NATO training center and weapon station destroyed by Russian missile.

I hope that Putin is arrested and hung publicly. This man is a megalomaniac just like Hitler. We stop him now or we fight him later all over the world.
When China jumps in...we will have our goddamned hands as full as they have ever been. They are smarter, more deadly, and far more well equipped than Russia by a long shot. Putin will probably have to answer to his Oligarchs....I'm not sure he's going to survive this politically there in Russia....but China?

China is a whole different story.

They knew it was a NATO facility. This is an act of war. What does Biden do now? Appease Putin some more or give them the planes and weapons to defeat him?
Biden IS giving them the weapons. What do you think that base was about?
A NATO facility in a country that is not part of NATO. That makes about as much sense as Biden's last bowel movement that somehow was not deposited in a toilet.
I understand the contradiction... But it puts us in a very bizzarro position. What does NATO (and us by treaty) do now? Bend over for Putin?
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We need to open up our energy reserves and production. If we had the Keystone XL pipeline done, we would have access to 800,000 + barrels of oil a day. Biden was very short sighted. What a fool...
If pigs had wings… we’d all be in trouble
I understand the contradiction... But it puts us in a very bizzarro position. What does NATO do now (and us by treaty) do now? Bend over for Putin?
Tell Zelensky to sign the stupid paperwork....if he had done this at the beginning there would not have been any invasion. Putin is losing his shirt on this thing I seriously doubt that this was his preferred option.

Nobody ever knows what Joe Potatohead is saying because of his dementia. Not only is he stupid, corrupt, a pedophile and a coward but he has advanced stage dementia.

The other day the stupid sonofabitch said that Putin had invaded Russia.
A man who has dementia gave "find me 11,000 votes" 2 thrashings at the debates. He kicked his ass so badly that he wouldn`t show for beat down #3. Yo Semite! :)
If Russian loses are not that bad, why don't they have the country by now? This was supposed to take 3-4 days. They're knocking on 3 weeks and still don't even have the capitol.
Who said it would take 3-4 days? When has a country the size of Ukraine been subdued by ANYONE in 3-4 days? You are buying into silly propaganda. This was never going to be a short war. Those estimates are not even remotely realistic. The media hyped this whole thing to something it never was. Nobody seemed to notice, just followed along. Everything about this conflict has been a huge media manipulation from day one.
They struck in Lviv Oblast, and infiltrating "naemnikov" will continue to be targeted.

2022 marta 13
'...."Utrom 13 marta vysokotochnym oruzhiem bol'shoi dal'nosti nanesen udar po uchebnym tsentram Vooruzhenykh sil Ukrainy v naselennom punkte Starichi i na voennom poligone Iavorovskii.
On the morning of 13 Mar, high-precision long-range weapons delivered a blow to the training centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the village of Starichi and at the Yavorovsky military training ground.

Unichtozhenie prybyvshikh na territoriu Ukrainy innostranykh naemnikov budet prodolzheno,"
Destruction of foreign mercenaries who arrived on the territory of Ukraine will continue." General-Major Konashenkov. '
If Russian loses are not that bad, why don't they have the country by now? This was supposed to take 3-4 days. They're knocking on 3 weeks and still don't even have the capitol.
They don't hide behind civilians like your friends do so to preserve those same Ukrainian civilians they take their time methodically taking out pockets of futile resistance. There's no hurry. Americans couldn't take Bagdad in a month even with their scorched earth tactics, Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe and we don't shoot at unarmed people like you are used to.
After reading all accounts from both sides. No one is completely credible and both sides are lying through their teeth.
What the fuck Nato property doing in a no Nato country?
You are aware that NATO has bases like this all over Europe and in nations who are not NATO partners, don't you? Peace keeping missions, training missions, etc...
You, morons, have been calling your presidents like this ever. I doubt it'll change.
The sonofabitch stole the election and now he is a weak stupid cowardly assclown that is doing his best to destroy this country by turning into a Socialist shithole like most of the rest of the world

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