Navigators Warned: Don’t Leave Tax Returns on the Fax Machine


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Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Navigators Warned: Don’t Leave Tax Returns on the Fax Machine
Monday, September 30, 2013 8:40 PM | John Kartch

“Do not leave documents that contain PII [Personally Identifiable Information] or tax return information on printers and fax machines.”

As Obamacare enrollment begins, the Department of Health and Human Services has a helpful tip for the program's so-called Navigators: “Do not leave documents that contain PII [Personally Identifiable Information] or tax return information on printers and fax machines.”

The warning is contained in Section 2.4.3 of the 207-page Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator Standard Operating Procedures Manual.

The same section asks navigators to “double-check” the fax number before faxing Obamacare enrollee’s tax returns:

“When faxing PII or tax return information, double-check that the recipient’s fax number is correct and that someone is able to pick up the faxed information immediately.”

Because the key components of Obamacare will be enforced by the IRS, navigators will have access to highly sensitive identifying information. The Navigator manual describes Personally Identifiable Information as follows:

Identifying information such as consumers’ names, addresses, or SSNs

Information about consumers’ incomes, personal finances, debts, deductions and exemptions

Any action taken by the IRS against consumers, such as investigations or penalties

Any private written agreements (such as a pricing agreement) with the IRS and any background information about these agreements

Relevant information, even if not found on the return (e.g., expenses)

Additional excerpts from the Navigator Manual:

No fake smiles: "Do not pretend to smile, or produce a false smile; these are easy to spot and send the wrong messages." – Section 2.2.1

Listen: “By not listening you can become very frustrating to consumers.” – Section 2.2.3

Apologize: “Apologizing when things go wrong demonstrates that you care about consumers and their experiences.” – Section 2.2.4

"Be Memorable - For the Right Reasons." – Section 2.2.6

The Navigator manual can be found here.

A list of Obamacare taxes, arranged by effective date, can be found here.

Click here for a printable PDF of this press release.

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ATR Mobile: Navigators Warned: Don?t Leave Tax Returns on the Fax Machine
These guidelines should give you an idea of the IQ of the people who will be servicing your needs...almost as dumb as Harry Reid.
These guidelines should give you an idea of the IQ of the people who will be servicing your needs...almost as dumb as Harry Reid.

I was bored at work, so out of curiosity went to the website. Came right up.

So for shits and grins I began the registration process but it got hung up on the security page (secret questions/answers). Then I called the 800 number and someone picked up after only a few seconds on hold. Polite, professional, knowledgeable. She suggested trying again later as the system was swamped.

I pointed out that I was using IE and would give it a try with Chrome, and I suggested she instruct others to do the same. But I questioned her on a few items related to ACA and she hit each one correctly.

Maybe I got lucky and was talking to one of those SEIU gals. :lol:

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