Natural anti-miscegenation

Mensa used to claim that the primary problem with blacks was interbreeding with marginal whites and their data was state of the art for the late 50s/early 60s.

Reading the racist posts here, I doubt even the dumbest white would have anything to do with this ^^^ bunch of zeroes.^^^

In any event, looking at the forced interbreeding (whites raping blacks) of the Civil War era and the resultant harm done to the black race, there is very likely something to that.

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it is a REALLY horrific thought-------marginal whites ---raping blacks and
creating generations of marginal blacks. The idea that this kind of
activity has been SO PREVALENT that it actually has a STATISTICAL EFFECT --
is really horrifying

White slave masters were hardly marginal, but were usually the elite who could afford to buy Black slaves.
actually ----its been going on since the 60s. --------attraction of a male to a female is based more on
PHEROMONES -----than simple "good looks". It is a tropism

That's true for insects, yes. But a homo sapiens female will cohabitate with just about any man, regardless of his smell, as long as he can give her good social status and economy.

you are not a biologist -----you are cynical misogynist-----and as far as human behavior goes------IN GENERAL---wrong

I've noticed that almost all of these fact-free racist threads have in common the fear that, as white males, they cannot compete with black males.

Racism is fear and that's what white males are afraid of.

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LOL, if that were true than racists would be more concerned with Asians.
Mensa used to claim that the primary problem with blacks was interbreeding with marginal whites and their data was state of the art for the late 50s/early 60s.

Reading the racist posts here, I doubt even the dumbest white would have anything to do with this ^^^ bunch of zeroes.^^^

The racial equality position is usually the dumbest position, so you tell me?
Anti-miscegenation is a strong impulse among animals. A local chaffinch in southern Sweden won't couple with a chaffinch arriving from northern Sweden. The reason for this is an instinctual fear of 'outbreeding depression'. It means that the progeny will likely exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment (cf. Wikipedia).

Although human beings can rely on social welfare, they live in an even more complex environment than animals. It is in many ways much more demanding, because there is very much learning required. There is no reason to believe that human beings lack qualms about the welfare of their progeny. Of course, they want to couple with someone who has the right genetic qualifications to produce progeny well-adapted to the local habitat.

This instinctual foundation is further exacerbated by conscious observations that humans make. Facts are that Blacks in the U.S. have a much higher crime and unemployment rate than Whites, which is taken as evidence that they are not equally well-adapted to the local habitat.

Having such qualms about the progeny's genetic prerequisites for achieving successful adaptation is today called racism. But it isn't really. It is a strong instinctual impulse, but also a moral provision for our children as well as society.

So I want to point out that "race laws" is one thing, whereas anti-miscegenation is another. It is natural, and remains essential to biological and cultural evolution. It is neither moral nor immoral. There's no reason to moralize about whether or not we should resort to anti-miscegenation. It is just how it works! To steer clear of out-and-out racism we need to accept the facts of life as they are, and never stop talking about it.

Mats Winther

See also:

Winther, M. (2015). The Burning Issue: Race and Racialism.
My observation of Swedish people is that they will fuck anything that moves.

I am a "biologist" according to my Undergraduate school training.

So, you're a biologist, who thinks Polish are the most inferior, but Blacks, and Mexicans are equal?
How come the data says something much, much different?
Blacks who could become sufficiently white in skin and features could more easily stay escaped so interbreeding with the white help during slavery and after emancipation up until the 1964 civil rights bill more than a century later interbreeding with lower class whites paid dividends in terms of economic returns.

Mixing races wouldn't increase genetic diversity, anyways.
Rather the genetic diversity would fall between the median of the 2 groups.

What's worse, it means that mean IQ falls between the mean value for the two groups. From the long-term perspective, it has catastrophic consequences for technological and democratic civilization.

The point is that low-IQ "white trash" will produce offspring closer to the mean value for their race. This is called progression to the mean. Correspondingly, two black professors will beget children close to the mean value for their race. It is called regression to the mean.
I believe within human species anti-miscegenation is not "natural" well there are natural boundaries like a pig wont cross with a chimpanzee but within human species the evolution is full of hybridisation examples, only where a population lives in isolated environment like isolated by mountains, sea, rivers etc. they manage to keep "pure" but most of human history is that of miscegenation. that being said everyone has a right to choose a culturally/ethnically compatible partner and to pass on his future generations his ethnicity, if he wants his children to be fully white or look white (not half black) its totally right too. but its wrong to bully others who have something others planned.

Mixing races wouldn't increase genetic diversity, anyways.
Rather the genetic diversity would fall between the median of the 2 groups.

What's worse, it means that mean IQ falls between the mean value for the two groups. From the long-term perspective, it has catastrophic consequences for technological and democratic civilization.

The point is that low-IQ "white trash" will produce offspring closer to the mean value for their race. This is called progression to the mean. Correspondingly, two black professors will beget children close to the mean value for their race. It is called regression to the mean.

I'd agree that if a smart people, and a stupid people mixed entirely, you'd end up with people of average intelligence.
It would certainly appear that this is not beneficial for promoting genius, because the genes for intelligence are less likely to be isolated.

In fact, we can see this well in Hispanics, that Spain despite it's smaller numbers, has most certainly produced more genius than the Mestizo, and Mulatto masses in Latin America.

I do, and don't agree with progression to the mean.

Yes, within a uniform group, progression to the mean would happen.

But, if we look at founder effects from the same population, then no.

Like for example, Appalachians are usually of a Scottish background, both from Ulster Irish who are Scottish who immigrated to Ireland, and also Scottish.

While, Scottish of Scotland are one of the most accomplished Whites for inventions, the exact opposite holds true for Appalachians.

It's clear to me that Scotland kept a lot of it's best, and brightest, but dumped off a lot of it's idiots elsewhere.
or why the Ashkenazim Jews have the highest IQ of all peoples..

Probably not, keep in mind that Israel scores a more modest 94 - 95 IQ.

In Israel, 2.8 million are of full or partial Ashkenazim Jewish descent. Israel's population is 8.38. So that explains it.

So, why are other Jews of modest intelligence?
Shouldn't have Ashkenazi Jews regressed to the Jewish mean?

Besides, Ashkenazi Jews have smaller cranial capacity than Europeans.
or why the Ashkenazim Jews have the highest IQ of all peoples..

Probably not, keep in mind that Israel scores a more modest 94 - 95 IQ.

In Israel, 2.8 million are of full or partial Ashkenazim Jewish descent. Israel's population is 8.38. So that explains it.

So, why are other Jews of modest intelligence?
Shouldn't have Ashkenazi Jews regressed to the Jewish mean?

Besides, Ashkenazi Jews have smaller cranial capacity than Europeans.

Because during the diaspora the Ashkenazim devoted themselves to genetic refinement. It was a virtual breeding program. If you marry clever people with clever people generation after generation during a thousand years and so, then regression to the mean doesn't occur. A new mean is established. In Israel they continue a breeding program to produce platinum blonde Jews. They look like the Aryan ideal.

So it isn't correct that if intelligent marries intelligent it produces intelligent children (if the parents belong to the same race). Or vice versa; if stupid marries stupid, it necessarily produces stupid children. Rather, erratic interbreeding of intelligent with stupid always results in regression/progression to the mean of the race. One must very consistently intermarry ideal specimens, generation after generation, in order to heighten the mean value.

However, it's a different thing if the parents belong to different races. Then the children will tend toward the mean value of the two races.

Jews make up only 0.2% of the world population, yet comprise 22% of Nobel laureates. But the latter are Ashkenazim. So their number is even smaller than 0.2%. The breeding program among the Ashkenazim resulted in several genetic diseases, however (cf. Wikipedia). /MW
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or why the Ashkenazim Jews have the highest IQ of all peoples..

Probably not, keep in mind that Israel scores a more modest 94 - 95 IQ.

In Israel, 2.8 million are of full or partial Ashkenazim Jewish descent. Israel's population is 8.38. So that explains it.

So, why are other Jews of modest intelligence?
Shouldn't have Ashkenazi Jews regressed to the Jewish mean?

Besides, Ashkenazi Jews have smaller cranial capacity than Europeans.
They are remarkably intellectually superior. Jews make up only 0.2% of the world population, yet comprise 22% of Nobel laureates. But the latter are Ashkenazim. So their number is even smaller than 0.2%. The breeding program among the Ashkenazim resulted in several genetic diseases, however (cf. Wikipedia). /MW

Most of the Jews I've encountered online have been rather dumb.
Most of the joos I've encountered IRL support global miscegination of all Races ; except theirs.

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