hear clearly.

Double standard from the right.
They both can say what they want to.
Only difference is Nugent is a draft dodger.
And clowns here claim he had a "medical condition"
LOL, Nugent would jump off a stack of Marshall 100 Watt Amps 16 feet high before each performance.
The things they will believe because their Daddy Ted tells them.
But aside from the fact that Nugent wimped out when his country called him he is no racist and he never labeled Indians as vermin.
Most all of you are fucking idiots.


But there are no draft dodgers or supporters of draft dodgers like you in my family.
We do not run and hide like Chicken Hawk Teddy does.
Amazing any red blooded American male would support Teddy Nugent as a spokesperson for our 2nd Amendment rights.
The man is a blow hard. We used to beat wimps like Teddy up in the locker room and make them get our lunch for us.
Let him do all the good he does for youth and the classes he teaches for handicapped kids and such and applaud him for it.
But I do not want blow hards speaking for me. Let them do it for you.

For all the people who claim to hate TN, this thread sure has legs in spite of what an insignificant bullshit issue it is. TN is still rich and doesn't give a fuck, I don't know why anyone else does.

TN does well for TN. Good for him.

But he is no acceptable image for America.
"Racist hate filled remarks"? Would the casinos cancel Ice-T, Ice Cube or Eminem? Here's a taste of the tasteless, "I'm bout to dust some cops off/cop killer/fug police brutality--Ice-T
"A young nigga on the warpath and when I'm finished it's gonna be a bloodbath/cops dyin in L.A.-Ice Cube
"Fuk money I don't rap for dead presidents I'd rather see the presidents dead-Eminem
WORLEY, Idaho (AP) — A Native American tribe has canceled an Aug. 4 concert by Ted Nugent at its casino.

The Coeur d'Alene Tribe on Monday said that the cancellation of the concert at the casino in the northwest Idaho city of Worley was because of what it called the rocker's "racist and hate-filled remarks."

The tribe says it booked Nugent without realizing he espoused "racist attitudes and views." The tribe did not detail which of Nugent's specific views it opposes.

MORE: Ted Nugent Show Canceled After Native-American Tribe Hears About Rocker's 'Racist And Hate-Filled Remarks'

Good. However, I'm a little surprised the tribe didn't already know about Nugent's "racist attitudes and views."
Screw the damn Injuns and what they think.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a White Supremacist.
"Racist hate filled remarks"? Would the casinos cancel Ice-T, Ice Cube or Eminem? Here's a taste of the tasteless, "I'm bout to dust some cops off/cop killer/fug police brutality--Ice-T
"A young nigga on the warpath and when I'm finished it's gonna be a bloodbath/cops dyin in L.A.-Ice Cube
"Fuk money I don't rap for dead presidents I'd rather see the presidents dead-Eminem

You're forgetting Basic Bed Wetter psychology 101....

Only republicans can be criticized for PC violations. Bed wetters have no moral standards to adhere too.

"Racist hate filled remarks"? Would the casinos cancel Ice-T, Ice Cube or Eminem? Here's a taste of the tasteless, "I'm bout to dust some cops off/cop killer/fug police brutality--Ice-T
"A young nigga on the warpath and when I'm finished it's gonna be a bloodbath/cops dyin in L.A.-Ice Cube
"Fuk money I don't rap for dead presidents I'd rather see the presidents dead-Eminem

Indians can do what they want to.
They own the place.
This is not a Republican versus Democrat thing.
Indians own the casino and believe Nugent will hurt business for them.
Capitalists support that decision 100%.
That's true, I was commenting more on what is excusable racism, as opposed to racism that is forbidden in the eys of people who are always railing about it.

I do not care for Nugent as a spokesperson but he damn well can say what he wants to.
The laughable thing IS the claim he is a racist.
That is complete bull shit.
Most folks do not even know what a racist is.
Racist is someone that believes their race is superior to all others.
Never seen that out of Nugent. He takes in kids for his camps and instructional workshops from ALL races.
But ole Teddy opens his mouth and causes most all of his problems.
But I believe he LOVES IT, he loves the publicity and cameras.
The term is "Skid Row". It originated in Seattle. It was the area where logs were slid down to the waterfront.

Interesting, I didn't know that. So where does the term "on the skids" come from? In the 60's and 70's it was common to say that a drunk who became homeless and couldn't hold a job had "hit the skids." I guess I never really thought about the origin.

I've never heard that before either. Maybe he is incorrect.

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