NATO training center and weapon station destroyed by Russian missile.

In time.
Once Ukraine has been dealt with, Russia can cut off exports to Turkey and Europe, causing the inflation to worsen even more.
Yes I understand BRICS and your goals.........Too many here don't.

And we have a bought off Veggy in office her. I understand very well. And why I'd like you to fire on NATO RIGHT NOW. lol
In time.
Once Ukraine has been dealt with, Russia can cut off exports to Turkey and Europe, causing the inflation to worsen even more.
Before that happens Ivan you will all be on the street with the Russian economy in shambles and a worthless ruble. You Russians will be lIving worse than peasants while Putin enjoys his 700 million dollar yacht.

You are what we call in the US, a putz.
Before that happens Ivan you will all be on the street with the Russian economy in shambles and a worthless ruble. You Russians will be lIving worse than peasants while Putin enjoys his 700 million dollar yacht.

You are what we call in the US, a putz.
Russia will quickly recover as alternatives are implemented and further steps to Russia's self reliance.

You better prepare yourself for higher energy, gas, wheat and sun flower oil prices and more.

In the near future, pushing carts at Target and working in McDonalds will keep you barely alive with how expensive your prices become.
I've had a feeling from the outset that China was the one calling the shots on this. Putin spent a month in China prior to coming home and green lighting The invasion. The workaround on the Swift system was apparently already in place and something that both Russia and China fully expected would be used. Russia has also signed a multi-year deal with China for hydrocarbon sales that exceed in total the amount they will lose from Western contracts. As a matter of fact if I'm not mistaken Ukraine is the supplier of choice for Chinese grain purchases. The whole thing starts to become clearer when you look at the money component.
It always does, some people are still stuck on ideological dogma that simply does not apply as it once did.
Russia will quickly recover as alternatives are implemented and further steps to Russia's self reliance.

You better prepare yourself for higher energy, gas, wheat and sun flower oil prices and more.

In the near future, pushing carts at Target and working in McDonalds will keep you barely alive with how expensive your prices become.
I understand Russians are stocking up on McDoanlds hamburgers. How are you going to feed your kids when it will soon take 40,000 rubles to buy a loaf of bread? Putin and his oligarch friends are making fools of you. die. The Russian soldier is dying to keep them rich. What do you get out of this invasion of Ukraine, Ivan?

I’ll tell you what you get out of this war. You get nothing. Putin and his friends will ransack the Ukraine for its resources.They get rich. You remain a peasant.
We have a dumbass chickenshit coward for Commander in Chief so Putin can do anything he wants.

I understand Russians are stocking up on McDoanlds hamburgers. How are you going to feed your kids when it will soon take 40,000 rubles to buy a loaf of bread? Putin and his oligarch friends are making fools of you. die. The Russian soldier is dying to keep them rich. What do you get out of this invasion of Ukraine, Ivan?

I’ll tell you. You get nothing. Putin and his friends will ransack the Ukraine for its resources.They get rich. You remain a peasant.

What are you, the American taxpayer to your government other than a wallet form which they finance their liberal pet projects and sneseless wars?
Nothing. You slave away 10 hours a day just so your taxes go into weapon and "aid" for terrorists in another country.
When you look at some cities like Detroit or Baltimore, they have rampant crime, lack of modernization and some buildings dont even provide basic sanitation while homeless people have to poop in San francisco in the open.

And what do your politicians do about it, other than giving you lip service and bankruptcy declerations? Nothing.

Your governmens spending spree will come biting them in the ass and the only ones to suffer will be you.
Did Biden say he would escort his Nazi warriors to the Capitol and then hide out with a bucket of fried chicken? Who`s the dumbass chickenshit coward? You and general Bone Spurs.
Nobody ever knows what Joe Potatohead is saying because of his dementia. Not only is he stupid, corrupt, a pedophile and a coward but he has advanced stage dementia.

The other day the stupid sonofabitch said that Putin had invaded Russia.
I noticed that the same sources are very careful never to list any of the Ukrainian losses....that is not a smart move for one who is trying to accrue some form of credibility in reporting. Even if we take their numbers at face value the 190,000 minus 12,000 still leaves 178,000 Russian troops in Ukraine and active at this moment. Give them another 5,000 for captured Russian soldiers and you still have over 170,000 Russian Troops active in the conflict. I think that Putin's generals underestimated the sheer amount of high tech NATO equipment that was waiting for them...a mistake they will no doubt avoid in the future. There is still no valid reason that I can see for Zelensky not to agree to the original terms to avoid the invasion....hell he already has no control over Luhansk, Donbas and those were already gone....split milk.... and promising to stay neutral.... what the hell was wrong with that promise? Probably could have torn it up when Putin kicks. Could it be that such a promise would interfere with the business interests of the likes of Soros, Biden, Romney, Pelosi???? Hmmm.....gotta wonder. So the Ukrainian people were sold out by their own President for western money interests...this is what it is beginning to look like. Hold on to your boot straps....The Taiwan conflict is getting very close and it will follow similar but much more deadly patterns.


Troop numbers don't matter if they aren't trained.

There are reports of Russian troops coming under attack and instead of taking up battle positions, they panic and scatter like ants. These are not hardened soldiers. Their heart isn't in it. Ukrainians have decided death is a better way out than living under Putin. They have now tasted freedom, and they don't want to go back. And an enemy willing to die for their cause is an enemy that is very difficult to defeat.

Think Japan in WW2.
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I noticed that the same sources are very careful never to list any of the Ukrainian losses....that is not a smart move for one who is trying to accrue some form of credibility in reporting.


If Russian loses are not that bad, why don't they have the country by now? This was supposed to take 3-4 days. They're knocking on 3 weeks and still don't even have the capitol.
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Russian missiles destroyed the "International Center for Peacekeeping and Security" in Lviv. Make no mistake, this place was a NATO recruiting grounds where military instructors trained and armed Ukrainian soldiers and neo nazi militias.

This base was 20 KM away from the Polish border.

About time Russia does something about the bases in the west and all the weapon transports. Not long before an airstrike is carried out of trucks carrying volunteers. Would be nice to kill some ex militaries from the US and Europe in the process.
It's an act of war against NATO to shoot its property...
We already did fire on your base and recruitement center in Lviv, which you used to train and arm "volunteers" and Neo nazis. Do something about it cowboy, we dare you.
We are---right now HIGHLY trained WESTERN Volunteers are arriving in the Ukraine---they will beat the shit out of Russia's poorly trained troops. This war is exposing one sad fact---that Russian troops really aren't military troops....Russia has a poorly trained weak army with faulty equipment. 6 weeks after the snipes get in--1/2 of Russias army will be gone.
Ole Putin was just waiting for a stupid cowardly American President before doing a massive invasion of Ukraine. By golly he got one when the Democrats stole the 2020 election.

Just like he waited until that stupid cowardly Worthless Negro was President before invading the Crimea.

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