NATO training center and weapon station destroyed by Russian missile.

Russia will quickly recover as alternatives are implemented and further steps to Russia's self reliance.

You better prepare yourself for higher energy, gas, wheat and sun flower oil prices and more.

In the near future, pushing carts at Target and working in McDonalds will keep you barely alive with how expensive your prices become.

Boy, I am glad we import NONE of those things anymore.
So what you're saying is that if your boss Putin threatens the US with nukes...we should just roll over? Turn our country (not yours sock puppet) over to him?
Check closely....isn't that what NATO just did?

NATO is purely defensive...but the idea that it would stand in the way of Putin trying to reconstitute the Russian Empire is "aggressive" to these freaks
NATO uses that cover to pretend that they have not become an expansionist mercenary for hire business. Create the problem....egg on an attack...and then claim self defense. It's pretty easy to see through it. Trump had their number exactly.

Wheat (they are actually considered a big food basket)--Weapons labs

Kansas laughs at their moldy Russian wheat. May it mildew and rot this year.

Even though Russia produced 72.5 million metric tons of wheat in 2021, the US produced 5.29 million metric tons in 2021. It's not like we really need Russian wheat, so they can sell it to the Chinese for pennies on the Ruble. Except the Chinese don't need their wheat either, they're the 2nd largest producer.
NATO uses that cover to pretend that they have not become an expansionist mercenary for hire business. Create the problem....egg on an attack...and then claim self defense. It's pretty easy to see through it. Trump had their number exactly.

From Putin's lips to your keyboard Sasha
From Putin's lips to your keyboard Sasha
That's all you got? Inference? Demagoguery? Poor showing dude. What about the Ukrainian people asshole? Did anyone ask them if they wanted to get torched? Like I don't live there so you don't really care.

No sock puppet...they did not
Sure they did.... " No fly zone " ..... non starter because it would cause a nuclear confrontation ....
I're just losing this conversation with every post.

That's all you got? Inference? Demagoguery? Poor showing dude. What about the Ukrainian people asshole? Did anyone ask them if they wanted to get torched? Like I don't live there so you don't really care.

Sure ...Putin. Blame the country getting destroyed by your boss..and your brothers

Those Ukrainians are standing strong against your country
Sure they did.... " No fly zone " ..... non starter because it would cause a nuclear confrontation ....
I're just losing this conversation with every post.

Hey asshole. There IS no "No Fly Zone"...for that very reason.

Nice to see that you have given up the pretense and gone full Russian troll though
Hey asshole. There IS no "No Fly Zone"...for that very reason.

Nice to see that you have given up the pretense and gone full Russian troll though
Soooooo NATO rolled over....end of story.

NATO's motto should be "Fornicate nobiscum et scietis" (Fuck around and find out) :laughing0301:
It highlights a pretty good point. I mean what made Putin so damn sure that NATO wouldn't jump in? How the hell did he know? Doesn't it raise some very interesting questions? So we see Russian Vodka disappear from the liquor store shelves and we are satisfied that all is right with the world? I don't trust DC as far as I can drink the whole sewage filled Potomac.....
I hope that Putin is arrested and hung publicly. This man is a megalomaniac just like Hitler. We stop him now or we fight him later all over the world.

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