NATO's war on Russia has failed.

Stalin and the following Soviet-leaders controlled or as you prefer "enslaved" Eastern Europe, just as much as the USA controlled "enslaved" e.g. Germany and Japan after WW2.

How many Hungarians were killed by US troops in 1956?

How many Czechs were killed by US troops in the Prague Spring?
The Hungarian and Czech government never called onto US troops to put down demonstrators - what kind of history books did you ever read?
BTW - around 100 Czechs were killed by Russian troops. And an estimated 2000 people in the Hungarian uprising.

However the US occupied and controlled South Korea, and it's "democratic" government killed around 2000 pro-democracy students and civilians during a 3 day demonstration e.g. Kwangju in May 1980 - what did the US Army or government do? - nothing - but kept their Puppet in power till 1988.
Really? How does that work? Did Epstein make him converse with what he thought was a 15 year old and send her dick-picks?

Actually, Ritter has always been a strange character. In the Clinton Years, he was screaming from the rafters Saddam had WMD's. Then Bush came along and talked about toppling Saddam, and suddenly Ritter was claiming that Saddam was perfectly innocent... And now he's on the Russian Payroll.

They do? Can you cite an example?
Saddam DID have wmd's.
Anthrax missiles.
Saddam DID have wmd's.
Anthrax missiles.
You are citing information that pertains to the January 1991 Gulf war. Where Iraq was "estimated" to have 50 anthrax bombs and "supposedly" 10 missiles with anthrax warheads. The USA and UN then had 12 years to get rid of what ever Iraq supposedly had - which they did according to their own reports.
You are citing information that pertains to the January 1991 Gulf war. Where Iraq was "estimated" to have 50 anthrax bombs and "supposedly" 10 missiles with anthrax warheads. The USA and UN then had 12 years to get rid of what ever Iraq supposedly had - which they did according to their own reports.
CIA and MOSSAD knew exactly where they were
and destroyed them asap after Kuwait.
CIA and MOSSAD knew exactly where they were
and destroyed them asap after Kuwait.
I know - that is what I had stated - but you stated that Saddam in 2003 (WMD) had anthrax missiles. - which is not correct - also according to your own admission just now.
I know - that is what I had stated - but you stated that Saddam in 2003 (WMD) had anthrax missiles. - which is not correct - also according to your own admission just now.
He did have anthrax .....that's why they "couldn't find them" 😉😉 Even with CIA 'plausible deniability ' the US could never openly admit to allying with a ruthless dictator much less arming him with bioweapons.

My brother has epilepsy from the fucking anthrax vax.

Any more questions ?
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He did have anthrax .....that's why they "couldn't find them" 😉😉 Even with CIA 'plausible deniability ' the US could never openly admit to allying with a ruthless dictator much less arming him with bioweapons.
Any more questions ?
Yes - why do you spread bullshit? according to your own admission - The CIA and MOSSAD destroyed it in 1991 upon liberating Kuwait. And then you write "He did have anthrax....that's why they couldn't find them":rolleyes:

After liberating Kuwait in 1991 the UN and the USA had hundreds of inspectors roaming through Iraq for 12 years - and found nothing. From 2003 to 2018 Iraq was controlled and occupied by the USA and other nations again accompanied by hundreds of inspectors - and also found nothing.

And when did the USA from 1991 - 2018 "...allying with the ruthless dictator Saddam" :rolleyes:

Now 20 years after the WMD lie - anthrax according to you, was around. :rolleyes:
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The Hungarian and Czech government never called onto US troops to put down demonstrators - what kind of history books did you ever read?
BTW - around 100 Czechs were killed by Russian troops. And an estimated 2000 people in the Hungarian uprising.

However the US occupied and controlled South Korea, and it's "democratic" government killed around 2000 pro-democracy students and civilians during a 3 day demonstration e.g. Kwangju in May 1980 - what did the US Army or government do? - nothing - but kept their Puppet in power till 1988.

The Hungarian and Czech government never called onto US troops to put down demonstrators - what kind of history books did you ever read?

Thank goodness.

BTW - around 100 Czechs were killed by Russian troops. And an estimated 2000 people in the Hungarian uprising.

Wait, the Russians killed Czechs and Hungarians? Why in the world would they do that?
Next, you'll tell me that Russians also killed Poles and Lithuanians.

However the US occupied and controlled South Korea, and it's "democratic" government...

That's awful!
How many "US occupied" countries in Europe had free elections after WWII?
How many "Soviet occupied" countries in Europe had free elections after WWII?
The West attacked Ukraine 2014...from within...and that was to secure a position from which they could mess with Russia right in Russia's back yard. The West has been using Ukraine as a proxy-whore for years. Russia attacked Ukraine because Ukraine was under the control of these western operatives who are still trying to gain control of Ukraine and use it as a spearhead to weaken Russia.

Sorry, but that is NOT fake news.

Was Georgia being controlled by the west? Was Chechnya controlled by the US or Europe? Ukraine was just another stepping stone for Putin on his quest to reunite the USSR. Putin literally went to war on the first day he became president. He has always seen this as his manifest destiny. If you can take over Ukraine in 3 days and move onto Maldova, why not? You don't need a deep history of russia or knowledge of the politics of that region to see this, unless you're blind. The only proxy whore here is are all the people pushing forth Russian propaganda aka you and others. You're a proxy whore for Putin.
Saddam DID have wmd's.
Anthrax missiles.

Then you are admitting that Ritter was wrong when he took Saddam's money to claim he didn't?

(Actually, Saddam didn't have anthrax missiles. The only thing they found were the mustard gas shells the Iraqis buried in 1991 to try to comply with the UN disarmerment clause because they didn't know how to dispose of the things.)
The Hungarian and Czech government never called onto US troops to put down demonstrators - what kind of history books did you ever read?

Thank goodness.
You had brought up that troll bullshit:
asking as to how many Czechs and Hungarians were killed by US troops - you troll
BTW - around 100 Czechs were killed by Russian troops. And an estimated 2000 people in the Hungarian uprising.

Wait, the Russians killed Czechs and Hungarians? Why in the world would they do that?
Next, you'll tell me that Russians also killed Poles and Lithuanians.
Keep trolling
However the US occupied and controlled South Korea, and it's "democratic" government...

That's awful!
Yes isn't it - and the USA still supports repressive and dictatorial countries - you troll
How many "US occupied" countries in Europe had free elections after WWII?
Same as before WWII - you troll
How many "Soviet occupied" countries in Europe had free elections after WWII?
Two less then before WWII - the countries the USA and the Western allies had betrayed - Poland and Czechoslovakia - you troll

Keep trolling
Then you are admitting that Ritter was wrong when he took Saddam's money to claim he didn't?

(Actually, Saddam didn't have anthrax missiles. The only thing they found were the mustard gas shells the Iraqis buried in 1991 to try to comply with the UN disarmerment clause because they didn't know how to dispose of the things.)
They were not trying to prove that he had them --- they knew he had them. We gave them to him.

The mission was to destroy them before he could use them on our own troops in the Persian Gulf after Kuwait
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They were not trying to prove that he had them --- they knew he had them. We gave them to him.

The mission was to destroy them before he could use them on our own troops in the Persian Gulf after Kuwait
Okay, dude you are all over the map on this one. Get back to me when you get your story straight.
You had brought up that troll bullshit:
asking as to how many Czechs and Hungarians were killed by US troops - you troll

Keep trolling

Yes isn't it - and the USA still supports repressive and dictatorial countries - you troll

Same as before WWII - you troll

Two less then before WWII - the countries the USA and the Western allies had betrayed - Poland and Czechoslovakia - you troll

Keep trolling

Same as before WWII - you troll

Exactly. Compared to zero in the Warsaw Pact - you twat.
Do you know anything about history? You defend smaller nations or worse outcomes often follow.
Judging from this position you've chosen regarding Ukraine & Russia, I know much more about history than you do.

Plus, patting myself on the back, it appears I know much more about propaganda and human nature than you do.
Same as before WWII - you troll

Exactly. Compared to zero in the Warsaw Pact - you twat.
There was no democracy in Eastern Europe before WWII - except for Poland and Czechoslovakia, that were betrayed by those Western democratic countries - you moronic troll.
It was Gorbachev (not Western democratic countries) who enabled them in 1990 to become democratic countries as well - you dumb twat and troll.
Judging from this position you've chosen regarding Ukraine & Russia, I know much more about history than you do.

Plus, patting myself on the back, it appears I know much more about propaganda and human nature than you do.
Propaganda? Easy for you to call missiles fired into shopping malls as propaganda from the comfort of your recliner. I'm a contrarian, I get why some want to believe it isn't always as it seems. Sometimes in life and war it just is. Russia attacked Ukrane, period.
There was no democracy in Eastern Europe before WWII - except for Poland and Czechoslovakia, that were betrayed by those Western democratic countries - you moronic troll.
It was Gorbachev (not Western democratic countries) who enabled them in 1990 to become democratic countries as well - you dumb twat and troll.

There was no democracy in Eastern Europe before WWII

The Soviet Union didn't bring them into the modern era and allow free elections in the countries they enslaved?

It was Gorbachev

Reagan really kicked his ass, eh comrade?
He died still tasting Reagan's shoe leather.

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