Navy admiral’s Pearl Harbor speech trolls Colin Kaepernick

you tried influence when you first tried to say this had nothing to do with race or some such thing . While that may be true you tried to move the conversation away from mention of race when clearly the guy that mentioned race / color thought enough about race or color to mention it . Hey , its cool , say what you want and I'll say what i want SCanook !! ----------------------------------------- I'll look for your post but bottom line is , say what you like , no problem for ME , YOU or DWind or anyone else on the board or anywhere else SCanook !!
and how is Mark Stein doing in Canada , i think that you Canooks put him on trial for speaking his mind didn't you SCanook ??
Are the ideals of liberty and free speech not universal?
---------------------------------------------------------------- ideals might be but i think that it is only the USA that has REAL Free Speech 4eye !!
and it is post number 5 and number 8 where i first got wind of the way you roll SCanook .
Why you bring race into this?

I don't care their colour, creed, race, gender, religion. We have had female soccer players and white athletes also take a kneel, I would say the same to all of them. Show respect for the flag and those who have risked their lives and fallen for it. You have an issue, contact your local government or raise the issue through political channels. None of this helps anyone and it paints an entire nation with the same brush.
Since when is black a race? Stop trying to race bait and get a job.

You say I'm race baiting as you point out his race? You apply race and it reflect poorly on Conservatives who don't look at race as being an issue, you feed into the agenda many have used to divide America.

I'm at work now, you?
Again, WHEN IS BLACK A RACE? Stop lying race baiter.

Oh, you are one of these guys eh?

I answered that I am at work. Are you at work or at "work"?
No loser, the question I asked was when is black a race? You will not answer. No liberal can tell the truth when cornered. Nice lame ass deflection.

Black is a race, one of the three in humanity. They are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. If you can't figure out which one pertains to which... smh
here you go , this is why I am jealous of Foreign influence . See what Canadians tried to do to Mark Steyn due to his speaking FREELY when he wrote a book . --- Free speech, eh? Why is Canada prosecuting Mark Steyn? --- same type of stuff is being tried in other Western lands and the USA but the USA has stood up for the most part . Free Speech should be FREE and never modified in the USA !!
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-------------------------------------------------- GOOD , just so you realize that the Gent that brought up race has the RIGHT to say as he said . This country , Land of Free Speech for him and YOU , me and the Canook is not yet Canada DWind .
I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America at least 7 times. How many times did you swear that oath?

Another one? It's amazing how like every liberal on the site was in the military.

If that's your attitude about it, you shouldn't have. You don't get what serving your country means. You're just using your experience to be an ass about it
What's less amazing and even sad is how many yellowbelly chickenhawks are on the far right side of the room. All are liars.
Since when is black a race? Stop trying to race bait and get a job.

You say I'm race baiting as you point out his race? You apply race and it reflect poorly on Conservatives who don't look at race as being an issue, you feed into the agenda many have used to divide America.

I'm at work now, you?
Again, WHEN IS BLACK A RACE? Stop lying race baiter.

Oh, you are one of these guys eh?

I answered that I am at work. Are you at work or at "work"?
No loser, the question I asked was when is black a race? You will not answer. No liberal can tell the truth when cornered. Nice lame ass deflection.

Black is a race, one of the three in humanity. They are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. If you can't figure out which one pertains to which... smh
Not only is that old style genetics which has been superseded by modern genetics, but your still wrong; there were four races; you forgot Aboriginoid AKA Austroloid. Some researchers even subdivided human beings into nine different races before geneticists proved the diversity of human beings was such that racial classifications were mostly meaningless.

Since all human beings are 99.5% alike, to differentiate them solely by skin tone seems odd at best. Most human differences are cultural, not genetic. Since culture is learned, it's not a race.
-------------------------------------------------- GOOD , just so you realize that the Gent that brought up race has the RIGHT to say as he said . This country , Land of Free Speech for him and YOU , me and the Canook is not yet Canada DWind .
I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America at least 7 times. How many times did you swear that oath?

Another one? It's amazing how like every liberal on the site was in the military.

If that's your attitude about it, you shouldn't have. You don't get what serving your country means. You're just using your experience to be an ass about it
What's less amazing and even sad is how many yellowbelly chickenhawks are on the far right side of the room. All are liars.

Please, compared to Democrats? A bunch of you make up military experience and when you take over you're just as militaristic as Republicans. I don't believe any of you now. If you have military experience, blame all the liberals who lied about having military experience. Obama did nothing but continue and expand W's military policies. I want a better policy where we stop fighting everyone's wars for them and leave the middle east entirely
Please, compared to Democrats? ...
No, compared to a bunch of RWNJ chickenhawks who wanted to be Tom Cruise's "Maverick" but didn't have the skill set to do so and now spend their time as going as far right as possible and shitting all over everything those serving our nation in uniform are protecting. Fucking morons like those are just as bad as the anti-military hating LWers because, like them, these fucking assholes are seeking to shred the Constitution and rewrite it in their own image.
He's sealed his fate. Just another dumb punk ass black.

Why you bring race into this?

I don't care their colour, creed, race, gender, religion. We have had female soccer players and white athletes also take a kneel, I would say the same to all of them. Show respect for the flag and those who have risked their lives and fallen for it. You have an issue, contact your local government or raise the issue through political channels. None of this helps anyone and it paints an entire nation with the same brush.

What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?
He's sealed his fate. Just another dumb punk ass black.

Why you bring race into this?

I don't care their colour, creed, race, gender, religion. We have had female soccer players and white athletes also take a kneel, I would say the same to all of them. Show respect for the flag and those who have risked their lives and fallen for it. You have an issue, contact your local government or raise the issue through political channels. None of this helps anyone and it paints an entire nation with the same brush.

What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?
Proving for all paying attention that you are as clueless as a rock.
Please, compared to Democrats? ...
No, compared to a bunch of RWNJ chickenhawks who wanted to be Tom Cruise's "Maverick" but didn't have the skill set to do so and now spend their time as going as far right as possible and shitting all over everything those serving our nation in uniform are protecting. Fucking morons like those are just as bad as the anti-military hating LWers because, like them, these fucking assholes are seeking to shred the Constitution and rewrite it in their own image.

You're just babbling, I don't know what you're talking about. As a libertarian who thinks the military should be for defensive purposes only and we're using it way to much, it's the Democrats who are just lying as they make it sound like they are like me when they are like the Republicans. At least the Republicans are honest about it
He's sealed his fate. Just another dumb punk ass black.

Thanks for proving that Capernick is right .
1) His name is Kaepernick. If you're going to support someone, at least try to know who the fuck you are supporting.

2) Kaepernick claims "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color". While there are certainly assholes (of all skin tones) who are racist, most people don't care. US laws protect people of all skin tones, religions, genders, etc, so I fail to see how Colin's claim is anything but a misrepresentation of the truth. Perhaps you can explain how this country "oppresses black people and people of color".
He's sealed his fate. Just another dumb punk ass black.

Why you bring race into this?

I don't care their colour, creed, race, gender, religion. We have had female soccer players and white athletes also take a kneel, I would say the same to all of them. Show respect for the flag and those who have risked their lives and fallen for it. You have an issue, contact your local government or raise the issue through political channels. None of this helps anyone and it paints an entire nation with the same brush.

What the hell? What exactly is the dipshit kneeling about again...oh yeah,black lives matter.

Right . And what does that have to do with the military? Right wing PC thugs are so sensitive. Do y'all need a safe place ?
Proving for all paying attention that you are as clueless as a rock. more ways than one.

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