NATO's war on Russia has failed.

Scott is telling the 100% truth....This war strengthened Russia militarily and economically..

You can't sit there and claim someone is wrong without listening to what he said first and then proving it.

I'll wait.
Yup, overran Kyev in a blitz, rushed to the sea, and to the western bord... oh, wait!
So, we shouldn't give Russia Eastern Europe and all of Germany?
LoL! Russia is in no position to "take" those places and most of them have no border with Russia. Ukraine does...but Russia is not "taking" Ukraine, either. WE took Ukraine by tweaking their government and using it to fight a proxy war against Russia, sending them billions of dollars to do so. As long as WE keep this up so will they. If Russia planted anti-American operatives in, say, the Mexican government...and turned it's interests and military against us the way we did in Ukraine, what do you think we'd be doing about it? The very same thing. And then they'd probably have their propaganda big-mouths saying the same horseshit you're saying: "Oh those terrible Americans! Are we supposed to just let them TAKE Mexico?" 😆

You know what?
Just shut up.
LoL! Russia is in no position to "take" those places and most of them have no border with Russia. Ukraine does...but Russia is not "taking" Ukraine, either. WE took Ukraine by tweaking their government and using it to fight a proxy war against Russia, sending them billions of dollars to do so. As long as WE keep this up so will they. If Russia planted anti-American operatives in, say, the Mexican government...and turned it's interests and military against us the way we did in Ukraine, what do you think we'd be doing about it? The very same thing. And then they'd probably have their propaganda big-mouths saying the same horseshit you're saying: "Oh those terrible Americans! Are we supposed to just let them TAKE Mexico?" 😆

You know what?
Just shut up.

Take them?
Why don't we just give them to Russia?
Russia did such a good job with them the first time, right?
Take them?
Why don't we just give them to Russia?
Russia did such a good job with them the first time, right?
You're right.... you're right....

We've done a far better job at establishing a global empire and dictatorship than they have! 😆
They enslaved Eastern Europe, we freed them.

Did you cry when the Berlin Wall fell?

Miss the Stasi?
The United States became a whole lot more like a police state almost overnight when the Berlin Wall fell. The following year my old highschool was suddenly crawling with police and cameras. And George Sr. was trying to get us to seig heil the New World Order. The only reason they "freed" Eastern Europe was to put McDonald's and Walmart (and military contractors) there. Great stuff.

It's good that the failed Soviet dictatorship dissolved. It's NOT good that it was replaced by our superior one. Ours will have much farther to fall when it does.
Who is WE? - certainly not you and also not NATO or the EU.
Gorbachev freed them - by dissolving the Soviet-Union - as such THEY ceased to exist in 1990, that's more then 30 years ago.
...but the current New World Order regime needs a scapegoat so that's why they constantly give Russia's history the spotlight.
So, we shouldn't give Russia Eastern Europe and all of Germany?
WTF are you talking about? Catherine the Great was a German princess, adding half of Poland and all of Crimea in the 1780'ies.

The entire Eastern Europe used to be ruled and owned by Germany, Austria, Russia, Sweden and Turkey for hundreds of years.
A proper and able German government (we don't have one) - might be willing to negotiate the bounty with Russia - not Austria and certainly not Turkey. Now go and read some history books - not MSN Lefty&lib garbage.

BTW; how about the UK returning the Malvina's to Argentina? or Poland returning 30% of former German territory? Shouldn't the Baltic's be split between Sweden/Germany and Russia? Maybe Hawaii yearns for independence?

Some people don't care about what happened a hundred and more years ago - and some don't care what happened 30 years ago. - e.g. an artificial Ukraine.
So what are you complaining and whining about? the reality of life?
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I already explained how totalitarian regimes are bad and how using the downfall of one to replace it with an even bigger more successful one is worse. Just as I predicted, this is the part where you start going in circles and I'll probably have to keep repeating myself as you purposely miss the point.
Did you cry when Reagan beat the Soviet Union??
When did Reagan beat the Soviet Union? - please do tell me all about that war. - Sources please. - not your mindless opinions.
On the other hand when it fit's your screwed up mindset - you will condemn Reagan for having indebted the USA to economically finish of Communism.
Call him a warmonger and destroyer of unions, and the US middle class.
WTF are you talking about? Catherine the Great was a German princess, adding half of Poland and all of Crimea in the 1780'ies.

The entire Eastern Europe used to be ruled and owned by Germany, Austria, Russia, Sweden and Turkey for hundreds of years.
A proper and able German government (we don't have one) - might be willing to negotiate the bounty with Russia - not Austria and certainly not Turkey. Now go and read some history books - not MSN Lefty&lib garbage.

BTW; how about the UK returning the Malvina's to Argentina? or Poland returning 30% of former German territory? Shouldn't the Baltic's be split between Sweden/Germany and Russia? Maybe Hawaii years for independence?

Some people don't care about what happened a hundred and more years ago - and some don't care what happened 30 years ago. - e.g. an artificial Ukraine.
So what are you complaining and whining about? the reality of life?

So, we should give Eastern Europe back to Russia? And all of Germany?
When did Reagan beat the Soviet Union? - please do tell me all about that war. - Sources please. - not your mindless opinions.
On the other hand when it fit's your screwed up mindset - you will condemn Reagan for having indebted the USA to economically finish of Communism.
Call him a warmonger and destroyer of unions, and the US middle class.

When did Reagan beat the Soviet Union? -

It was in all the papers. Did you miss it?

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