NATO's war on Russia has failed.

I still do not get why Biden gave Putin the wrong message on a "Minor incursion". Putin is to blame for the invasion; Biden is to blame for being a confused idiot!!!

""I think what you're going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do.""


He was going to blow up the nordstream 2 pipeline but he hasn't admitted to that either and it's on video in a public statement.
Actually most people do. The vast majority do not believe Putin's version of history, recent history or the current state of affairs in Ukraine.

This is due to Ukranians having gotten out ahead of Russian disinformation and misinformation that is so prolific today.
The 2013 initial invasion is now looked upon as Putin's greed (which it is) and completely a situation of Putin's creation. The bombardment of "Russian speaking people" in the Donbas region was because they are Russians that Putin had placed unregistered foreign agents. I don't blame Ukraine for shelling them whatsoever.

Russians telling the truth?
Since when?
When has Russia ever told the truth publicly about anything at anytime? It most certainly has not happened in my lifetime or my grandparents.
^^ this is the kind of ignorance I am talking about. You think Russia placed Russian speaking people there just recently?

That whole area used to be Russia as far back as the 1700’s.

Russia attacked Ukraine, sorry but this is fake news.
The West attacked Ukraine 2014...from within...and that was to secure a position from which they could mess with Russia right in Russia's back yard. The West has been using Ukraine as a proxy-whore for years. Russia attacked Ukraine because Ukraine was under the control of these western operatives who are still trying to gain control of Ukraine and use it as a spearhead to weaken Russia.

Sorry, but that is NOT fake news.
The West attacked Ukraine 2014...from within...and that was to secure a position from which they could mess with Russia right in Russia's back yard. The West has been using Ukraine as a proxy-whore for years. Russia attacked Ukraine because Ukraine was under the control of these western operatives who are still trying to gain control of Ukraine and use it as a spearhead to weaken Russia.

Sorry, but that is NOT fake news.

Poor Russia, never did nuffin' to nobody.
The West attacked Ukraine 2014...from within...and that was to secure a position from which they could mess with Russia right in Russia's back yard. The West has been using Ukraine as a proxy-whore for years. Russia attacked Ukraine because Ukraine was under the control of these western operatives who are still trying to gain control of Ukraine and use it as a spearhead to weaken Russia.

Sorry, but that is NOT fake news.
You are wrong, as usual. Russia swiped Crimea in 2014 because Ukraine threw out the Russophiles.

Ukraine will join NATO and the EuroUnion.

Russia will have to recognize the western border as it is.

And within ten years, Mother Rodina will be a client state of China and Putin will be in a grave.
Poor Russia, never did nuffin' to nobody.
Don't be so irrevocably stupid.

Our government and theirs have both done unspeakable things throughout the decades. I am talking about the current situation...which is exactly as I stated. Russia is pushing back after Urkaine's government was covertly messed with by us for OUR gain and nobody else's. (Poor West. We never did nuffin' to nobody. See, this is what you believe. That's why you used those words.)

Your answer shows YOUR true ideas reflected by how you underestimate and mislabel other people's ideas.

Do better for yourself.
Don't be so irrevocably stupid.

Our government and theirs have both done unspeakable things throughout the decades. I am talking about the current situation...which is exactly as I stated. Russia is pushing back after Urkaine's government was covertly messed with by us for OUR gain and nobody else's. (Poor West. We never did nuffin' to nobody. See, this is what you believe. That's why you used those words.)

Your answer shows YOUR true ideas reflected by how you underestimate and mislabel other people's ideas.

Do better for yourself.

Wah. Poor Russia. Everybody is always picking on the largest country in the world.
So, should we give her Eastern Europe again? East Germany ok, or give her the whole thing?
Wah. Poor Russia. Everybody is always picking on the largest country in the world.
So, should we give her Eastern Europe again? East Germany ok, or give her the whole thing?
Ha ha ha HAAAA! What a joke! 😆 WE have all that now...and apparently that's not even enough. We have far more examples of global domination now than Russia has ever had, and apparently our leaders will beg, borrow and steal to their hearts content to have EVEN MORE. Maybe eventually this New World Order of the West will in fact kick Russia's ass and we'll assimilate them too. Then the entire world can answer to a one-world government with a one-world bank and wear the mark of the beast if we want to have anything at all. That scares me far more than Russia does right now. But western media wants you to turn your eyes to scapegoat Russia so you don't see what the New World Order is doing. It's total hypocrisy, like a judge throwing people in the slammer for having a little weed, while him and his entire family are reselling confiscated fentanyl. That's pretty much the level of western hypocrisy. And you regurgitate the narrative that protects it and prevents that corruption from being exposed.
NATO is in not in war. Russia is in war. Putin attacks - without any reason - Europe in the Ukraine. And the extremely criminal outlaw Lukashenko had sold Belarus to Russia. ... Oh - and not to forget: Putin threatened all European nations to wipe out their capital cities with nukes - Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, New York and so on - or with other words: He spoke about he likes to mass murder millions - even hundreds of millions - of people and likes to start in this way a third world war which in the end will wipe out all mankind. Putin and his criminal mind is a problem for the survival of everyone on our planet - he is also your problem and his own problem. Arrest him and his criminal gang and bring him and them to the international court.

You are seriously uninformed. If you cared to look the truth is all out in the open.
Don't be so irrevocably stupid.

Our government and theirs have both done unspeakable things throughout the decades. I am talking about the current situation...which is exactly as I stated. Russia is pushing back after Urkaine's government was covertly messed with by us for OUR gain and nobody else's. (Poor West. We never did nuffin' to nobody. See, this is what you believe. That's why you used those words.)

Your answer shows YOUR true ideas reflected by how you underestimate and mislabel other people's ideas.

Do better for yourself.
It's CRAZY you're somehow justifying Russia invading Ukraine by saying their pushing back on a thing that happened to Ukraine. I'm sure the citizens of Ukraine appreciate Russia killing their children and such, thats why so few of them are fighting Russian forces, you can tell from all the welcome parades.

Jesus Christ people like you are irrevocably stupid.
Ha ha ha HAAAA! What a joke! 😆 WE have all that now...and apparently that's not even enough. We have far more examples of global domination now than Russia has ever had, and apparently our leaders will beg, borrow and steal to their hearts content to have EVEN MORE. Maybe eventually this New World Order of the West will in fact kick Russia's ass and we'll assimilate them too. Then the entire world can answer to a one-world government with a one-world bank and wear the mark of the beast if we want to have anything at all. That scares me far more than Russia does right now. But western media wants you to turn your eyes to scapegoat Russia so you don't see what the New World Order is doing. It's total hypocrisy, like a judge throwing people in the slammer for having a little weed, while him and his entire family are reselling confiscated fentanyl. That's pretty much the level of western hypocrisy. And you regurgitate the narrative that protects it and prevents that corruption from being exposed.

So, we shouldn't give Russia Eastern Europe and all of Germany?
It's CRAZY you're somehow justifying Russia invading Ukraine by saying their pushing back on a thing that happened to Ukraine. I'm sure the citizens of Ukraine appreciate Russia killing their children and such, thats why so few of them are fighting Russian forces, you can tell from all the welcome parades.

Jesus Christ people like you are irrevocably stupid.
Irregardless it's not for any Americans to say.
Following a month long visit to Russia, Scott Rir visits with Redacted this week to shed light on the real situation there that the western media will not report on.

So a convicted pedophile is your source. Very interesting. Birds of a feather I guess.
Right up until the Ukrainian government request our assistance as we promised we'd provide however long ago. Which they did, still do and probably will until Russia hopefully loses everything.
Scott is telling the 100% truth....This war strengthened Russia militarily and economically..

You can't sit there and claim someone is wrong without listening to what he said first and then proving it.

I'll wait.

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