Natural anti-miscegenation

Most of the joos I've encountered IRL support global miscegination of all Races ; except theirs.

Yes, it is curious that a certain ethnic group can support global miscegenation, yet so often intermarry within their own ethnic group. A Jewish woman, who is competing for the post as leader of a political party in Sweden, says that Sweden, and all nation states, should be dissolved, and a world government established. However, there is one exception, namely Israel, which must be defended as a state. In USA, Jewish intellectuals have been criticized (also by other Jewish intellectuals) for their hypocrisy in such matters. They support multiculturalism, but overtly take exception against a multicultural Israel. /MW
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Most of the joos I've encountered IRL support global miscegination of all Races ; except theirs.

The irony here is the Loose Liberal miscegenation values of the modern Jew is backfiring on them, as 58% of Jewish Americans marry non-Jews.

Is that so? Arguably, this has genetic benefits, as they can hopefully get rid of genetic disorders, certain of which give rise to personality disorders. Besides intelligence, there are other valuable genetic aspects, too.
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Most of the joos I've encountered IRL support global miscegination of all Races ; except theirs.

Yes, it is curious that a certain ethnic group can support global miscegenation, yet consistently intermarry within their own ethnic group. A Jewish woman, who is competing for the post as leader of a political party in Sweden, says that Sweden, and all nation states, should be dissolved, and a world government established. However, there is one exception, namely Israel, which must be defended as a state. In USA, Jewish intellectuals have been criticized (also by other Jewish intellectuals) for their hypocrisy in such matters. They support multiculturalism, but overtly take exception against a multicultural Israel. /MW

How can such stupid Jews as Jan T. Gross get such high positions?

Jan T. Gross wrote a very dumb article, to guilt Poles as "Hypocrites" for being refugees in the past, but not wishing to take in Islamic refugees, meanwhile the Jewish hypocrite Jan T. Gross said nothing about Israel also not wanting to take in Islamic refugees.

Then Jan T. Gross went full on retard, when he stated in the same article that Poles killed more Jews, than Germans.
or why the Ashkenazim Jews have the highest IQ of all peoples..

Probably not, keep in mind that Israel scores a more modest 94 - 95 IQ.

In Israel, 2.8 million are of full or partial Ashkenazim Jewish descent. Israel's population is 8.38. So that explains it.
Jews make up only 0.2% of the world population, yet comprise 22% of Nobel laureates. But the latter are Ashkenazim. So their number is even smaller than 0.2%. The breeding program among the Ashkenazim resulted in several genetic diseases, however (cf. Wikipedia). /MW


You are aware that Jews altered anthropology, and genetics in favor of the egalitarian, such as Franz Boas, Jared Diamond, Stephen Jay Gould, and Richard Lewontin?

If Jews are so smart, how come they so often support such stupidity?

No data I'm aware of has supported egalitarianism between the races.

In fact, according to Gould's own work, there were still disparities between races in cranial capacity.

While, Gould said Neoteny was involved with Human Evolution, and admitted Asians were more Neotenic, he refused to say this had any meaning in Humans
You are aware that Jews altered anthropology, and genetics in favor of the egalitarian, such as Franz Boas, Jared Diamond, Stephen Jay Gould, and Richard Lewontin?

If Jews are so smart, how come they so often support such stupidity?

No data I'm aware of has supported egalitarianism between the races.

In fact, according to Gould's own work, there were still disparities between races in cranial capacity.

While, Gould said Neoteny was involved with Human Evolution, and admitted Asians were more Neotenic, he refused to say this had any meaning in Humans

Because those Jews that repudiate postmodernism and multicultural stupidity are prevented from making an academic or political career.

The races aren't equal, no. For one thing, Blacks have clearly bigger sexual organs.
Actually , Men are created equally below the belt. Ask google. negros love the "muh dik" myth. TBH the negro is considered the lowest form of non Aryan.
or why the Ashkenazim Jews have the highest IQ of all peoples..

Probably not, keep in mind that Israel scores a more modest 94 - 95 IQ.

In Israel, 2.8 million are of full or partial Ashkenazim Jewish descent. Israel's population is 8.38. So that explains it.

So, why are other Jews of modest intelligence?
Shouldn't have Ashkenazi Jews regressed to the Jewish mean?

Besides, Ashkenazi Jews have smaller cranial capacity than Europeans.
Jews make up only 0.2% of the world population, yet comprise 22% of Nobel laureates. But the latter are Ashkenazim. So their number is even smaller than 0.2%. The breeding program among the Ashkenazim resulted in several genetic diseases, however (cf. Wikipedia). /MW

East Germans seem to have the best intellectual profile, rather than Ashkenazi Jews.

East Germans probably amounted to 25 million, when you accounted for ones in present East German, and also Eastern European territories.\

Yes, that's higher than the amount of Ashkenazi Jews.

However, the accomplishments of East Germans seems to be much more well rounded, and impressive than those of Ashkenazi Jews.

- Philosophers like Nietzsche, Immanuel Kant, Artur Schopenhauer, Christian Wolff, and Leibniz, who Leibniz also invented binary code, and calculus.

- Rocket scientists like Wernher Von Braun, and Herman Oberth.

- Classical composers like Wagner, Schubert, Liszt.

- Writers like Gunter Grass, and Charles Bukowski.

- Artists like Casper Friedrich.

- Inventors like Paul Nipkow inventor of television, Ferdinand Porsche of German cars, and tanks, or Konrad Zuse inventor of modern computers.

- Geneticists like Gregor Mendel, or Rudolf Jaenisch.

- Physicists like Theodor Kaluza, Gustav Kirchoff, Arnold Sommerfeld. or Hilbert.

- Medicine like Rudolf Wiegl.

- Astronomers like Johann Gottfried Galle, or Johannes Hevelius.

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You are aware that Jews altered anthropology, and genetics in favor of the egalitarian, such as Franz Boas, Jared Diamond, Stephen Jay Gould, and Richard Lewontin?

If Jews are so smart, how come they so often support such stupidity?

No data I'm aware of has supported egalitarianism between the races.

In fact, according to Gould's own work, there were still disparities between races in cranial capacity.

While, Gould said Neoteny was involved with Human Evolution, and admitted Asians were more Neotenic, he refused to say this had any meaning in Humans

Because those Jews that repudiate postmodernism and multicultural stupidity are prevented from making an academic or political career.

The races aren't equal, no. For one thing, Blacks have clearly bigger sexual organs.

It started with the Jew Boas, no?
Actually, the Finns are the most intelligent, because they are whitest. There is a remarkable correlation (0.92) between whiteness of skin and level of intelligence. Presumably, it has to do with the fact that it is more difficult to survive in northern habitats. We see the same phenomenon among bird species. Northern birds are more clever than southern, belonging to the same species.
Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ: An international perspective
Actually, the Finns are the most intelligent, because they are whitest. There is a remarkable correlation (0.92) between whiteness of skin and level of intelligence. Presumably, it has to do with the fact that it is more difficult to survive in northern habitats. We see the same phenomenon among bird species. Northern birds are more clever than southern, belonging to the same species.
Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ: An international perspective

Finns might be the most intelligent on average of Europe, but if we look at historical grounds they aren't very intellectually accomplished.
Actually, the Finns are the most intelligent, because they are whitest. There is a remarkable correlation (0.92) between whiteness of skin and level of intelligence. Presumably, it has to do with the fact that it is more difficult to survive in northern habitats. We see the same phenomenon among bird species. Northern birds are more clever than southern, belonging to the same species.
Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ: An international perspective

Finns might be the most intelligent on average of Europe, but if we look at historical grounds they aren't very intellectually accomplished.

It is true, and journal Intelligence has discussed why this is so.
Solving the puzzle of why Finns have the highest IQ, but one of the lowest number of Nobel prizes in Europe
Actually, the Finns are the most intelligent, because they are whitest. There is a remarkable correlation (0.92) between whiteness of skin and level of intelligence. Presumably, it has to do with the fact that it is more difficult to survive in northern habitats. We see the same phenomenon among bird species. Northern birds are more clever than southern, belonging to the same species.
Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ: An international perspective

The Baltic nations appear to have more genes for light pigmentation than Finland.

Whether, or not they express it more is a different story.

Actually, the Finns are the most intelligent, because they are whitest. There is a remarkable correlation (0.92) between whiteness of skin and level of intelligence. Presumably, it has to do with the fact that it is more difficult to survive in northern habitats. We see the same phenomenon among bird species. Northern birds are more clever than southern, belonging to the same species.
Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ: An international perspective

Finns might be the most intelligent on average of Europe, but if we look at historical grounds they aren't very intellectually accomplished.

It is true, and journal Intelligence has discussed why this is so.
Solving the puzzle of why Finns have the highest IQ, but one of the lowest number of Nobel prizes in Europe

I suspect it's because Finns were long oppressed, and have some Asian DNA, which Asians despite their high intelligence, seem to be less creative, and seem to have less of an extreme intellectual elite than Europeans.
I suspect it's because Finns were long oppressed, and have some Asian DNA, which Asians despite their high intelligence, seem to be less creative, and seem to have less of an extreme intellectual elite than Europeans.

It's an interesting theory. Asians are good copyists, however.

By the way, the IQ-gradient from south to north is present also in Sweden, which is a very oblong country. We have extensive IQ data from the recruitment to compulsory military service. The northerners have somewhat higher IQ than the southerners. It is remarkable that these IQ differences also exist within the national ethnic group of a small country.
Anti-miscegenation is a strong impulse among animals. A local chaffinch in southern Sweden won't couple with a chaffinch arriving from northern Sweden. The reason for this is an instinctual fear of 'outbreeding depression'. It means that the progeny will likely exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment (cf. Wikipedia).

Although human beings can rely on social welfare, they live in an even more complex environment than animals. It is in many ways much more demanding, because there is very much learning required. There is no reason to believe that human beings lack qualms about the welfare of their progeny. Of course, they want to couple with someone who has the right genetic qualifications to produce progeny well-adapted to the local habitat.

This instinctual foundation is further exacerbated by conscious observations that humans make. Facts are that Blacks in the U.S. have a much higher crime and unemployment rate than Whites, which is taken as evidence that they are not equally well-adapted to the local habitat.

Having such qualms about the progeny's genetic prerequisites for achieving successful adaptation is today called racism. But it isn't really. It is a strong instinctual impulse, but also a moral provision for our children as well as society.

So I want to point out that "race laws" is one thing, whereas anti-miscegenation is another. It is natural, and remains essential to biological and cultural evolution. It is neither moral nor immoral. There's no reason to moralize about whether or not we should resort to anti-miscegenation. It is just how it works! To steer clear of out-and-out racism we need to accept the facts of life as they are, and never stop talking about it.

Mats Winther

See also:

Winther, M. (2015). The Burning Issue: Race and Racialism.
This post is proof that ignorance, fear, racism, and bigotry are alive and well in the West.
I am a "biologist" according to my Undergraduate school training------FACT is-----
anything that fucks will fuck anything that moves or is available The most exciting porn I
ever saw was in a drop of water under my microscope lens. FRANTIC particles of
pollen desperately wiggling their way to any available pistil.

You've been subjected to indoctrination. Any teacher that even mentions "outbreeding depression" will lose his career opportunities. According to postmodern ideology, there are no categories of people; no categories of anything. There aren't even different sexes. All structures must be "deconstructed", because there is no objective truth. So says postmodernist ideology, in the following of post-structuralist philosophy.

Academia has never before in history experienced such dilapidation.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

Acknowledging and respecting the right of individuals to self-determination is not to deny that there are ‘categories’ of people or the existence of different sexes.

Mixing races wouldn't increase genetic diversity, anyways.
Rather the genetic diversity would fall between the median of the 2 groups.

What's worse, it means that mean IQ falls between the mean value for the two groups. From the long-term perspective, it has catastrophic consequences for technological and democratic civilization.

The point is that low-IQ "white trash" will produce offspring closer to the mean value for their race. This is called progression to the mean. Correspondingly, two black professors will beget children close to the mean value for their race. It is called regression to the mean.
Darwinian Selection Doesn't Apply Here

Violent hotheads would have been weeded out during slavery and by lynching, so they would have not passed on their mutant genes. Obviously they weren't, so it is not individual bad actors who give the race a bad reputation, but it is typical and inevitable behavior of the whole gene pool. We must return to special laws that take that into account.
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