NATO training center and weapon station destroyed by Russian missile.

Silly Roosky. Russia can barely handle Ukraine. NATO would blow you away

Russia destroyed most of Ukraines military infrastructure on day 1. Not even the US managed to cripple so many assets in such a short time in Iraq.

Now the Ukrainian soldiers are encircled and starving. Only 2 options, surrender or die.
Russia destroyed most of Ukraines military infrastructure on day 1.
Really? And here we are more than two weeks later and Russian planes are still getting shot out of the sky and Russian tanks getting blown up
Now the Ukrainian soldiers are encircled and starving.
Yea...that's a war crime.

Newsflash...massacreing civilians is in no way like taking on a real modern military of equal size.
Really? And here we are more than two weeks later and Russian planes are still getting shot out of the sky and Russian tanks getting blown up

Yea...that's a war crime.

Newsflash...massacreing civilians is in no way like taking on a real modern military of equal size.
Russia is attacking Ukraine with a 1 to 3 Attacker/defender ratio and making substantial gains in Ukraine.
Russian forces took land about as large as England, now they are finishing off the remaining bases and facilities in the western parts of Ukraine, as seen in lviv.

The base there was first, the others are next. Those volunteers better go back to Poland before they die.
Russia is attacking Ukraine with a 1 to 3 Attacker/defender ratio and making substantial gains in Ukraine.
Russian forces took land about as large as England, now they are finishing off the remaining bases and facilities in the western parts of Ukraine, as seen in lviv.

The base there was first, the others are next. Those volunteers better go back to Poland before they die.
You guys are great and killing women and children
Says the American who striked hundreds of them in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sorry asshole.

We didn't lay siege to entire cities with the intention of starving out the inhabitants.

We didn't intentionally target maternity hospitals and cancer wards
Sorry asshole.

We didn't lay siege to entire cities with the intention of starving out the inhabitants.

We didn't intentionally target maternity hospitals and cancer wards
You carpet bombed them instead until there was nothing but ruins. Thats not the goal of Russian army in Ukraine, we need the buildings once the war is over.

Speaking of Maternity wards, you should judge Russia when the US is endorsing their fellow NATO ally to engage in sex trafficking.
Lights out? If NATO ever does that, Russia will be in Eastern Berlin again and maybe turn all of Europe into a nuclear wasteland.

If they use nukes it will be the last thing they do. You are totally insane if you believe Russia could hold up for long if the US ever put it's full force against you.
If they use nukes it will be the last thing they do. You are totally insane if you believe Russia could hold up for long if the US ever put it's full force against you.

The US couldnt even defeat the very terrorists they created in Afghanistan despite everything they threw at them, now you want to fight an army that is around the same level as yours?
We dont even need nukes, Hypersonic missiles are enough. Our newest missiles fly at Mach 8, try to intercept that.
Most are saying 15 to 20 miles.
Soon you'll be saying it was inside the Polish border, warpig!
Oh please.
Dude the last thing I want is another fucking war!
If Putin goes beyond Ukraine though, he's going to be stopped, and it doesn't matter what you or I want to happen.
You're MADD!
As in mutually assured destruction!
Do your in-laws bug you this much, warpig??

WTF is wrong with you?!
I don't want any of this to happen, you're not reading my posts right.
I'm simply saying what will happen if Putin is stupid enough to go beyond Ukraine, and or uses nukes.
The US couldnt even defeat the very terrorists they created in Afghanistan despite everything they threw at them, now you want to fight an army that is around the same level as yours?
We dont even need nukes, Hypersonic missiles are enough. Our newest missiles fly at Mach 8, try to intercept that.

Dude, give me a fucking break, you cannot compare the operations in Afghanistan (which by the way you guys couldn't get the job done either) to a genuine all out war.
You'll lose your fucking ass in a hurry if this country needed to get down and dirty and really go at it.

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