NATO's war on Russia has failed.

Dude, that's small potatoes compared to what's really happening.

What is really happening, besides the Democrats trying to get us involved in another Vietnam or Korean War? Both of those were proxy wars with China and Russia. Harry Truman, a Democrat, got us involved in the Korean War, and it was also the Democrats JFK and LBJ who involved us in the Vietnam War.

Do we see a pattern here?
Aren't we attacking Russia by proxy? It seems to me that the Democrats have had a hard-on for Russia ever since they thought Putin caused Hillary to lose the election in 2016.
I still do not get why Biden gave Putin the wrong message on a "Minor incursion". Putin is to blame for the invasion; Biden is to blame for being a confused idiot!!!

""I think what you're going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do.""


What is really happening, besides the Democrats trying to get us involved in another Vietnam or Korean War? Both of those were proxy wars with China and Russia. Harry Truman, a Democrat, got us involved in the Korean War, and it was also the Democrats JFK and LBJ who involved us in the Vietnam War.

Do we see a pattern here?
Yes; DemoKKKrats are weak and send that signal. No wonder every 2 bit despot wants to stuff around when they're in "POWER"!!!

Does Russia normally avoid a war but invading another country that had no plans to attack them? You are insanely stupid.
No one is "insanely stupid" old son; I am most wary of the US getting into direct conflict but it was the IDIOT Biden who gave the "minor incursion" the go-ahead by default!! Still I do NOT blame Biden for the actual war; that is totally on PUTIN, but it was Europe that dragged Biden to the conflict. As long as the US is only supplying treasure and not blood then I am quite content with the role of the US....noting that I have a family interest in stopping the spread of Putin's grand plan for Eastern Europe. Also I am NOT a yank so I have a different perspective to you guys.

I hope we can debate this without the personal shit.

Laugh Lmao GIF - Laugh Lmao George Of The Jungle GIFs

Yeah I know; ain't gonna happen.


The real unspoken dirty secret here about the war in Ukraine no one in the media is telling you is that this is really a war between a bunch of globalists against the only remaining nationalistic superpower left on the planet trying to break them for not succumbing to their fascist globalism and trying to force them into succumbing to joining a globalistic socialism of theirs ruled by their entrenched globalist oligarchy.
What is really happening, besides the Democrats trying to get us involved in another Vietnam or Korean War? Both of those were proxy wars with China and Russia. Harry Truman, a Democrat, got us involved in the Korean War, and it was also the Democrats JFK and LBJ who involved us in the Vietnam War.

Do we see a pattern here?
Half correct,kennedy inherited got started under Truman,a dem no less.we both know both parties are corrupt and one in the same.that was LBJ and his pal Nixon thst got us into Vietnam.they were the ones who murdered 58;000 Americans not the nva or Vietcong,right the other mike .

Nixon lied to the American people thst he would get us out of Vietnam expanding the war.just like Obama lied about ending bush’s war expanding it. Had Nixon had his way and was not put under pressure by the american people,he would have had us in Vietnam fir another ten years at least. Jfk never sent in combat troops,lbj did,he was trying to pull out of Vietnam completely by 1965,classified documents released like ten years ago vindicated what researchers has believed fir years but could not prove it till then.kennedy was a democrat in name only.

He is rolling over in his grave what his party has become now that LBJ would be pleased with.

rfk jr has said he is appalled by what his party has become now sense the time his uncle was president,.there were very few casualty’s in Vietnam under Kennedy’s an interview with Walter kronkite in sept of 63, when you watch it the screen says 58 casualty’s,that’s a far cry from the 58,000 that were killed under lbj and Nixon,right the other Mike.

those 2 bastards murdered those 58,000 Americans and are burning in hell right now.the cia killed kennedy fir trying to get us out of Vietnam,that and trying to get rid of the fed which is the reason the world is in the mess it is today because of those two evil organizations he was trying to abolish,everybody knows that
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Russia attacked Ukraine, sorry but this is fake news.
Ukraine was in a civil war, thanks to NATO countries interfering and funding the overthrow of their government.

You can pretend that didn’t happen all you want, or make believe the two events aren’t related, but it doesn’t make it so.
I'd say that war has failed humanity.
Wars always fail humanity. The last what I heard in this context had it been that more than 70,000 war crimes from the Russians are documented in their war against Europe in the Ukraine. I guess this number grew meanwhile over 100,000 war crimes.
Sending weapons into a war zone is participating in the war.

That's not international law. It's on the other hand a duty to help the weak - also to be able to defend themselves. And who is really weak is totally clear here in Germany where are more than a million refugees from the Ukraine. Mostly women with their children. Russia is a shame for all mankind, Russian.

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