NATO's war on Russia has failed.

Russia attacked Ukraine, sorry but this is fake news.
Israel struck first against its Arab "neighbors" in '67. That doesn't mean they were the actual aggressor. Putin is a mob boss and he's responsible for a LOT of deaths but this situation in Ukraine could have been avoided had Ukraine simply agreed to neutrality and stopped looking to join NATO. Instead, the US practically twisted Z's arm into going to war. When all is said and done, I doubt Ukraine will be any better off than if they'd simply agreed to neutrality instead of trusting DC and NATO.
Try interesting discussion points or even researched fact based information -- rather than your continuous ad hominem approach , usually the last resort of the intellectually challenged .

Russian, when will you leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers? Yesterday?

... have been avoided had Ukraine simply agreed to neutrality ,,,

Translation: "Either you are my spitlicker and do what we want you to do, coward, or we'll make war and wipe out your nation - and your population". Question: Why "loves" everyone Russia - specially also all other Slawic brother nations around Russia?
Israel struck first against its Arab "neighbors" in '67. ...

... after it had been clear that an Arabian large offensive will soon come. And the very few million Israelis wan - surrounded from more than 350 million Arabs with very modern weapons. War always is totally uncalculable.
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That's not international law. It's on the other hand a duty to help the weak - also to be able to defend themselves. And who is really weak is totally clear here in Germany where are more than a million refugees from the Ukraine. Mostly women with their children. Russia is a shame for all mankind, Russian.

I don’t care what “international law” says. We are spending more money in Ukraine than we ever did in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

From Russia’s point of view they are helping the ethnic Russians in Ukraine who were being attacked by the Kiev regime.
I don’t care what “international law” says.


We are spending more money in Ukraine than we ever did in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Who is "we"?

From Russia’s point of view they are helping the ethnic Russians in Ukraine who were being attacked by the Kiev regime.

What's stupid nonsense - but I don't know Russias point of view, Russian - except that I was astonished that the Russian politics indeed seems to be without any constructive concept. From my point of view the Russian war on Europe in the Ukraine is just simple a stupid, senseless and criminal war. It will need years to repair the physical damages of this war - and it will need decades to repair the psychological damages of this war. Russia is a totally untrustworthy country now.
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What's stupid nonsense - but I don't know Russias point of view
Therein lies the problem, you don’t understand the history of the region, or the geopolitics of it, yet you blindly support one side.

I don’t care about either Ukraine or Russia, I am unbiased, and all I do is consider all the facts.
There are NO NATO troops in Ukraine.

There are a few members of the Armed forces to ensure that every weapon shipped arrives in Ukraine in proper working order and condition it is supposed to be in. The USA has 14 soldiers tasked with just that.

Ukraine wishes to join not only NATO but also the EU.

And if Putin had not decided to cause the current global recession we wouldn't be paying such high prices for food.
Therein lies the problem, you don’t understand the history of the region, or the geopolitics of it, yet you blindly support one side.

I don’t care about either Ukraine or Russia, I am unbiased, and all I do is consider all the facts.
Actually most people do. The vast majority do not believe Putin's version of history, recent history or the current state of affairs in Ukraine.

This is due to Ukranians having gotten out ahead of Russian disinformation and misinformation that is so prolific today.
The 2013 initial invasion is now looked upon as Putin's greed (which it is) and completely a situation of Putin's creation. The bombardment of "Russian speaking people" in the Donbas region was because they are Russians that Putin had placed unregistered foreign agents. I don't blame Ukraine for shelling them whatsoever.

Russians telling the truth?
Since when?
When has Russia ever told the truth publicly about anything at anytime? It most certainly has not happened in my lifetime or my grandparents.

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