NATO's war on Russia has failed.

...Ukraine isn't Russia, that doesn't say anything about anyone carrying out a Coup in Russia- what does this have to do with Russia?

Also the Ukrainian people carried ousted a shit leader they didn't want, their right and certainly no business of Russia.
The coup was in Ukraine.
You're either ignorant or disingenuous
Russia attacked Ukraine, sorry but this is fake news.
Let me guess,you think the msm news is the truth? :rofl: Yeah Russia attacked them but you left out the valid reason why they did,they did so becausee Ukraine funded by NATO who funded terrorists there under Obama,because Ukraine with the aide of NATO violated world agreements bytrying to grab more land and was murdering the citizens of Ukraine with the aide of NATO dumbass,you are the only one spreading fake news.As always you never surprise me with your ignorance.
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Because Ukraine lost.... dumbass.
This was a NATO-provoked war.....that Russia tried to avoid.
:thankusmile::yes_text12::TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Exactly,could not have said it better myself word fir word,what the msm propaganda machine is not showing viewers and whst the alternative media has not omitted is showing Russian soldiers helping children thst have had their houses bombed and destroyed by nato and Ukraine.the msm fake news is also reporting thst Russia is losing the war but thst could not be any further than the truth,fir once NATO is not having their way as they have for so many decades in other countries and fir once has suffered a major ass beating.I love it thst the tables have finally turned against them finally and fir once,our fucking corruot government and the criminals in Washington,are getting a major ass beating from Russia,fir once not getting their evil way.:yes_text12::yes_text12::thewave::banana:
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You would understand if you bothered watching the video or knew about what's going on between Russia and Ukraine and natos involvement beyond just reading a headline here and there.

You're response is to hurl insults?

You present no insight, no counter argument, no links, no evidence of understanding what is being discussed and say nothing that is on topic or even relevant at all.
And there has never been a dem poster thst ever has done so on these boards either.same as the 2020 election,they don’t watch videos or read links that don’t support the lies of the msm propaganda machine.
:thankusmile::yes_text12::TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Exactly,could not have said it better myself word fir word,what the msm propaganda machine is not showing viewers and whst the alternative media has not omitted is showing Russian soldiers helping children thst have had their houses bombed and destroyed by nato and Ukraine.the msm fake news is also reporting thst Russia is losing the war but thst could not be any further than the truth,fir once NATO is not having their way as they have for so many decades in other countries and fir once has suffered a major ass beating.I love it thst the tables have finally turned against them finally and fir once,our fuckimg corruot government and the criminals in Washington,are getting a major ass beating from Russia,fir once not getting their evil way.:yes_text12::yes_text12::thewave::banana:
It would be common knowledge if we had an honest press and media...... but you and I know who they work for or at least controls them
You know? I can remember when Ukraine was a sovereign country, where Pieroges and Lawrence Welk came from n stufff.

Furthermore, it wasn't that long ago.
The coup was in Ukraine.
You're either ignorant or disingenuous
... I don't think you've got enough braincells to rub together to understand what I'm saying. Obviously the Ukrainian people rose up and made that Russian puppet guy flee their is their right. My point is that ain't got shit to do with Russia. But you know what man, you keep banging that drum out here in the obscure corners of the internet and Russia will finally accomplish whatever goal it set out for 3 months ago. And it'll gain back all the face it lost too, I mean at one point we were scared of those Hyper-sonic missiles they had...but man, poor us knowing now, after they so bravely invaded their much smaller neighbor... our current generation(at worst) can intercept them pretty effectively.

Good Job Russia! Mother Russia in your case right?

I’m betting this is a sockpuppet.look how long he has been here and the few posts he has,
I have other stuff I'd rather do most of the time, but ey, believe whatever you want.
You know? I can remember when Ukraine was a sovereign country, where Pieroges and Lawrence Welk came from n stufff.

Furthermore, it wasn't that long ago.
We have no say after our history.
Not even counting Vietnam and before.....just looking at Iraq alone is enough.
... I don't think you've got enough braincells to rub together to understand what I'm saying. Obviously the Ukrainian people rose up and made that Russian puppet guy flee their is their right. My point is that ain't got shit to do with Russia. But you know what man, you keep banging that drum out here in the obscure corners of the internet and Russia will finally accomplish whatever goal it set out for 3 months ago. And it'll gain back all the face it lost too, I mean at one point we were scared of those Hyper-sonic missiles they had...but man, poor us knowing now, after they so bravely invaded their much smaller neighbor... our current generation(at worst) can intercept them pretty effectively.

Good Job Russia! Mother Russia in your case right?

I have other stuff I'd rather do most of the time, but ey, believe whatever you want.
Thank you Hillary.

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